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  1. Thermaltake 1200W. Its installed upside down and I don't feel like taking it out to get the exact model and my accounts don't have an order history for it so I must have ordered it as a guest. Seems pretty healthy after I stress tested it earlier.
  2. I already put in a crash report to AMD. The last thing I could try for now is installing a different OS, yeah.
  3. I ran some tests earlier today with OCCT, prime 95, and PCmark10 and nothing happened.
  4. Well, the PSU I have is old something like 8+ years old but no problems until running this game and its wattage far exceeds what my system maxed out would need.
  5. Maybe, but I doubt it. I never get crashes other than when using this game. And I have used the GPU already for other games that are more demanding. I'm getting a "links aren't supported outside of the AMD site" message from that link. And I also reinstalled the latest driver again recently.
  6. I was running the game fine late last year with windows 7 for as long as I wanted. The only thing that has changed with my new build is the GPU. The game freezes then the PC black screens then restarts. The power supply is more than enough for this build. Already tried turning off game features and running the game with minimal settings but the game still similarly crashed. Tried all this just now with a brand new save on the default world and the "ERR Invalid magic bytes in world header" isn't showing in the crash log file but the game still crashed the same way as before after about 20 seconds.
  7. Recently installed an RX 6600 XT and now the game crashes in less than an hour every time I run it. I've tried all the usual things like reinstalling drivers, trying a new game save, rebuilding a new game world, verifying integrity of game cache, etc. I tried disabling graphics all options and using minimal settings. This game worked with my old build up to late 2021, only difference of which was the GPU. Looked around and couldn't find much. Anyone else having this issue? I really don't want to have to wait for the game to update or wait for Radeon to update drivers. I already checked the crash logs myself and couldn't find anything to fix the problem but if anyone can find something I missed here is the latest crash log which expires in 6 months: https://pastebin.com/j1xSNRNz I also monitored the resource monitor up to crashing which showed nothing being written to disk, only read so I don't think this is a pagefile issue. Additionally I moved the page file location to a disk with more space and still got crashes every time. So I ruled out the pagefile being the problem. And the event viewer didn't have errors or warnings related to the game, memory, or any other hardware in the time frame leading up to crashes. Not sure what else I can do other than wait for the game to patch, or wait for my GPU's drivers to patch, or get a new GPU at some point in the future. Anyone else having this issue?
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