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  • Prefab Editor - Cannot Access Parts in Modlet's Parts Folder


    Summary: (a short description of the bug)

    When using the Prefab Editor, I am unable to make a Part Maker refer to a Part found in a modlet's file structure.


    Game Version: A20 b233

    Platform: PC

    OS/Version: Windows 11

    CPU Model: Not relevant

    System Memory: Not relevant

    GPU Model and VRAM: Not relevant

    Screen Resolution: Not relevant

    Video Settings: Not relevant

    Game mode: Prefab Editor


    Did you wipe old saves? No

    Did you start a new game? No

    Did you validate your files? No

    Are you using any mods? Yes

    EAC on or off? On


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    I am making a modlet full of POIs. I am adding custom Parts to this modlet. My mod's folder structure mirrors the game's folder structure. That is, I have a Prefabs folder and in that folder I have Parts, POIs, and RWGTiles. The Prefab Editor can find all of my files, just fine. However, when I attempt to create a Part Marker (via Shift-Enter) and then attempt to edit the Part (select and then hit K) my custom Parts do not show on the list as a cycle through the available parts. If I copy my parts to the game's Parts folder, then they show up.


    I don't think the Parts editor window knows to look for Parts in modlets.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Create a modlet with the appropriate file structure

    2) Create a custom part... small POI with "part" as a Prefab Tag.

    3) Place custom part in the modlet file structure

    4) Launch Prefab Editor

    5) Attempt to create a Part using the custom Part.

    6) Observe that your modlet's custom Part does not show on the list of choices.


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    Presently, you have to copy your custom Parts to the game's Parts folder. This will complicate the distribution of Parts in modlets.


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    The Prefab Editor and RWG should expect to find custom Parts in modlet folders.

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    Update: RWG also cannot locate Parts in a modlet's Prefabs/Parts folder. It appears to only search the game;s Prefabs/Parts folder.

    I should add, this basically means that if we make a custom POI we either have to choose between not using custom Parts, or having our customers install our custom Parts into the game's Parts folder.

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    Erg, actually, I'm not having any luck with custom Parts at all. No matter when I store them, they're not showing up in game. I have them tagged as "part" and I'm not sure what else to do.

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    On 12/30/2021 at 6:01 PM, Jugginator said:

    Hi can you post an example of a POI modlet/with custom Parts to see what you're doing?


    Err, yeh...




    ... I'd make you a ZIP with a ready to go example, but my Dev machine is dead. The replacement won't be up until probably around Jan 14th.


    That link is to a copy of an unreleased version of my modlet. Inside the Prefabs are subdirectories that match the game's Prefab folder. You'll find a Parts folder in my modlet. While I can edit those parts, the Prefab Editor won't let me place them. I can only place Parts from the vanilla game.


    I think I tried copying my parts to the vanilla game Parts folder and that didn't work either. Maybe I'm missing a tag, or some other flag?

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    Oof sorry about that, was a time I was in the middle of a move and what free time I had was pounding on other internal testing and this slipped me. It's in the queue, thanks for the video


    Leaving this here since another post was made which is in confirmed

    Edited by Jugginator (see edit history)
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    2 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Oof sorry about that, was a time I was in the middle of a move and what free time I had was pounding on other internal testing and this slipped me. It's in the queue, thanks for the video


    Leaving this here since another post was made which is in confirmed


    No worries. I understand. I hope you don't mind me making a duplicate report. On my end it looked like it was a dead issue and I was trying to figure out how to start using custom Parts in a manner that wouldn't lead to a mess on my dev machine.

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    6 minutes ago, zztong said:


    No worries. I understand. I hope you don't mind me making a duplicate report. On my end it looked like it was a dead issue and I was trying to figure out how to start using custom Parts in a manner that wouldn't lead to a mess on my dev machine.


    Ah no it reminded me lol don't mind at all. Hopefully will get fixed soon.

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