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Posts posted by ElDudorino

  1. The wasteland is full of vultures and there are zombie bears everywhere, plus you can get all night hordes if you make noise. I've killed probably 200 zombies in a single night while overnighting in a wasteland T5, plus they're higher-tier zombies relative to your game stage. It's definitely harder than the forest. But even in the forest my loot is outpacing what I can craft. So although the tier of loot is lower, it's not crafting-tier bad.


    Edit- I guess if you have random horde nights you're already used to all-night attacks, though...

  2. I like the idea of having to unlock Q6 crafting, maybe with perks being one way to do it or schematics being an alternative, like with chem stations etc. But also maybe unlocking Q6 wooden clubs should happen with a lesser/easier investment than Q6 steel clubs.


    All in all I feel like I should be crafting more good gear and finding less of it.


    Also, I've had the same experience of finding auto shotguns more easily than pump shotguns. The middle tier of gear seems kinda glossed over... and I don't think the weaker guns should require parts like the strongest ones (or scrap into them).

  3. I've found over two games in A20 that by the time I save up enough parts to make a quality 2-3 gun or steel weapon, I've already found a higher-quality version of it either in a PoI or from a trader. Even in the pine forest the loot usually seems to be much better than what I can craft.


    Even T2 weapons I haven't needed to craft, but I can see how it would make sense to if you're just digging, mining, chopping, and building because you'll have plenty of raw resources and minimal loot, but for guns and T3 melee you need parts that can't be crafted from raw materials.


    Honestly, in terms of gear and tools the main thing I can see myself ever crafting past wood/stone is T2 armor because for some reason T2 armor seems way rarer to me than T3 armor but finding a full set of T3 armor at high quality could take a while.


    I'm also wondering if Q6 should be crafting-only instead of loot-only, since I will find Q6 long before I can craft Q5 and with no skill investment, whereas crafting a Q6 if possible would have to be earned by full skill investment and breaking down a lot of gear for parts.


    Is this just me?

  4. 24 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    On harder difficulties you can not "drop enemies fast".

    I had a brain fart and even though you said hardest difficulties before, for some reason I interpreted it as T5 PoIs and/or endgame zombies.


    I've heard that Insane mode is just Bullet Sponge Central so I haven't even considered it for an instant 😐


    (About bats vs machetes, I think the base damage is equivalent but bats have another tier above them in the form of the steel club, so basically the strongest blade is in the range of the second-strongest club for base damage.)

  5. 4 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Machete is without a doubt the strongest weapon on the hardest difficulties.

    What makes them so strong? The base damage seems a bit low compared to clubs, and I've never seen the point of bleed since I'm trying to drop enemies fast.


    I've tried a sledge but fell back to clubs because they're just so good. High damage, high knockdown, kinda fast, easy to use attacks, and reasonable stamina usage. Plus killing with the bat is just really stylish, especially with visible mods.

  6. Funnily enough I am speccing into Int but not taking the points for a workbench. I'm focusing on trading, and it's kinda crazy what you can unlock early with it. I'm in the pine forest playing slowly and got a steel club on day 5 or 6, a bunch of good books, and some military armor which is surprisingly cheap. To give you an idea of where I was at, I didn't even have all body parts armored yet and was using a wooden club. The trader is selling a fully assembled minibike as well, which I'm saving up for. What he hasn't sold me is the stupid workbench but I won't need it until I'm ready to make bullets anyway, which will probably be after the second blood moon horde.


    I'm not clear on how loot stage affects finding a workbench schematic and if it's even possible to find it in the first few days - in the pine forest anyway. I would definitely have it faster if I just spent the points, but I'm not taking Grease Monkey either so I'd have nothing to build anyway.

  7. Maybe you can pop your Esc key off of your keyboard and only put it back when you're going to log out for real?


    Pop off Alt while you're at it so you can't alt+F4 or any similar shenanigans.


    If it makes you feel any better, this cuts both ways: I once killed all the zombies in a Blood Moon horde by 1am and decided to log off for the night without doing any repairs or anything. Logged back in the next day and there was a fresh horde sprinting towards me.


