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  • Help me please! The game closes by itself

    • Version: V1.0

    The game closes normally when I'm doing quests, prompting the following error message:


    Unity 2022.3.29f1_8d510ca76d2b


    I have tried to fix it using the launcher, using the "clean game data" to remove all files related to mods, but it hasn't worked, it keeps closing the game.


    Please help me


    Output Log:


    Mono path[0] = 'D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed'
    Mono config path = 'D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
    [Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 27 workers.
    Loading player data from D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/data.unity3d
    Initialize engine version: 2022.3.29f1 (8d510ca76d2b)
    [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/UnitySubsystems
    Forcing GfxDevice: Direct3D 11
    GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=1
        Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
        Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (ID=0x2803)
        Vendor:   NVIDIA
        VRAM:     7949 MB
    Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
    - Loaded All Assemblies, in  0.110 seconds
    - Finished resetting the current domain, in  0.001 seconds
    <RI> Initializing input.
    <RI> Input initialized.
    <RI> Initialized touch support.
    UnloadTime: 0.704600 ms
    Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    UnloadTime: 0.967500 ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.017 INF Backtrace Initialized
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.032 INF Version: V 1.0 (b333) Compatibility Version: V 1.0, Build: WindowsPlayer 64 Bit
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.032 INF System information:
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.032 INF    OS: Windows 11  (10.0.22631) 64bit
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.032 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-14700KF (cores: 28)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.033 INF    RAM: 32579 MB
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.033 INF    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (7949 MB)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.036 INF    Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5,0)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.037 INF Local UTC offset: 2 hours
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.051 INF Command line arguments: D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe -force-d3d11 -nogs -noeac -logfile C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs\output_log_client__2024-07-25__19-09-10.txt
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.052 INF UserDataFolder: C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.053 INF [Platform] Init
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.077 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.078 INF [Platform] Using cross platform: EOS
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.078 INF [Platform] Using server platform: Steam
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.079 INF [Platform] Using server platform: XBL
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.079 INF [Platform] Using server platform: PSN
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.084 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.085 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376, native module = True, XInput = True)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.088 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.092 INF InControl Native (version 1.0.6)
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.149 INF [InControl] NativeInputDeviceManager enabled.
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.161 INF [Platform] Initializing Steam
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.257 INF [Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI_Init() ok
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.258 INF [Steamworks.NET] Registering auth callbacks
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.259 INF Not running in Big Picture Mode, no on-screen keyboard available
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.259 INF [Platform] Initializing EOS
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.283 INF [EOS] Initialize: Success
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.306 INF [EOS-Voice] Successfully initialized.
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.306 INF [EOS-ACC] Not started with EAC, anticheat disabled
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.307 INF [Platform] Initializing XBL
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.308 INF [Platform] Initializing PSN
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.309 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Begin
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.310 INF [SaveDataUtils] SdPlayerPrefs -> Unity
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.310 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Complete
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.315 INF Last played version: V 1.0
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.450 INF Localization language from platform: spanish
    2024-07-25T19:09:11 0.452 INF Texture quality is set to 0
    Unloading 8 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 5920.
    Total: 4.527700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.162800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.060400 ms MarkObjects: 4.262900 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.041500 ms)

    Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    UnloadTime: 1.059600 ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:12 1.635 INF Awake IsFocused: True
    2024-07-25T19:09:12 1.635 INF Awake
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.762 INF Occlusion: Awake
    Unloading 5 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6189.
    Total: 6.428800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.160200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.052000 ms MarkObjects: 6.201700 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.014800 ms)

