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  • Prefab Editor - Facing Indicator Looks Like New Part



    The Facing indicator looks identical to a newly placed Part. This can be confusing if you think you're trying to interact with a new Part and it won't respond.


    Game Version: A20 b238

    Platform: PC
    OS/Version: Windows 11
    CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz   3.19 GHz
    System Memory: 32G
    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080
    Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440
    Video Settings: Custom - Shadows off, not sure what else. Started with High or Ultra, whatever the default was and trimmed back a little.
    Game mode: SP

    Did you wipe old saves? Yes - Pretty much daily when it comes to worlds and saves.
    Did you start a new game? Yes
    Did you validate your files? Yes, after install, but not daily.
    Are you using any mods? Yes - My custom POIs are a work in progress.
    EAC on or off? - On.

    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    Sometimes the facing indicator's placement lands in the middle of a POI you are creating. That indicator looks exactly like a new Part. So, if you create a new Part and it doesn't show up immediately in front of you, then you might stumble across the facing indicator and try to interact with it like a Part. Of course, it doesn't respond like a Part, so you might conclude the Part is screwed up and go through a bunch of effort to clear it out of your XML... and well, you can't delete it because it isn't a Part. (I'm not bitter, *sniff*. It was pretty funny when I realized what it was.)


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    This is a toughy as you cannot control where the facing indicator shows up. If you've spent a lot of time in the Prefab Editor, you know it happens that sometimes the facing indicator appears within your POI. The attached picture shows a new Part beside a Facing indicator. Can you tell the difference?


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    You cannot tell a facing indicator from a new part.


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)
    Some visual difference between them would be nice.


    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    while i see your intent here... turning off the facing indicator is the simplest way to fix this. then when (a person) turns it on, it can be seen and is easily noticed that the facing block is always in the center of the prefab where as a part indicator is where the user places the part (hence driveway or part not in the front center).


    even if it was a different color i feel we will still have users who dont or wont have an idea or as you noted... just a simple operator error/mistake.


    also the facing indicator is off by default, so if a user is to see it, then its because he/she turned it on.


    i will leave this here for any other QA member to have an input if desired. but i see no need to have a dev re-code something that is not broken nor a bug. :)

    Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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