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  • Dedicated server, kicks people while downloading map, bans them for 15 minutes


    I have freshly installed the A20 dedicated server client, and while people are connecting, they get about 80% of the way though downloading the map (it's a 14k) and then it kicks them, and bans them for 15 minutes.


    The server logs state issues with EOS id's not existing:

    2021-12-11T19:44:59 800.486 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX', CrossId='EOS_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', OwnerID='Steam_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX', PlayerName='XXXXXX'
    2021-12-11T19:44:59 800.838 ERR DisconnectClient: Player EOS_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX not found


    I have had one person besides my self able to connect, but no one else can seem to do so.


    If this is not the right area to post this, I apologize.

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    Additionally, Looking at the "players.xml" It is showing that my account and the one friend that could connect were connecting though EOS, even though both of us were connecting though steam (since 7DTD isn't even on the EGS yet.)


    <player lastlogin="2021-12-11 18:50:55" playername="El Bob, The Burrito!" userid="00025912e9bb4ccd9cd88e78cdedc4b5" platform="EOS"/>

    Is there any specific reason why it's defaulting to an EOS account? I wouldn't think that steam accounts would default to EOS ID's.

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    The OP bug is an EAC thing, if it takes too long to download/there are packets dropping EAC kicks in and kicks them, part of a DOS protection. I am unsure if there's anyway to alter this, except I would pass the world to your friends/players that can't connect via dropbox or something. 


    Second thing I am not 100% sure on I will have to get confirmation on some things.

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    48 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Confirmed the EOS thing, moving this to not a bug since the OP bug isn't a bug, but the EOS thing will be a ticket. 

    So what I'm hearing is "Your friend's internet sucks give him the map separately"


    I did end up finding a different bug altogether? Sweet. Thank you for your help!

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    8 minutes ago, Elbobburrito said:

    So what I'm hearing is "Your friend's internet sucks give him the map separately"


    I did end up finding a different bug altogether? Sweet. Thank you for your help!


    Yeah, like I said it's a preventative measure by EAC for DOS. Plus, keeping an open connection for a file transfer like that for an extended period of time can start bogging the server down a bit. 


    If you have a group of people you really want to play with, you can disable EAC then let all of them connect into the game, then turn it back on. But, I suggest just giving the map :)


    You're welcome, and good catch there.

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    since it is a timeout problem while downloading the world and you said they are already reaching 80%, increasing the transfer speed might be enough.
    By default the download speed is limited to iirc 512kb/s (4Mbit/s) in serverconfig.xml. Of course your servers upload bandwidth and your friends download bandwidth needs to be faster than this to make it work.


    I don't know if 7d2d is capable of resuming the world download or if it starts from scratch if you try again. In theory your friend already has received 80%. If the download is able to continue, simply unban them and let them connect again to download the remaining 20%.


    How long is the timeout until ddos protection kicks in?
    For an 8K world obviously it was longer than it took to download the world with the above mentioned default speed limit. A 14k map is 3 times the size, don't know if that applies 1:1 to the file size. However 1k maps are officially unsupported anyway?

    @Elbobburrito or if it is a private server and this problem is caused by EAC, simply run the server without EAC. Or run the server without EAC, let your friends connect and download the world and then enable EAC on the server again, if required.

    For the EOS thing it probably helps if you set "crossplatform=None" in platform.cfg, if all of you using steam anyways.

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