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  • World random generation error

    • Version: v1 b312

    World random generation error


    Game version: (V1.0 b316)

    OS/Version: Windows 10 Home

    CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.41 GHz

    System memory: 48.0 GB

    GPU model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1060 4 GB / AMD RX 580 8 GB / etc.)

    Screen resolution: (width and height, e.g. 1280x1024)

    Video settings: low

    Game mode:


    Did you delete your old save data? (Yes)


    Have you started a new game? (yes/)


    Have you verified the file? (yet)


    Are you using any mods? (no)


    Is EAC on or off?

    Status: New


    2024-07-07T17:21:23 3288.011 INF writeStampsToMaps end at 9.636001, r=634a1048
    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
    Parameter name: length
      at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0004c] in <467a840a914a47078e4ae9b0b1e8779e>:0 
      at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager+<LoadPrefabs>d__10.MoveNext () [0x00090] in <5176467e17874e86b9743320f44f08c8>:0 
      at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <dfbdd4656e0844829a5285bde9c1a365>:0 

    2024-07-07T17:21:51 3315.851 INF LibGC API is only available using the IL2CPP scripting backend.



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    Thank you for reporting.

    I am unable to reproduce the issue you are having. Please post your full outputlog (not just the error log) on pastebin (not directly on the post). It is possible that you have some non vanilla POI information left somewhere that is not compatible with the current version.

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    >There may be some non-vanilla POI information that is incompatible with the current version.
    ↑Yes. It looked like this.

    Including within APPDATA
    from full deletion
    clean install
    Now random generation is successful.

    On top of that, create your own building folder.
    After changing back to LocalPrefabs
    It's no longer randomly generated
    It seems that the cause was inside the self-built building.

    If there is only a building with a unique block, it will be generated.
    You can narrow it down within your own building.

    So, please contact: World generation failure
    “Including LocalPrefabs,
    From within the 7dtd folder
    Delete non-vanilla buildings.''
    And it seems to be resolved.

    thank you very much.

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