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Everything posted by Dandeson

  1. Incase the screenshot looks bad/low res: https://imgur.com/a/Ywpp5B8 psst we need the "Edit button"
  2. Incase the screenshot looks bad/low res: https://imgur.com/a/Ywpp5B8 psst we need the "Edit button"
  3. Game Version: A20.5 Platform: Steam OS/Version: GNU/Linux CPU Model: Intel I7-4770 System Memory: 20GB GPU Model and VRAM: AMD Vega 56 8GB Screen Resolution: 1920×1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: MP Host Did you wipe old saves? No Did you start a new game? No Did you validate your files? No Are you using any mods? No EAC ON Status: NEW Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Trader Quests. 2) When X amount of quests are done in X lvl you'll get a addictional selection of items. 3) Pick Battery Bank Bundle. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Creative item from bundle in survival. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) "Survival" item. Logs: I got the bundle sometime ago and didn't open it until now so the old logs are gone.
  4. sounds good, i did get another bug where everything seems to be invisible in your hand but the tip of auger show, so does muzzle flash but no reload sounds etc, was just mining with auger, repaired it and after it was repaired i tried to continue but i noticed that, happened on Linux w/OpenGL, not sure if you do anything with this info tho. Edit to last comment, after opening inventory and continuing i got this, this is some good looking stuff, same for sawed https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2793844112
  5. sounds good, i did get another bug where everything seems to be invisible in your hand but the tip of auger show, so does muzzle flash but no reload sounds etc, was just mining with auger, repaired it and after it was repaired i tried to continue but i noticed that, happened on Linux w/OpenGL, not sure if you do anything with this info tho. Edit to last comment, after opening inventory and continuing i got this, this is some good looking stuff, same for sawed https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2793844112
  6. Sorry about the log, it seems to be gone and i don't know if i still have them but ill check when i get home, also as additional info there was no lag and fps was 60+ when that happened, some animations seem to be tied to fps while others aren't(atleast it feels like that), not sure if you do anything with that info.
  7. Sorry about the log, it seems to be gone and i don't know if i still have them but ill check when i get home, also as additional info there was no lag and fps was 60+ when that happened, some animations seem to be tied to fps while others aren't(atleast it feels like that), not sure if you do anything with that info.
  8. Summary: Title Game Version: A20.3 b3 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 10 21H2 CPU Model: Intel I7 4770 System Memory: 20GB GPU Model and VRAM: AMD Vega 56 8GB Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom(Mostly Ultra, not related to bug) Game mode: MP host Did you wipe old saves?: No Did you start a new game?: No Did you validate your files?: Yes Are you using any mods?: No EAC: ON Status: NEW Bug Description: Bug Number 1: When you enter a 4x4 Truck as a passenger after a while you lose engine sounds, tested with 2 friends and myself. Bug Number 2: (happened once) When you enter 4x4 Truck after shooting a enemy your colors change to Silverish and dark and your hand viewmodel offset goes to Y+(Forward). Detailed steps to reproduce the bug No1: 1) Enter 4x4 Truck as a passenger. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug No2: 1) Not sure but i was driving with friend, hopped out of the truck and shot a enemy before entering it again. Actual result: No1: No engine sounds after rev. No2: Hand viewmodel/Color Bug. Expected result: No1: Normal engine sounds. No2: Normal offset/vision. Log(Continued playing after bug and only pasted half because i played other world before): https://pastebin.com/CQriNvTN Uploaded Gif about bug No2.
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