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  • Every player simultaneously gets kicked from server - Can immediately reconnect no issues - Server does not crash


    Summary: Periodically when players are far away from our base, every player will get kicked from the server.
    - We can immediately reconnect without issue. The server does not crash.

    - The issue has never occurred at night/during blood moon. We never leave the base at night, mostly build/defend/craft.
    - The issue almost always occurs while someone is questing. We have looked at logs every time and the error often occurs when someone is riding a bike, or when a group of zombies are spawned in.
    - We disabled zombies spawning and went and quested on foot to try and rule out zombies spawning/vehicles and cause the issue. about 3 or 4 minutes into a quest we all disconnected again.

    - We have an abundance of (unity?) shader and lighting errors and warnings in our logs

    - The server is hosted with AGS Hosting

    Game Version: (A20)

    Platform: (PC)

    OS/Version: (Windows)

    CPU Model: (not sure it is a rented server)

    System Memory: (32GB)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (not sure it is a rented server)

    Screen Resolution:(N/A?)

    Video Settings: (Every player is playing on low despite some of them have 3090's etc)

    Game mode: (Dedicated Server RWG)


    Did you wipe old saves? (Fresh Save on Server)

    Did you start a new game? (Yes)

    Did you validate your files? (Yes)

    Are you using any mods? (No)

    EAC on or off? (On originally, turned off, not much changed)


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    - While doing a quest away from base, every player will be disconnected from the server 


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Get a quest

    2) Try to complete quest

    3) Possibly get disconnected when zombie horde spawns


    Actual result: (Every player gets disconnected)

     Expected result: (Players should not get disconnected)

    I seem to only be able to attach an image and not a log file, here are the logs from some approximate amount of time before the disconnect:



