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  • NullReferenceException when dismembering animals after running them over


    Summary: If you run over a mountain lion with a vehicle so that they ragdoll, dismember one of their limbs, and then dismember their head, a NullReferenceException will occur

    (I am not sure if all animals are affected, I only tried mountain lion)


    Game Version: Alpha 20.3 b3

    Platform: PC

    OS/Version: Windows 10

    CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz

    System Memory: 8GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: AMD Radeon R9 M275X (4075MB?)

    Screen Resolution: 1280x720

    Video Settings: Potato (Lowest)

    Game mode: SP


    Did you wipe old saves? Not since A20.0

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? On


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Turn on DM

    2) Enable TDS (so you can easily dismember at will)

    3) Spawn a mountain lion

    4) Shoot their limb, then their head -- observe no error occurs

    5) Spawn another mountain lion

    6) Get on a motorcycle and run them over

    7) While the mountain lion is recovering from ragdoll animation, shoot their limb then their head


    Actual result: NullReferenceException occurs

    video: https://imgur.com/a/WILu1OP

    logs: https://pastebin.com/augB2d2N


    I see this in the logs

      at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Rigidbody.set_maxDepenetrationVelocity(UnityEngine.Rigidbody,single)
      at EModelBase.StartRagdoll (System.Single stunTime) [0x000f8] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EModelBase.DoRagdoll (System.Single stunTime, EnumBodyPartHit bodyPart, UnityEngine.Vector3 forceVec, UnityEngine.Vector3 forceWorldPos, System.Boolean isRemote) [0x000d2] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EModelBase.DoRagdoll (DamageResponse dr, System.Single stunTime) [0x0010a] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EModelBase.OnDeath (DamageResponse _dmResponse, ChunkCluster _cc) [0x000ae] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityAlive.ClientKill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x001e1] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityAlive.Kill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00049] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityAlive.ProcessDamageResponseLocal (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00762] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityAlive.damageEntityLocal (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single impulseScale) [0x00730] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityAlive.DamageEntity (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single _impulseScale) [0x000f1] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at EntityEnemy.DamageEntity (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single _impulseScale) [0x00000] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at ItemActionAttack.Hit (World _world, WorldRayHitInfo hitInfo, System.Int32 _attackerEntityId, EnumDamageTypes _damageType, System.Single _blockDamage, System.Single _entityDamage, System.Single _staminaDamageMultiplier, System.Single _weaponCondition, System.Single _criticalHitChance, System.Single _dismemberChance, System.Single _dismemberBonusOLD, System.String _attackingDeviceMadeOf, DamageMultiplier _damageMultiplier, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _buffActions, ItemActionAttack+AttackHitInfo _attackDetails, System.Int32 actionExp, System.Single actionExpBonus, ItemActionAttack rangeCheckedAction, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] _toolBonuses, ItemActionAttack+EnumAttackMode _attackMode, System.Boolean _bAllowHarvestingParticles, System.Boolean _bIsGrazingHit, System.Boolean _isElectricTrapAttack, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] _hitSoundOverrides, System.Int32 ownedEntityId, ItemValue damagingItemValue) [0x00a4e] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at ItemActionRanged.fireShot (System.Int32 _shotIdx, ItemActionRanged+ItemActionDataRanged _actionData) [0x003af] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at ItemActionRanged.ExecuteAction (ItemActionData _actionData, System.Boolean _bReleased) [0x0039e] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at ItemClass.ExecuteAction (System.Int32 _actionIdx, ItemInventoryData _data, System.Boolean _bReleased, PlayerActionsLocal _playerActions) [0x003b8] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at Inventory.Execute (System.Int32 _actionIdx, System.Boolean _bReleased, PlayerActionsLocal _playerActions) [0x00037] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
      at PlayerMoveController.Update () [0x0252a] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 



    Expected result: No error when dismembering animals

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    I was not able to reproduce this issue in A20.3 b3.

    There was a ticket for it,  and should have been fixed already.

    Could you try validating your files again?

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    1 hour ago, chikorina said:

    I was not able to reproduce this issue in A20.3 b3.

    There was a ticket for it,  and should have been fixed already.

    Could you try validating your files again?

    Hi @chikorina, I verified my files and tried again and was still having this issue. I deleted my player info so I would start at lv 1 (in case some books I was reading might be impacting it) but the error still occurs.


    One thing I notice, if you take too long to do the headshot (i.e. if the mountain lion gets a chance to move before you do the headshot), the error won't occur. I tried recording a video again (I used shotgun this time because it's easier to aim with). In my first attempt, I do the limb shot and head shot in quick succession to get the error. In my second attempt, I waited until the mountain lion moved to do the head shot, and no error occurs.


    Ignore the background conversation, I didn't realize my recording software picked up my friends on discord 😅



    That's the only other thing I could think of as to why it's not happening for you 😕 if you still can't reproduce it then I dunno, maybe it's my hardware? If it makes any difference, I am running on DirectX 10 by running this in my launch options: -force-feature-level–10–0


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    1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Hi @chikorina, I verified my files and tried again and was still having this issue. I deleted my player info so I would start at lv 1 (in case some books I was reading might be impacting it) but the error still occurs.


    One thing I notice, if you take too long to do the headshot (i.e. if the mountain lion gets a chance to move before you do the headshot), the error won't occur. I tried recording a video again (I used shotgun this time because it's easier to aim with). In my first attempt, I do the limb shot and head shot in quick succession to get the error. In my second attempt, I waited until the mountain lion moved to do the head shot, and no error occurs.


    Ignore the background conversation, I didn't realize my recording software picked up my friends on discord 😅



    That's the only other thing I could think of as to why it's not happening for you 😕 if you still can't reproduce it then I dunno, maybe it's my hardware? If it makes any difference, I am running on DirectX 10 by running this in my launch options: -force-feature-level–10–0


    Thank you,  I was able to repro the issue in A20.3 b3 using the auto shotgun and quickly decapitating the lion.

    I was not able to repro on a later build,  so it should be fixed in the next experimental build.

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