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  • farm_01 basement zombie AI erratic near fake floor above basement


    Summary: The fake floor above the basement seems to cause strange AI pathfinding issues. I have seen 3 different things happen

    • Zombie sets off trap but cannot get down (crouches and smacks trap)
    • Zombie does not set off trap and attacks wall/bookcase instead
    • Zombie sets off trap, falls down it, ignores player and runs back upstairs, and then falls back down again (only saw this happen once during testing)


    Game Version: (A18 b155 / A18.1 bxxx / etc)

    Platform: (PC / Mac)

    OS/Version: (Windows / Linux / Mac)

    CPU Model: (Intel i5 9600K / AMD Ryzen 7 1800x / etc)

    System Memory: (4 GB / 8 GB / 16 GB / etc)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1060 4 GB / AMD RX 580 8 GB / etc)

    Screen Resolution: (width and height)

    Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom (Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any))

    Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on dedi, RWG or NAV)


    Did you wipe old saves? Not since A20.0

    Did you start a new game? Not since A20.1

    Did you validate your files? Not since A20.1

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Go to farm_01

    2) Go into the basement of the house (the area after the cave full of snakes)

    3) Clear the zombies in the basement

    4) Make noise near the base of the stairs to wake up the zombie in the room above (if the zombie turns out to be a crawler, restart chunk/sleepers and try again, he seems to fall down a bit more reliably)


    Actual result:

    So far I've seen the following things happen

    • Zombie sets off trap but cannot get down (crouches and smacks trap)
    • Zombie does not set off trap and attacks wall/bookcase instead
    • Zombie sets off trap, falls down it, ignores player and runs back upstairs, and then falls back down again (only saw this happen once during testing, not sure how often this happens on average)




    Expected result: Zombie to jump down trap

    User Feedback

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    What I'm seeing is that they mostly fall, but occasionally one will get stuck trying to break the trap as you describe. I'll look into this a little deeper, thanks.

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