    2021-12-12T15:19:29 639.779 INF GMSG: Player 'NotABadger' joined the game
    2021-12-12T15:19:29 639.793 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: JoinMultiplayer, position: 3420, 31, 2498): EntityID=250, PltfmId='Steam_76561198102473759', CrossId='EOS_0002a9511ee246978417d9a88241fcbc', OwnerID='Steam_76561198102473759', PlayerName='NotABadger'
    2021-12-12T15:19:33 643.072 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:33 643.081 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:36 646.299 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:36 646.309 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:36 646.468 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
    2021-12-12T15:19:36 646.494 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:19:40 650.379 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:40 650.389 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:42 652.756 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:42 652.764 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.633 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from:
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.645 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.655 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.663 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.692 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName=''
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.700 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.808 INF NPPL.Read
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.849 INF PlayerLogin: WolfHound/Alpha 20
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.858 INF Client IP:
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.865 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.872 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.880 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.883 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.883 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.883 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.883 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.883 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
    2021-12-12T15:19:43 653.921 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: WolfHound SteamId: 76561198019730247 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.249 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561198019730247, owner: 76561198019730247, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.249 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.249 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.249 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.249 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21: eyJraWQiOiIyMDIxLTA2LTAxVDA5OjA3OjA5LjQwM1oiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4eXphNzg5MVdCbkdRdXZOTWlOeWc2U1llWU9oYkEyRiIsInN1YiI6IjAwMDI3ZWE0MjM1MjQ0MTk4NTA5MGVhMjgxZjZkZTIxIiwiYWN0Ijp7InBsdGZtIjoib3RoZXIiLCJlYWlkIjoiNzY1NjExOTgwMTk3MzAyNDciLCJlYXQiOiJzdGVhbSJ9LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLmVwaWNnYW1lcy5kZXZcL2F1dGhcL3YxXC9vYXV0aCIsImV4cCI6MTYzOTI4NjM3MiwidG9rZW5UeXBlIjoiaWRUb2tlbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzOTI4Mjc3Mn0.uBlm9Q40CAXiIrfKUYN_hNr6E7kw5Qbdu3sfuOYpYPZ8y72TgCDA0gPP6KtxsFH9al41-RUu7opBWJI56EZxQSONLcgzK8QUdMb5BeFQNGZPB3yXaVPuYziKQmdpFytblNhnpXaS6OBPgQynJLw7GdT9zuB9RCvuDcQN9h0t3gaJyRRrMYbkLhpl-XDs8-qt6PyJpeKxTgc8IQ2wr6fCvVyevkTONl1TxFwyE_1k4PKYby2n8DFKUSkGIs6xi7Ve1IgwPYHJHfeKOsVblG4SUaEXYLMxIebtjdAx4PVjlhYmQp4Uo69f8kAoa33C3epHPRebCPqtWUVhNSrIUziosg
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.354 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=other, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561198019730247, PUID=00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.362 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.369 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.381 INF Allowing player with id EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.615 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.625 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.635 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.655 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.665 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.666 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.675 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.676 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.677 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:19:44 654.721 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21/WolfHound
    2021-12-12T15:19:49 659.348 INF Time: 10.41m FPS: 30.55 Heap: 3906.4MB Max: 3957.5MB Chunks: 1410 CGO: 139 Ply: 9 Zom: 5 Ent: 24 (46) Items: 6 CO: 9 RSS: 5251.3MB
    2021-12-12T15:19:58 668.385 INF 21034 EntityVehicle PostInit [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24773], (3392.3, 43.1, 2486.2) (chunk 212, 155), rbPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    2021-12-12T15:20:07 677.582 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:20:07 677.633 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:20:07 677.642 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:20:07 677.652 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:20:08 678.341 INF VehicleManager saving 2 (2 + 0)
    2021-12-12T15:20:08 678.352 INF 21386 VehicleManager write #0, id 23590, vehicleMotorcycle, (1955.2, 46.9, 1215.8), chunk 122, 75
    2021-12-12T15:20:08 678.366 INF 21386 VehicleManager write #1, id 24773, vehicleMotorcycle, (3392.3, 43.1, 2486.2), chunk 212, 155
    2021-12-12T15:20:08 678.403 INF VehicleManager saved 868 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:20:16 686.199 INF Client EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b/Jett424 executing client side command: giveself ammoGascan 1000
    2021-12-12T15:20:18 688.261 INF 21760 EntityVehicle PostInit [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24775], (2042.0, 47.1, 1259.5) (chunk 127, 78), rbPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    2021-12-12T15:20:19 689.428 INF Time: 10.91m FPS: 37.14 Heap: 3843.7MB Max: 3957.5MB Chunks: 1410 CGO: 143 Ply: 9 Zom: 5 Ent: 31 (47) Items: 6 CO: 9 RSS: 5257.5MB
    2021-12-12T15:20:24 694.875 INF [DECO] written 209001, in 56ms
    2021-12-12T15:20:24 694.915 INF [DECO] write thread 5ms
    2021-12-12T15:20:26 696.740 INF 22051 VehicleManager RemoveTrackedVehicle [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=23590], Unloaded
    2021-12-12T15:20:28 698.296 INF VehicleManager saving 3 (2 + 1)
    2021-12-12T15:20:28 698.303 INF 22115 VehicleManager write #0, id 24773, vehicleMotorcycle, (3392.3, 43.1, 2486.2), chunk 212, 155
    2021-12-12T15:20:28 698.311 INF 22115 VehicleManager write #1, id 24775, vehicleMotorcycle, (2083.4, 47.0, 1256.6), chunk 130, 78
    2021-12-12T15:20:28 698.318 INF 22115 VehicleManager write #2, id 23590, vehicleMotorcycle, (1955.2, 46.9, 1215.8), chunk 122, 75
    2021-12-12T15:20:28 698.353 INF VehicleManager saved 1320 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:20:29 699.685 INF Client EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b/Jett424 executing client side command: giveself 100 ammoGascan
    2021-12-12T15:20:43 713.640 INF Client EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b/Jett424 executing client side command: giveself ammoGascan 100
    2021-12-12T15:20:49 719.431 INF Time: 11.41m FPS: 37.07 Heap: 3937.7MB Max: 3957.5MB Chunks: 1410 CGO: 141 Ply: 9 Zom: 5 Ent: 33 (55) Items: 14 CO: 9 RSS: 5258.5MB
    2021-12-12T15:20:53 723.575 INF Update items to send for WolfHound id: -1  recieved: 6696
    2021-12-12T15:20:54 724.241 INF Items to send: 0   Added: 10   chunks: 6703
    2021-12-12T15:21:01 731.660 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:01 731.708 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:01 731.716 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:01 731.728 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:01 731.979 INF Client EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b/Jett424 executing client side command: giveself stackofgascans
    2021-12-12T15:21:03 733.641 INF Client EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b/Jett424 executing client side command: giveself stackofgascan
    Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of bounds vertices. IndexCount: 6, VertexCount: 409

    Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of bounds vertices. IndexCount: 6, VertexCount: 4

    2021-12-12T15:21:09 739.950 INF 23659 VehicleManager RemoveTrackedVehicle [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24773], Killed
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Character' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    ERROR: Shader Game/Character shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Character' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    2021-12-12T15:21:15 745.954 INF RequestToSpawnPlayer: 178, WolfHound, 5
    2021-12-12T15:21:15 745.970 INF Created player with id=178
    Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer

    2021-12-12T15:21:18 748.685 INF 23963 EntityVehicle PostInit [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24782], (3394.6, 43.1, 2486.9) (chunk 212, 155), rbPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    2021-12-12T15:21:19 749.830 INF Time: 11.91m FPS: 33.83 Heap: 3949.4MB Max: 3957.5MB Chunks: 1425 CGO: 110 Ply: 10 Zom: 6 Ent: 31 (54) Items: 10 CO: 10 RSS: 5323.9MB
    2021-12-12T15:21:19 749.942 INF VehicleManager saving 3 (2 + 1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:19 749.953 INF 24013 VehicleManager write #0, id 24775, vehicleMotorcycle, (2471.6, 47.0, 1256.0), chunk 154, 78
    2021-12-12T15:21:19 749.963 INF 24013 VehicleManager write #1, id 24782, vehicleMotorcycle, (3395.1, 42.9, 2485.5), chunk 212, 155
    2021-12-12T15:21:19 749.971 INF 24013 VehicleManager write #2, id 23590, vehicleMotorcycle, (1955.2, 46.9, 1215.8), chunk 122, 75
    2021-12-12T15:21:20 750.008 INF VehicleManager saved 1335 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:21:22 752.989 INF GMSG: Player 'WolfHound' joined the game
    2021-12-12T15:21:23 752.998 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: JoinMultiplayer, position: 3415, 32, 2531): EntityID=178, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:21:23 753.500 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:24 754.028 INF 24174 VehicleManager RemoveTrackedVehicle [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24782], Killed
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.047 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.055 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.062 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.080 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.090 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:25 755.090 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:26 756.557 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:26 756.570 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:30 760.488 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:30 760.497 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:33 763.989 INF VehicleManager saving 2 (1 + 1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:34 763.997 INF 24547 VehicleManager write #0, id 24775, vehicleMotorcycle, (2586.2, 47.0, 1296.0), chunk 161, 81
    2021-12-12T15:21:34 764.004 INF 24547 VehicleManager write #1, id 23590, vehicleMotorcycle, (1955.2, 46.9, 1215.8), chunk 122, 75
    2021-12-12T15:21:34 764.043 INF VehicleManager saved 898 bytes
    Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer

    2021-12-12T15:21:36 766.906 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
    2021-12-12T15:21:36 766.916 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:21:40 770.932 INF 24783 EntityVehicle PostInit [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24784], (3397.9, 43.1, 2464.1) (chunk 212, 154), rbPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    2021-12-12T15:21:46 776.307 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:49 779.839 INF Time: 12.41m FPS: 37.98 Heap: 3960.3MB Max: 3960.3MB Chunks: 1449 CGO: 117 Ply: 10 Zom: 6 Ent: 29 (56) Items: 12 CO: 10 RSS: 5339.5MB
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.498 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.508 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.564 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.573 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.584 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.669 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.683 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.697 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.950 INF VehicleManager saving 3 (2 + 1)
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.960 INF 25154 VehicleManager write #0, id 24775, vehicleMotorcycle, (2746.9, 45.6, 1345.4), chunk 171, 84
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.969 INF 25154 VehicleManager write #1, id 24784, vehicleMotorcycle, (3350.7, 42.9, 2417.4), chunk 209, 151
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.976 INF 25154 VehicleManager write #2, id 23590, vehicleMotorcycle, (1955.2, 46.9, 1215.8), chunk 122, 75
    2021-12-12T15:21:50 780.987 INF VehicleManager saved 1350 bytes
    2021-12-12T15:22:02 792.010 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:02 792.023 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:03 793.810 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:03 793.821 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:07 797.395 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:07 797.404 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:07 797.412 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:10 800.802 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:10 800.816 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:14 804.495 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:14 804.691 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:14 804.726 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:14 804.729 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:14 804.990 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:15 804.998 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:15 805.003 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:19 809.912 INF Entity zombieBoe 24450 killed by BIG @%$#ING @%$# 196
    2021-12-12T15:22:20 810.195 INF Time: 12.91m FPS: 28.76 Heap: 3881.6MB Max: 3960.3MB Chunks: 1470 CGO: 120 Ply: 10 Zom: 6 Ent: 29 (44) Items: 2 CO: 10 RSS: 5404.1MB
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.259 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.271 ERR Block on position 3433, 35, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.318 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.326 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.339 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.418 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.432 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:21 811.446 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:27 817.817 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:27 817.870 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:27 817.879 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:27 817.894 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:27 817.976 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:28 817.991 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:28 818.005 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:29 819.816 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:29 819.865 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:29 819.875 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:29 819.890 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:30 820.044 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:30 820.060 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:30 820.073 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:36 826.694 ERR Block on position 3399, 34, 2499 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:37 827.111 INF Entity animalRabbit 24539 killed by WolfHound 178
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.158 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.158 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.161 ERR Block on position 3385, 34, 2514 with name 'fluorescentLightBayBroken' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.423 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2538 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.429 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2541 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:45 835.439 ERR Block on position 3389, 35, 2544 with name 'fluorescentLight' should be a parent but is not! (1)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.478 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561198077960398, owner: 76561198077960398, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.478 INF [Steamworks.NET] Kick player for invalid login: 76561198077960398 Gangsta Duck
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.478 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization failed: EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.483 INF Kicking player (Platform auth failed: AuthTicketCanceled): EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.483 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.484 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=178, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.484 INF DynamicMusic: 178 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.484 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 178 Total: 11
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.484 WRN Client disconnect complete for 178 Total: 10
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.484 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=178, PltfmId='Steam_76561198019730247', CrossId='EOS_00027ea42352441985090ea281f6de21', OwnerID='Steam_76561198019730247', PlayerName='WolfHound'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.485 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.486 INF GMSG: Player 'WolfHound' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=250, PltfmId='Steam_76561198102473759', CrossId='EOS_0002a9511ee246978417d9a88241fcbc', OwnerID='Steam_76561198102473759', PlayerName='NotABadger'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 INF DynamicMusic: 250 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 250 Total: 10
