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  • Possible Origin bug killed me


    Summary: Mysterious death after loading into world. Character floating in a single direction while taking constant damage


    Game Version: Alpha 20.1 b6

    Platform: PC

    OS/Version: Windows 10

    CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz

    System Memory: 8GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: AMD Radeon R9 M275X (4075MB?)

    Screen Resolution: 1280x720

    Video Settings: Low

    Game mode: SP


    Did you wipe old saves? No

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    Unfortunately I do not know how to reproduce, this is the first time it's happened to me in 700+ hours. I have logs before and after dying and will try my best to document what happened.

    I have edited the logs below with a note on the first line of each pastebin so it is easier to track which log was what.


    1) Played game as normal in singleplayer. A friend asked me to join him in his MP game, so I exited my SP game. Logs of my SP game seemed normal. https://pastebin.com/wkRr6GiC

    2) After done playing in MP, closed game to go to dinner

    3) Came back to SP game after dinner. Strange thing happened when I loaded up, my character was floating and moving in one direction without me doing anything, all while I was constantly taking damage. I eventually died but no prompt was given for me to respawn, so I had to kill the game. https://pastebin.com/0r9upFSN

    4) I loaded game back up, this time my character was in a void, and I was still dead, but after some time I got a prompt to respawn, I also managed to take a screenshot of this. https://pastebin.com/rPNrKJNJ



    Looking at the logs, I see a lot of origin reposition and ray cast fails, I wonder if they are all related? Apologies I do not have a clue on how to reproduce it. Since I have the game set to drop nothing on death I don't even know where I died.

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    Sorry I just realized the 3rd log of where I respawn was not correct (it was the same log as the 2nd one), and then I had issues pasting into pastebin because I hit the 512kb per paste limit. Here is the correct log: https://pastebin.com/N0ncU3t6

    I tried removing the excess logs so I could fit under the 512kb limit, but if you would rather me split the full logs into two pastebin links let me know.

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    It happened again only this time I was prepared so I tried to go into dm/godmode to stop myself from dying. Which worked but didn't stop my character from moving at super crazy speeds into the void. I eventually tried to open the POI teleporter to try and teleport to the first POI i could find on the list. First time it didn't work as I was still in the void, but second time I tried to teleport again and it seemed to work and I managed to not die.

    The logs are huge even though I was only on for less than 5 minutes, so I will try and share via google drive


    Wish I could have taken a video though

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    Thank you for the report.  Do you remember if you did anything different when you logged out after playing normally in mp?  Did you have a vehicle?  If you could remember what you did exactly before you logged out normally in mp,  it may help us find the issue.

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    16 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Thank you for the report.  Do you remember if you did anything different when you logged out after playing normally in mp?  Did you have a vehicle?  If you could remember what you did exactly before you logged out normally in mp,  it may help us find the issue.

    I'm really sorry I have the memory of a goldfish sometimes lol.

    Just for clarification, I played SP normally, then MP normally, then closed game for some time, opened game up again, rejoined my SP game and that's when I died. My MP game I have a motorcycle and a gyrocopter and it's a dedicated server.

    I do have a vehicle in my SP game, it was a normal bike. I'm not 100% sure but I think I may have been so excited to join my friend that I may not have dismounted before I logged off. I don't usually log off while mounted on a vehicle, since I usually log off while in a base or on foot in front of a POI.

    Now that I think about it, I did have some difficulties finding my bike after I died, I think it was a bit farther away than what I remembered. I also did notice yesterday while I was playing my bike hp was at like 40%. Not sure how long it's been like that, I don't usually ever get the hp down that low since I try not to run into things constantly.

    This gives me some ideas so I'll try and play around with the bike some and see if I can get it to happen again.

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    33 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Thank you,  please let us know if you have success with the repro.

    So I'm still trying to narrow down exactly what the steps are, I've been jumping between two of my SP games and trying different things like logging off while on the bike, logging off while in the middle of getting off the bike, teleporting to various areas to try and make the origin shift a lot before jumping into the other game. So not really sure exactly which one of those triggered it, but I managed to capture a video of what this issue looks like as well as the logs for it (sorry it's kind of janky, I used my phone for this because I don't think my laptop can handle 7 days and a video recording program at the same time)


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    18 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Thank you.  The two sp games are both fresh games in the latest stable?  Rwg or Navezgane?

    They were fresh games for 20.1, but now 20.2 is out so not in the latest stable. But I was having this issue both before and after 20.2 dropped. The first time it happened it was on 20.1, but then the new 20.2 dropped a few days after and I was able to reproduce today and the day 20.2 came out. It's a RWG map, 6k, the seed I used was A20.1B6WAR (everything else I took default settings). Both games use this map. I went ahead and added my map_info.xml to the google drive link that I posted earlier today. But I do not see a GenerationInfo.txt which was referenced in Hated's forum post


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    Hmm,  I've tried all the things you've done for a repro,  and was not able to get it to happen to me.

    How are you shutting the game down?  Pressing esc and pressing the Exit button?

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    8 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Hmm,  I've tried all the things you've done for a repro,  and was not able to get it to happen to me.

    How are you shutting the game down?  Pressing esc and pressing the Exit button?

    Yes, esc then hitting exit.

    It's definitely something with the bike though, considering both times I died the logs said I was killed by the bike. I even checked the health of the bike after my most recent death, and the health was 77%, and I literally repaired that thing yesterday! 😫

    And yeah I'm having a hard time reproducing it again too. I don't know what kind of timing or conditions are needed. Maybe I just got lucky 😕

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    1 hour ago, chikorina said:

    I was able to repro and confirm this issue,  and have made a ticket for it.  Thank you for your help.

    oh my gosh! thank you so much! may I ask how you reproduced it? just so i can avoid doing it and killing myself later :)

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    2 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    oh my gosh! thank you so much! may I ask how you reproduced it? just so i can avoid doing it and killing myself later :)

    I don't want to say the exact repro step,  because I don't want people doing it for fun.  It can't be good for your pc to do on purpose.  To avoid it,  it would be good to get off and stand away from your vehicle before you exit game😃

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    4 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    I don't want to say the exact repro step,  because I don't want people doing it for fun.  It can't be good for your pc to do on purpose.  To avoid it,  it would be good to get off and stand away from your vehicle before you exit game😃

    Understandable! I will definitely stay away from my vehicle then 😄, thanks again!

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