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Everything posted by intrepidly

  1. Alpha 21.2 stable, updated post to reflect this.
  2. ABOUT CHEF PLUS Chef Plus adds new ingredients, foods, and drinks to your world. Many of these foods are made with new meats that you have to get from their respective animals. Don't worry, you still get raw meat and use it normally, the new meats are rare drops alongside raw meat. These new foods offer strong benefits that represent the animal they're made from. Choose which buffs you want wisely, only three can be active at one time! Chef Plus also increases the benefits from foods, giving you more Max Health in addition to the Max Stamina bonus. So you'll really want to make the best foods possible! Download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4081 Game Version: Alpha 21.2 Stable (only latest stables will be supported) New Meats Chicken Wing Pork Belly Rabbit Thigh Coyote Shank Venison Steak Snake Fillet Lion Shoulder Bear Flank Wolf Ribs New Foods Corn Syrup Cheese Instant Noodles Instant Noodles Cooked Tortilla Chips Grilled Chicken Grilled Boar Grilled Rabbit Grilled Coyote Grilled Deer Grilled Snake Grilled Lion Grilled Bear Grilled Wolf Cheeseburger Chicken Salad Wrap Corn Cake Loaded Nachos Pear Cobbler Tiramisu Fried Chicken & Waffles Tonkatsu Ramen Rabbit Stew Smoked Jerky Salisbury Steak Snake Kebob 3-Alarm Lion Chili Bear Roast Honey Glazed Ribs New Drinks Milk Blueberry Juice Iced Latte Iced Floral Tea Mead Blueberry Melomel Zombade Changelog Bug Fix 02 (v 1.1.2) Fixed: - The drinks not unlocking. Bug Fix 01 (v 1.1.1) Fixed: - The recipe for Corn Syrup not unlocking. Minor Update 01 (v 1.1.0) Added: - Increased chance of rare meat drop - Leveling The Hunstman perk will increase the chances of rare meat drops - Completing the Hunter's Journal book series will grant a 50% chance of an additional rare meat drop
  3. So after a lot of research, my friend and I decided this was the mod we wanted to use for our A20 hardcore playthrough. I went through and edited/removed snowberry recipes and even adjusted a lot of the qualities, buffs, and recipes of the items. (e.g. None of the food gave max stamina bonuses, balancing adjustments, loot table fixes) Everything works brilliantly on my server. Now, I plan on going through and cleaning up a few errors I noticed. Could help you out if interested! Awesome mod and appreciate the work.
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