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 WRN Client disconnect complete for 250 Total: 9
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.488 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=250, PltfmId='Steam_76561198102473759', CrossId='EOS_0002a9511ee246978417d9a88241fcbc', OwnerID='Steam_76561198102473759', PlayerName='NotABadger'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.489 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.489 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=250, PltfmId='Steam_76561198102473759', CrossId='EOS_0002a9511ee246978417d9a88241fcbc', OwnerID='Steam_76561198102473759', PlayerName='NotABadger'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=267, PltfmId='Steam_76561198421670057', CrossId='EOS_0002d9544450484b90f64d5b0ad79c43', OwnerID='Steam_76561198421670057', PlayerName='Anna Banana'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=242, PltfmId='Steam_76561198031199870', CrossId='EOS_0002698ffa58428988d7a9973a7923e8', OwnerID='Steam_76561198031199870', PlayerName='Jyf'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=174, PltfmId='Steam_76561198037180131', CrossId='EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b', OwnerID='Steam_76561198037180131', PlayerName='Jett424'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=7135, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=3339, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=196, PltfmId='Steam_76561198047302089', CrossId='EOS_0002f009be5a4d8c9d6b947e28a7c626', OwnerID='Steam_76561198047302089', PlayerName='BIG @%$#ING @%$#'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198083252388', CrossId='EOS_0002770c686e4bfe8fb7686eefea36b0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198083252388', PlayerName='GOATMAN'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF GMSG: Player 'NotABadger' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF DynamicMusic: 221 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 221 Total: 9
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 WRN Client disconnect complete for 221 Total: 8
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.490 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=221, PltfmId='Steam_76561198077960398', CrossId='EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3', OwnerID='Steam_76561198077960398', PlayerName='Gangsta Duck'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_8_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_8_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_8_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_8_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF GMSG: Player 'Gangsta Duck' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=267, PltfmId='Steam_76561198421670057', CrossId='EOS_0002d9544450484b90f64d5b0ad79c43', OwnerID='Steam_76561198421670057', PlayerName='Anna Banana'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF DynamicMusic: 267 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 267 Total: 8
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 WRN Client disconnect complete for 267 Total: 7
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.491 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=267, PltfmId='Steam_76561198421670057', CrossId='EOS_0002d9544450484b90f64d5b0ad79c43', OwnerID='Steam_76561198421670057', PlayerName='Anna Banana'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.492 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_5_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.492 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_5_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.492 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_5_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_5_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF GMSG: Player 'Anna Banana' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=242, PltfmId='Steam_76561198031199870', CrossId='EOS_0002698ffa58428988d7a9973a7923e8', OwnerID='Steam_76561198031199870', PlayerName='Jyf'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF DynamicMusic: 242 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 242 Total: 7
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 WRN Client disconnect complete for 242 Total: 6
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=242, PltfmId='Steam_76561198031199870', CrossId='EOS_0002698ffa58428988d7a9973a7923e8', OwnerID='Steam_76561198031199870', PlayerName='Jyf'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_7_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_7_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_7_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.493 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_7_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF GMSG: Player 'Jyf' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=174, PltfmId='Steam_76561198037180131', CrossId='EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b', OwnerID='Steam_76561198037180131', PlayerName='Jett424'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF DynamicMusic: 174 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 174 Total: 6
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 WRN Client disconnect complete for 174 Total: 5
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=174, PltfmId='Steam_76561198037180131', CrossId='EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b', OwnerID='Steam_76561198037180131', PlayerName='Jett424'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_6_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.494 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_6_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=174, PltfmId='Steam_76561198037180131', CrossId='EOS_0002825f296c4f4e88418377c3976d2b', OwnerID='Steam_76561198037180131', PlayerName='Jett424'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=7135, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=3339, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=196, PltfmId='Steam_76561198047302089', CrossId='EOS_0002f009be5a4d8c9d6b947e28a7c626', OwnerID='Steam_76561198047302089', PlayerName='BIG @%$#ING @%$#'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198083252388', CrossId='EOS_0002770c686e4bfe8fb7686eefea36b0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198083252388', PlayerName='GOATMAN'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.495 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_6_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 INF GMSG: Player 'Jett424' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=7135, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 INF DynamicMusic: 7135 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 7135 Total: 5
