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  • Robotic Drone Bug (Gets replaced by another item)


    Summary: Deployed Robotic Drone bugs and becomes another item when you "Open" it, and then modify another item while Opening it


    Game Version: Alpha 20.5 b2

    Platform: Steam

    OS/Version: Windows

    CPU Model: Intel i5 8400

    System Memory: 16 GB 

    GPU Model and VRAM: AMD RX570

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: High

    Game mode: SP


    Did you wipe old saves? No

    Did you start a new game? No

    Did you validate your files? No

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    Deployed Robotic Drone bugs and becomes another item when Opened



    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Deploy a robotic drone, such that it becomes active and player can interact with it

    2) Interact with the robotic drone, choose "Open" from the context menu

    3) The game then displays the Dye / Mod details menu of the Robotic Drone, at this moment, "Modify" another item in the inventory

    4) The game then hits the bug, prompts NullReferenceException below. The drone gets "replaced" by the item that you "Modify" in Step 3

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XUiC_AssembleWindow.set_ItemStack (ItemStack value) [0x00007] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindowGroup.set_ItemStack (ItemStack value) [0x00007] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00011] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00006] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at GUIWindowManager.Open (GUIWindow _w, System.Boolean _bModal, System.Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, System.Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x000d0] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at GUIWindowManager.Open (System.String _windowName, System.Boolean _bModal, System.Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, System.Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00065] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at ItemActionEntryAssemble.OnActivated () [0x000b8] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiC_ItemActionEntry.OnPressAction (XUiController _sender, System.Int32 _mouseButton) [0x00040] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiController.OnPressed (System.Int32 _mouseButton) [0x0000e] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiController.Pressed (System.Int32 _mouseButton) [0x00000] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at XUiView.OnClick (UnityEngine.GameObject _go) [0x0003f] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
      at UIEventListener.OnClick () [0x0001c] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
    UnityEngine.GameObject:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)
    UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
    UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
    UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)

    5) You can even collect the drone to duplicate the item you Modify in Step 3, but the drone is lost forever


    Actual result: The drone gets replaced by the item that you Modify


    Expected result: The game should open the Modify screen of the item being Modified without replacing the Drone with the item being Modified



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    Thank you for reporting. 

    This is a known issue that has been reported and fixed internally.  There will be a fix for it in a future build,  either in A20.x or A21.

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