    Granted this can be exploited for more exp so it can be good or bad.

  8. Same, I went from stable to the latest experimental and the change was from almost never finding books to suddenly finding them constantly in mailboxes.


    That said, it requires so many books and so much luck to complete a set that it will still take a good while before I complete any sets. And the ones I've been finding are the ones Robeloto listed so I guess I probably won't be finding everything right away.

  9. 2 hours ago, Boidster said:

    I think they definitely made a stylistic choice about the hidden zombies. Part of the issue they are trying to overcome is the problem of zombies popping into view when you cross a threshold. They have limits to how many zombie entities can be active at once and they try to keep it under control by only spawning zombies as needed while you proceed down the One True Path in a POI. When you enter the living room and trigger the sleeper volume, they don't want Zs to suddenly appear so they hide them behind boxes, in closets, in the ceiling, etc.

    I wonder if it's an issue of trying to handle the AI of too many zombies pathfinding their way through the building and making decisions as they go? Maybe they could work around that by making the AI the thing that 'pops in.' Basically, set each zombie a really basic circular path or whatever and then once the player reaches the trigger point they could start running more complex AI. I get the impression something like this happens in a lot of open world games where entities don't seem very dynamic until they are in some way targeting you or another NPC.


    The game is still great regardless but as it is I find wandering through city streets to be much more dynamic and interesting gameplay... but with worse loot and no trader rewards.

  10. I advocated for roaming zombies in this very thread and it seems like you're conveniently ignoring that.  Unfortunately there *aren't* roaming zombies in PoIs, unless you count the ones on the street who come to investigate the PoI after you go in.  You have sleepers in obvious places, and then you have sleepers set up for jump scares.  And I expect that most players would never know that the jump scare zombies technically don't know you're there, because intuitively when a zombie jumps out of a closet at you the moment you pass by you're going to assume it knows you're there and you're going to react accordingly.  But also, like BarryTGash says, when everything is an ambush, nothing is an ambush.  The jump scare/ambush/whatever you want to call them are cheapened because they're constant.  You don't get a break from them in PoIs and it just feels sloppy and messy, like the devs knew they wanted to put in some scares so they just took the paintbrush and swiped it all over everything.

  11. That's just semantics. Maybe there's a better word to use than "ambush" but clearly we all understand the phenomenon that's being discussed. The zombies don't fall from the ceiling unless you step into the zone that triggers them falling, so it's obviously designed in the same way an ambush is designed, but you can call it a triggered physics event or whatever. In many cases the ceiling section the zombies are in is completely closed off so the player has no way to get the drop on them and shoot them first.


    In the case of closet ambushes (or whatever word is appropriate), you can often get the drop on them by just smashing every closet door you come across in case someone is there, but it's honestly silly that it's so common you basically have to assume every closet door has something behind it.


    Also, those rooftop zombies who are hidden behind a closed vent that doesn't open and they suddenly break through the metal when you get close... what is that all about? How did you get there, zombie? We're throwing any semblance of logic or common sense out the window in order to have a jump scare that's honestly predictable after the first time but will be repeated on rooftop after rooftop.

  12. I doubt you'll get a different result. Based on what you've already shared it's probably true that a zombie whose ambush has been triggered won't necessarily actually know where you are.


    The core issue is the same, though. Way too many zombies don't 'exist' until you trigger their spawn, or hide in ridiculous places to trigger a jump-scare so you have to be sure to trigger their ambush condition to clear them out. They will remain in the ambush position even if you shotgun blast somebody in the same room if you haven't stepped over their trigger, and if you expose them without triggering the ambush they can stare directly at you while you flash a light in their eyes and they won't react. That's just silly, and I think the insistence on having jump scares in every PoI (usually several) is weak.

  13. 49 minutes ago, Roland said:

    For the 77-87% moving around is it okay if they go from dormant to moving around where you can witness that change happening? Or do you prefer them to already be moving around before you get to their area?