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 WRN Client disconnect complete for 7135 Total: 4
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.496 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=7135, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.498 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_4_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.498 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_4_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.498 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_4_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.498 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_4_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.498 INF GMSG: Player 'Rayndylra' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.499 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.499 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=3339, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.500 INF DynamicMusic: 3339 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.500 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 3339 Total: 4
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.500 WRN Client disconnect complete for 3339 Total: 3
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.500 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=3339, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198083252388', CrossId='EOS_0002770c686e4bfe8fb7686eefea36b0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198083252388', PlayerName='GOATMAN'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_3_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_3_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=3339, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=196, PltfmId='Steam_76561198047302089', CrossId='EOS_0002f009be5a4d8c9d6b947e28a7c626', OwnerID='Steam_76561198047302089', PlayerName='BIG @%$#ING @%$#'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_3_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_3_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.501 INF GMSG: Player 'Pruney' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=196, PltfmId='Steam_76561198047302089', CrossId='EOS_0002f009be5a4d8c9d6b947e28a7c626', OwnerID='Steam_76561198047302089', PlayerName='BIG @%$#ING @%$#'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF DynamicMusic: 196 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 196 Total: 3
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 WRN Client disconnect complete for 196 Total: 2
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=196, PltfmId='Steam_76561198047302089', CrossId='EOS_0002f009be5a4d8c9d6b947e28a7c626', OwnerID='Steam_76561198047302089', PlayerName='BIG @%$#ING @%$#'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_2_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_2_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_2_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_2_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF GMSG: Player 'BIG @%$#ING @%$#' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198083252388', CrossId='EOS_0002770c686e4bfe8fb7686eefea36b0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198083252388', PlayerName='GOATMAN'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF DynamicMusic: 171 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 171 Total: 2
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 WRN Client disconnect complete for 171 Total: 1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.502 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198083252388', CrossId='EOS_0002770c686e4bfe8fb7686eefea36b0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198083252388', PlayerName='GOATMAN'
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.503 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.503 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.503 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.504 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.504 INF GMSG: Player 'GOATMAN' left the game
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.517 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.517 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_0
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.517 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.517 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.546 INF 27142 VehicleManager RemoveTrackedVehicle [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24784], Unloaded
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.547 INF 27142 VehicleManager RemoveTrackedVehicle [type=EntityMotorcycle, name=vehicleMotorcycle, id=24775], Unloaded
    2021-12-12T15:22:51 841.782 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_6_1
    2021-12-12T15:22:52 842.028 ERR DisconnectClient: Player EOS_00023200dd9147aa87629b11974a22d3 not found
    2021-12-12T15:22:53 843.055 INF Time: 13.41m FPS: 13.77 Heap: 4203.8MB Max: 4203.8MB Chunks: 1638 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 5 Ent: 0 (54) Items: 8 CO: 0 RSS: 5391.3MB
    2021-12-12T15:22:59 849.223 INF Clearing all pools
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.832 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from:
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.837 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.843 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_9_0
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.851 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.856 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName=''
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.860 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_9_1
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.891 INF NPPL.Read
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.896 INF PlayerLogin: Pruney/Alpha 20
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.901 INF Client IP:
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.906 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.911 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.916 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.921 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.924 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.924 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.924 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.924 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
