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  • Prefab Editor - Changed POI, but Editor Doesn't Indicate Change Needs to be Saved

    • Version: A21 Experimental b313

    Summary: (a short description of the bug)

    There is a way to make a change to a POI that does not put an asterisk by the POI's name indicating you need to save the POI. If you leave the POI, the Editor does not prompt you to save the changes.


    Game Version: A21 Experimental b313
    Platform: PC
    OS/Version: Windows
    CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K   3.61 GHz
    System Memory: 32 GB
    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060
    Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440
    Video Settings: High
    Game mode: SP

    Did you wipe old saves? Yes
    Did you start a new game? Yes
    Did you validate your files? Yes
    Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop.
    EAC on or off? On

    Status: NEW

    Bug Description:

    Prefab Properties changes are not saved unless you also save the POI, despite the Editor indicating nothing has changed.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Load a POI into the Prefab Editor
    2) ESC, Tab 3, click "Prefab Properties"
    3) Change one or more properties, such as Tag the POI in some way.

    4) Click "Save" on the Prefab Properties window.

    5) Note that there is no asterisk by the POI's name indicating a change needs to be saved.

    6) Load a different POI.

    7) Load the original POI.

    😎 Observe that your changes were not saved.

    9) Change the Prefab Properties again as before

    10) Click "Save" on the Prefab Properties window as before.

    11) Click "Save" on the left side of the Prefab Editor

    12) Load a different POI

    13) Load the original POI

    14) Observe that this time your properties were saved.


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    If you only make a Prefab Properties change and don't save the POI as well, your changes aren't saved.


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    Either the "Save" on the Prefab Properties window should update the POI's XML file, or it should get the Prefab Editor to indicate a change needs to be saved.


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    I've messed with it more as I work through all of my Parts making sure they're converted and tagged for A21. There's more to the story.


    If you're just blowing through a list of properties changes, just select each POI (one by one) on tab 5, hit "Props", change, and the Properties window's "Save" button has you covered. But, if you're going through a Part making sure all the blocks are cool from the A20 to A21 conversion and making other changes, working through the "Prefab Properties" button on tab 3 does not save it's changes. You have to "Save" the entire POI for those changes to apply.

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    Probably related:  If you go into edit a POI to change some switch settings (switch/door/etc.), and that's the only thing you change, it also does not give you a prompt that the prefab needs to be saved.  If you exit and go back in, those changes you made were not saved.  


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