    Either is fine. What makes sense to me is kind of a combination of the two. It is, after all, the behavior I'd expect from the sleepers, instead of them staying dormant even when I shoot the wall next to them but getting up as soon as I cross an invisible line.


    For me, sleepers aren't necessary at all for a good stealth experience, though I think their existence is kind of cool and atmospheric. I'd be happy with a building full of zombies wandering around and I'd have to figure out their behavior or find a good hiding spot, or snipe them, to avoid notice. Maybe I peek in through a hole in the ceiling and pick a few off that way, get a few more through some open windows, etc.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Roland said:

    So I guess the real question is: Do we as gamers really just want them to stay asleep when we stealth and take that as the only sign that we were successful in our stealthiness or do we feel okay with being stealthy vs awake opponents that move around?

    My ideal would be like 10-20% sleeping in random but not sneaky spots, 77-87% moving around, and 3% hiding - in places a zombie (or someone soon to turn) could reach. This could include the occasional closet but not like all the closets. 0% hiding in unreachable ceiling tiles would be nice.

  15. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    It isn't so cut and dry as you make out because we have another group of players who complain that they have to go back through and search for zombies that never woke up because they cleared the POI in stealth. So some are being too successful at stealth and others are being too much of failures at stealth.

    That sounds like two symptoms of the same problem, to be honest. If you don't trigger the "Drop from the ceiling" ambush you would never find those zombies. Running through making as much noise as possible seems to be the "correct" approach based on that.


    Here's one way to look at it: Are there any PoIs higher than tier 1 with *no* ambushes? Because the expectation is that ambushes would just be an occasional thing. But to be honest, I've been conditioned to expect a jump scare in every room now, so whether it's 11/12 spawns or not, I definitely feel like ambushes are extremely overdone.

  16. Honestly, just run any Clear mission and the problem is glaringly obvious. Closets and ceiling zombies galore. Or ones that just pop in suddenly. Even if you don't trigger their attack, you still have to beat down the closet door, watch them stand there reactionless while you shine a light in their face, and then decapitate them. It might be a failed ambush but it's still an ambush.


    You know when you get the orange dots to indicate the last couple stragglers and one of them is just a floating dot when you reach it, but then the second you touch the dot suddenly 4 vultures dive bomb you out of nowhere? There's no way around triggering that if you're on a clear mission. And if you're not on a mission the ambush is still there, just not visible until you've triggered it.


    Questioning whether it's a good or bad decision is one thing but I don't see how you can question that the design exists.

  17. I've had the same thought that I'd love to meet and hole up with other survivors even in singleplayer but the part I'm not so sure about is their survivability.  Am I going to be able to keep an AI survivor alive?  Probably not unless they're made immortal, which would be kind of unfair.


    Traitor Joel survives blood moons with absolutely pitiful defenses so maybe I'm just the one jerk the zombies swarm because the Duke is teaching me a lesson.  I don't think a right-minded survivor would join up with me.

  18. Not sure but I loaded my base up with torches and kept the forge running and started doing everything I could to raise the heat level starting maybe day 22 and finally saw my first screamer maybe day 30. In general my base just doesn't see any hot zombie action except during a blood moon.

  19. 5 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

     Killed a bear 1v1, drink a brew


    You should hang out at the Bear Den. You drink for free if you fight the bears there!


    Ammo-wise, it surprises me that anybody runs through the game firing bullets at single enemies. I use a crossbow whenever I can, a club for when I have someone up close, and only switch to guns when it gets serious. I mean, in the zombie apocalypse would you really be trotting through the streets and buildings spending ammo on every weak shambler?

  20. Yeah, this honestly is ridiculous. My approach to entering any fresh room in a PoI now is to run into the middle of the room and then run back out the way I came and kill whoever chases me, hoping that there isn't a collapsing floor trap. At first I was using quiet weapons but I switched to making as much noise as I want because the zombies don't attack until you trigger their spawn or wake condition anyway. I had planned to spec into stealth but that went out the window.


    It's especially ridiculous when the zombies wake and drop down from a ceiling that's completely inaccessible. Who put them there??

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