    2021-12-12T15:23:21 871.946 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: Pruney SteamId: 76561198061305453 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.298 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561198061305453, owner: 76561198061305453, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.298 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.298 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.298 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.298 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006: eyJraWQiOiIyMDIxLTA2LTAxVDA5OjA3OjA5LjQwM1oiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4eXphNzg5MVdCbkdRdXZOTWlOeWc2U1llWU9oYkEyRiIsInN1YiI6IjAwMDI1MzY2Y2Q2NTRlNzM4MTYzZDNlMDBmZDg2MDA2IiwiYWN0Ijp7InBsdGZtIjoib3RoZXIiLCJlYWlkIjoiNzY1NjExOTgwNjEzMDU0NTMiLCJlYXQiOiJzdGVhbSJ9LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLmVwaWNnYW1lcy5kZXZcL2F1dGhcL3YxXC9vYXV0aCIsImV4cCI6MTYzOTI4NTU1OCwidG9rZW5UeXBlIjoiaWRUb2tlbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzOTI4MTk1OH0.J3kMhZA9eRt-KACnNpnvnOwjM3XnU-Yu5ltdXPaClUAuOo0G7k3vo8GjjfihhiGV3CG9GHcRE2YFPonkk0Xn9lV7uCus2bS3bhluXKB81sZPw1GAc92QGnFTQbq2dLaDIi7GN8ojvFHY9-Tj0KWZRDQyO87-MjZt0tWD5mbKet9j6nJujlQcCPiQ_wDavy85VZlGAizHNKw_dD8hWKRNIXnYX3rFxsIoIxweRv0pMxHlaZk3CHNP9R-QruE0mmDGAqsFlmn6AxDcST55-pWl9shkwZsy9SW2A_yUzXIO9TNJ7mGLUlsJLYIYtRt3ZT5Za_zoDrcuIFuVSOJuQ8mPxw
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.399 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=other, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561198061305453, PUID=00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.404 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.410 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198061305453', CrossId='EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006', OwnerID='Steam_76561198061305453', PlayerName='Pruney'
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.419 INF Allowing player with id EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006
    2021-12-12T15:23:22 872.499 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_00025366cd654e738163d3e00fd86006/Pruney
    2021-12-12T15:23:23 873.053 INF Time: 13.92m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 3978.5MB Max: 4203.8MB Chunks: 1638 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 1 Ent: 3 (56) Items: 7 CO: 0 RSS: 5441.3MB
    2021-12-12T15:23:28 878.533 INF [DECO] written 209001, in 49ms
    2021-12-12T15:23:28 878.547 INF [DECO] write thread 4ms
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.523 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from:
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.530 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_8_0
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.537 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_8_0
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.543 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_8_1
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.550 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName=''
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.554 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_8_1
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.586 INF NPPL.Read
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.592 INF PlayerLogin: Rayndylra/Alpha 20
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.597 INF Client IP:
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.602 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.607 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.612 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.617 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.620 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.620 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.620 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.620 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
    2021-12-12T15:23:50 900.644 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: Rayndylra SteamId: 76561197988940222 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 900.996 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561197988940222, owner: 76561197988940222, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 900.996 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 900.996 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 900.996 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 900.996 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc: eyJraWQiOiIyMDIxLTA2LTAxVDA5OjA3OjA5LjQwM1oiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4eXphNzg5MVdCbkdRdXZOTWlOeWc2U1llWU9oYkEyRiIsInN1YiI6IjAwMDIzMGYwM2ZhMDQxMjI5MTc5ZGVkZjk3YThlM2ZjIiwiYWN0Ijp7InBsdGZtIjoib3RoZXIiLCJlYWlkIjoiNzY1NjExOTc5ODg5NDAyMjIiLCJlYXQiOiJzdGVhbSJ9LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBpLmVwaWNnYW1lcy5kZXZcL2F1dGhcL3YxXC9vYXV0aCIsImV4cCI6MTYzOTI4NTU3MywidG9rZW5UeXBlIjoiaWRUb2tlbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzOTI4MTk3M30.tn29xR0My01SUzLG8GRem9IA-DmvddUFbHRB1WIUKaKyQNw2AsWf00WEFKSZkzxaWXGIWc9EIpjBwX0Mf7PgJf3GIgL6BbH4wX8pnuHtBDc20EwtYFuFuwAnQgtWjd6oKznmdXjzG0GsApSTvgFp4MU86O9S-ajVR59IQKoOHs7b9kTco6QaXSiWqxwQziOJmLWCY9Oj2RxNTjYw_2BgX1tR8f_H2IjnzycmT4NTRFsdJ79NQYHwfBdWQCTBC64xwuOLbdqjb9zBhP8KT8_1TfPJ5fTEPBzecCusiJGgeOCa2Uv5wHHXbTUtwLom7BP_FnMLgvlKFcmKLItca04vag
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 901.048 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=other, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561197988940222, PUID=000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 901.054 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 901.059 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197988940222', CrossId='EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc', OwnerID='Steam_76561197988940222', PlayerName='Rayndylra'
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 901.068 INF Allowing player with id EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc
    2021-12-12T15:23:51 901.197 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_000230f03fa041229179dedf97a8e3fc/Rayndylra
    2021-12-12T15:23:53 903.084 INF Time: 14.42m FPS: 20.03 Heap: 4142.3MB Max: 4203.8MB Chunks: 1638 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 1 Ent: 3 (56) Items: 7 CO: 0 RSS: 5474.6MB


    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    So update:

    We turned off Zombie Spawning and went around and killed any left over zombies, we played for ages, about 3 -4 in game days before the blood moon without issue.


    We turned zombies back on for the blood moon, got through the night without issue and went about exploring again. Our first trip to the trader and we all go DC'd again before we even got there. Again it was enitre group, could reconnect, server did not crash.


    We are reasonably confident the error occurs when a certain zombie spawn event happens.

    Log is here:


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