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  • Null ref on quest activation: Quest stuck on Go To Marker

    • Version: A21 b313

    Summary: Quest activated on marker, Null ref DURING POI reset: POI has missing blocks, void edge, partial loot respawn, no zombies. Stuck on new Head To Rally Point

    Game Version: (A21 b313)

    OS/Version: (Windows )

    CPU Model: (Intel Core i9 @ 3.50GHz)

    System Memory: (32 GB)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (2047MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (MSI))

    Screen Resolution: (1920x1080)

    Video Settings: (Ultra / Custom)

    Game mode: (SP)


    Did you wipe old saves? (No)


    Did you start a new game? (Yes)


    Did you validate your files? (No)


    Are you using any mods? (No)


    EAC on 


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    Quest activated on marker, Null ref DURING POI reset: POI has missing blocks, void edge, partial loot respawn, no zombies. Stuck on new Head To Rally Point

    POI = Skeeter's place, see screenshot at 10FA0D988299794C3F985BE46BA5620F4F0F0AEB



    Log: https://pastebin.com/TfNEq2Qk






    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Loot POI

    2) Activate Quest

    3) Profit


    Actual result: Quest activated on marker, Null ref DURING POI reset: POI has missing blocks, void edge, partial loot respawn, no zombies. Stuck on new Head To Rally Point


    Expected result: Full POI reset and Quest activation

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    To save you some time:


    1. NotImplementedException: CopyFrom() not implemented yet
    2. at TileEntity.CopyFrom (TileEntity _other) [0x00000] in <6e84410da6af456b89dc5c9197d3182b>:0
    3. at Prefab.CopyIntoLocal (ChunkCluster _cluster, Vector3i _destinationPos, System.Boolean _bOverwriteExistingBlocks, System.Boolean _bSetChunkToRegenerate, FastTags _questTags) [0x004e8] in <6e84410da6af456b89dc5c9197d3182b>:0
    4. at PrefabInstance.CopyIntoWorld (World _world, System.Boolean _CopyEntities, System.Boolean _bOverwriteExistingBlocks, FastTags _tags) [0x0008a] in <6e84410da6af456b89dc5c9197d3182b>:0
    5. at PrefabInstance.ResetBlocksAndRebuild (World _world, FastTags questTags) [0x00069] in <6e84410da6af456b89dc5c9197d3182b>:0
    6. at QuestEventManager+<QuestLockPOI>d__138.MoveNext () [0x000f9] in <6e84410da6af456b89dc5c9197d3182b>:0
    7. at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0
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    Sorry that log doesn't contain that error.


    A correct log with the error, some screenshots of the area of issue, and turn DM on in the console, go into the map, click the light switch in the upper-right corner of the map, make sure the POI/error area is visible then take a screenshot of that please.

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    1 minute ago, Maverick said:


    Ah you said Null ref lol I searched for Null, it was a Not implemented exception. Still, the screenshots can help quite a bit.

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    Thanks. We'll look into it, on the top of my head the only other information that would help further would be a copy of the game save and the world if that's no hassle at all, if it is no worries. 

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    Thanks for the save so much. I can of course reproduce that on my end, however when making a new game on that same version of pregen10k I don't get the bug at the same POI, going to have to dig a little deeper into this. Will let you know if I need anything else, but if you have any other information or thoughts to add please do add them.


    Thanks again

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    Not sure it's of any use, but in detail:


    I placed a chest, bedroll and campfire in the shed that broke.

    I tried to activate the quest and got the "there is a bedroll in the area, come back later" message.

    I removed the bedroll and contents of the chest, but left the empty chest and campfire.

    Activated the quest again, and the error showed up mid-POI-reset, right after I heared the shed crumble. At the time I thought the sound of wood braking was the chest being removed by the reset, but it turned out to be the shed itself.


    After that all previously looted containers in the POI were still looted, but new random loot containers did spawn and were lootable. The wallsafe did reset to locked. No zombies spawned. The POI seemed to have sunk 3 inches in to the world and left a visible void line where it should have connected to the world around.


    Hope this helps.


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    On 6/14/2023 at 1:50 AM, Maverick said:

    Not sure it's of any use, but in detail:


    I placed a chest, bedroll and campfire in the shed that broke.

    I tried to activate the quest and got the "there is a bedroll in the area, come back later" message.

    I removed the bedroll and contents of the chest, but left the empty chest and campfire.

    Activated the quest again, and the error showed up mid-POI-reset, right after I heared the shed crumble. At the time I thought the sound of wood braking was the chest being removed by the reset, but it turned out to be the shed itself.


    After that all previously looted containers in the POI were still looted, but new random loot containers did spawn and were lootable. The wallsafe did reset to locked. No zombies spawned. The POI seemed to have sunk 3 inches in to the world and left a visible void line where it should have connected to the world around.


    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for that. Going to try doing that

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    32 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Just as an update, haven't been able to reproduce it yet, but I will do some further debugging into it, see what's going on.

    Sorry to suddenly pop in like this 😅 I got it to happen if I fill the entire floor with chests. I wonder if you put it in a very specific spot (like where the sleepers are supposed to spawn in) is what causes it? (so OP might have gotten very lucky with their chest/campfire placement)


    video: https://imgur.com/a/98Iya44

    my logs: https://pastebin.com/DHz6cTQD

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    23 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Sorry to suddenly pop in like this 😅 I got it to happen if I fill the entire floor with chests. I wonder if you put it in a very specific spot (like where the sleepers are supposed to spawn in) is what causes it? (so OP might have gotten very lucky with their chest/campfire placement)


    video: https://imgur.com/a/98Iya44

    my logs: https://pastebin.com/DHz6cTQD


    Hey no worries on that, it's welcomed to comment on other tickets if you have other information. And that was a bingo, good call on that. I was unlucky and didn't place anything where sleepers are at. Same error, so confirmed.

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