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  1. Threat Assessment. Perk in Hunter Does it also affect automatic rifles?
  2. Hi, When it comes to updating Darkness Falls. Do i just drag and drop the new version into my7 Days to Die Folder. Or do i have to have a clean 7 Days to Die copy ready?
  3. Thank you for creating the Mod! Loving it!
  4. Thank you for thee reply, I'll stick with the pre generated maps from DF ❤️
  5. Btw love how you made bows feel, They're amazing to use now compared to base game. Still I am excited to continue playing your mod. Just bit scared what'll happen once steam updates again and well... mods potentially breaks. Using your latest version. And playing on the map DFalls-VSmall2-NoCp Is it safe to generate a map or recommended to play on the pre created ones?
  6. With the latest patch 20.4 B42 stable could have caused this door issue. Also we have played through steam simply by friend loading up his map and simply right click join his game through steam friends list. But really this is the first about the doors being desynced issue i've seen. And only now appearing with installing darknessfalls. I am merely asking you to check out the door issue cause this has never been a thing . played Alpha 19 release back in 2020 and now returning to the game this year with all its latest updates and fixes. We played a good ol month of it before it updated to the recent 20.4 this is when we saw neebs gaming and showcasing your mod. Its definitely amazing having a whole different experience. But yeah the door thing happened in our playthrough once we added the mod. ;/
  7. Well then in all my 427 hours of playing the game on steam and having joined friends servers and having had friends join me. This is the first. I can provide images of Ping difference when joining through steam vs hamachi. Port forward is even better
  8. Also the most hilarious bug we have encountered is Doors in DF. I like how the doors works in darknessfalls. Having to break the lock and then you can open it, But now there is a bug... Sometimes theres doors thats locked for me but not for my friends, They literally phase through the door, like walk through a locked door, but on their ends the door is already opened. I see my friends at times killing zombies thats banging on doors thats closed and locked. And on my friends ends they see a zombie bashing on nothing cause the door is open on their side. This has never been a issue on base game in all my hours having played 7 days to die
  9. Hamachi Version is from the official site. Been using it for years! But if you mean I am using a pirated game, I can send you my Steam profile so you can view my profile for the game is that appease you, Can even invite me there and we can have a talk before making major assumptions. It provides much better connectivity than using Steam multiplayer feature. Friends joining over steam had ping over 90.This becomes even worse when my american friends join through steam and experience 450+ping, But through hamachi my friends have 30-50 ping and my american friends with 280ping through hamachi. So big improvement and reason to use hamachi to play games that support lan. We discovered your mod through Neebs Gaming, And we have never in our lives used mods for 7days to die. We played atleast 6 hours of your mod and we had some rough times cause its quite different from base game. First two days we started starving and heck the oranges and tomatoes can cause food poisoning killed two of us, its quite nice to replay the game with whole different set of rules now. I had no means to offend you and your mod but all this started since We installed your mod. It could be coincidence, they may be working on the lines between South africa and overseas.
  10. Hi there! I have been enjoying your Mod Khaine! But there is one very strange coincidence ever since i got the mod installed. Me and my friends been enjoying playing through hamachi 7 days to die, And ever since we started playing your mod. We started experiencing latency spikes. That can last for more than 5 seconds. Our hamachi reports Timed out issues... and this has been happening ever since we installed Darkness Falls. And now this lag spike issue has even persist playing through steam servers aswell. This is a big coincidence that it started ever since we installed Darkness falls... Been a full week now and we're still experiencing this issue in all our games now. Have your file been tagged with a virus? this was the link you had up on that day that we downloaded https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/DarknessFallsA20/_git/DarknessFallsA20?path=%2F&version=GC439069e64eea63d333c7391281c4c00c96aa2030
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