    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.817 INF ApplyAllOptions streaming budget 7154.1 MB
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.818 INF ApplyAllOptions current screen 2560 x 1080, 60hz, window 2560 x 1080, mode FullScreenWindow
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.820 INF Texture quality is set to 0
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.820 INF ApplyTextureFilter 3, AF Enable
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 1.821 INF ApplyTerrainOptions 4
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.166 INF [MODS] Start loading from: 'D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/../Mods'
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.168 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: '0_TFP_Harmony'
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.195 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_Harmony (
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.196 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.196 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_Harmony
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.205 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in TfpHarmony.dll, creating instance
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.206 INF [MODS]       [Harmony] Init done
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000002155D068D50.dll
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.372 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_Harmony' from DLL 'TfpHarmony.dll'
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.373 INF [MODS] Loading done
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.380 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/serveradmin.xml'
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.391 INF Loading permissions file done.
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.417 INF GameSense server not found (no props file), disabling
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.418 INF [PartyQuests] Initialized
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.423 INF Awake done in 787 ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.476 INF [XUi] Instantiating XUi from default prefab.
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.481 INF [XUi] XUi instantiation completed in 4 ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.530 INF [XUi] Loading XUi asynchronously
    2024-07-25T19:09:13 2.539 INF Updated culture for display texts
    2024-07-25T19:09:14 3.132 INF Reloading serveradmin.xml
    2024-07-25T19:09:14 3.132 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/serveradmin.xml'
    2024-07-25T19:09:14 3.132 INF Permissions file unchanged, skipping reloading
    Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Head" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
    2024-07-25T19:09:16 5.444 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 372 ms total.
    2024-07-25T19:09:16 5.529 INF LoadTextureArraysForQuality quality -1 to 0, reload False
    2024-07-25T19:09:17 5.860 INF Loaded default EULA
    2024-07-25T19:09:17 5.860 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 373 ms total.
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 6.976 INF LoadTextureArraysForQuality took 1.446
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.076 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.176 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.276 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.376 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.463 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.476 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.576 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.576 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 4.000s
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.595 INF [Steamworks.NET] Login ok.
    2024-07-25T19:09:18 7.595 INF [EOS] Login
    2024-07-25T19:09:19 7.893 INF AchievementManager: Received stats and achievements from Steam
    2024-07-25T19:09:20 9.044 INF [EOS] Login succeeded, PUID: 0002bea3214a4d3a9ae2463268e7f451
    2024-07-25T19:09:20 9.045 INF [EOS] Getting native user for 0002bea3214a4d3a9ae2463268e7f451
    2024-07-25T19:09:20 9.047 INF [EOS] CopyIdToken result: Success
    2024-07-25T19:09:21 9.727 INF [EOS] ResolvePermissions(_perms: [Communication], _canPrompt: False)
    2024-07-25T19:09:21 10.363 INF [EOS] Read (NewsFeatured.xml) completed: Success, received 704 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:22 11.010 INF [EOS] Read (News.xml) completed: Success, received 6979 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:22 11.343 INF [EOS] Read (eula_spanish) completed: Success, received 30682 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:23 12.126 INF [EOS] Read (news_featured_tfpmerch.jpg) completed: Success, received 78916 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:23 12.227 INF [EOS] Read (news_featured_bloodmoons.jpg) completed: Success, received 129503 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:23 12.560 INF [EOS] Read (news_featured_soundtrack.jpg) completed: Success, received 235045 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:24 12.993 INF [EOS] Read (news_game_1.0_stable.jpg) completed: Success, received 89211 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:24 13.110 INF [EOS] Read (news_game_AE1.jpg) completed: Success, received 91864 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:24 13.121 INF [EOS] Read (news_game_release_a21.2.jpg) completed: Success, received 108184 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:24 13.133 INF [EOS] Read (backtraceconfig.xml) completed: Success, received 1618 bytes
    2024-07-25T19:09:24 13.135 INF Backtrace Configuration refreshed from XML: Enabled False
    2024-07-25T19:09:28 17.584 INF NET: Starting offline server.
    2024-07-25T19:09:28 17.585 INF [PlatformApplication] restart required = False
    2024-07-25T19:09:28 17.585 INF StartGame
    2024-07-25T19:09:28 17.586 INF NetPackageManager Init
    2024-07-25T19:09:28 17.644 INF [XUi] Instantiating XUi from default prefab.
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.652 INF [XUi] XUi instantiation completed in 7 ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.663 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
    GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
    GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 168
    GamePref.AirDropMarker = True
    GamePref.AllowSpawnNearBackpack = True
    GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
    GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
    GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
    GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 100
    GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 100
    GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
    GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 64
    GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 7
    GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 0
    GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 8
    GamePref.BuildCreate = False
    GamePref.ConnectToServerIP =
    GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
    GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 4096
    GamePref.CreateLevelName = My Level
    GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
    GamePref.DayCount = 3
    GamePref.DayLightLength = 16
    GamePref.DayNightLength = 60
    GamePref.DeathPenalty = 1
    GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
    GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
    GamePref.DebugPanelsEnabled = ,Ply,Ge,Sp,Fo,Pr,
    GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
    GamePref.DropOnDeath = 3
    GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
    GamePref.DynamicMeshDistance = 1000
    GamePref.DynamicMeshEnabled = True
    GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer = 3
    GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly = True
    GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxItemCache = 3
    GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache = 1
    GamePref.DynamicMeshUseImposters = False
    GamePref.DynamicSpawner = 
    GamePref.EACEnabled = False
    GamePref.EnableMapRendering = False
    GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
    GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
    GamePref.EulaLatestVersion = 1
    GamePref.EulaVersionAccepted = 1
    GamePref.FavoriteServersList = 
    GamePref.FragLimit = 20
    GamePref.GameDifficulty = 4
    GamePref.GameGuidClient = 
    GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
    GamePref.GameName = PARTIDA 1
    GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
    GamePref.GameVersion = V 1.0
    GamePref.GameWorld = Mozufi County
    GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
    GamePref.IgnoreEOSSanctions = False
    GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
    GamePref.LandClaimCount = 3
    GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
    GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
    GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 7
    GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
    GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
    GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
    GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
    GamePref.Language = 
    GamePref.LanguageBrowser = 
    GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 13
    GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab = 
    GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = 23
    GamePref.LootAbundance = 100
    GamePref.LootRespawnDays = -1
    GamePref.LootTimer = 
    GamePref.MatchLength = 10
    GamePref.MaxChunkAge = -1
    GamePref.MaxQueuedMeshLayers = 40
    GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
    GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 64
    GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 524288
    GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = False
    GamePref.OptionsAllowController = True
    GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 1
    GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
    GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.75
    GamePref.OptionsChatCommunication = True
    GamePref.OptionsControllerAimAssists = True
    GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorHoverSensitivity = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorSnap = True
    GamePref.OptionsControllerJoystickLayout = 0
    GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAcceleration = 4
    GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAxisDeadzone = 0.1
    GamePref.OptionsControllerLookInvert = False
    GamePref.OptionsControllerMoveAxisDeadzone = 0.1
    GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityX = 0.3
    GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityY = 0.3
    GamePref.OptionsControllerTriggerEffects = False
    GamePref.OptionsControllerVehicleSensitivity = 1
    GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
    GamePref.OptionsControllerVibrationStrength = 2
    GamePref.OptionsControllerWeaponAiming = False
    GamePref.OptionsControllerZoomSensitivity = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 7
    GamePref.OptionsControlsSprintLock = False
    GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
    GamePref.OptionsDisableXmlEvents = False
    GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.45
    GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = True
    GamePref.OptionsFilterProfanity = False
    GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
    GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxAASharpness = 0.6
    GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = False
    GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 30
    GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
    GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
    GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
    GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 3
    GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 1
    GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 2
    GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlurEnabled = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 3
    GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
    GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 3
    GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowQuality = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 3
    GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
    GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 3
    GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 0
    GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
    GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 6
    GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 1
    GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 1
    GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
    GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
    GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 1
    GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsIntroMovieEnabled = True
    GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
    GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
    GamePref.OptionsLiteNetLibMtuOverride = False
    GamePref.OptionsLookSensitivity = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.7
    GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.75
    GamePref.OptionsMumblePositionalAudioSupport = False
    GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.6
    GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 1
    GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
    GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
    GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerMale
    GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
    GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
    GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoAccept = True
    GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoShare = True
    GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
    GamePref.OptionsSelectionBoxAlphaMultiplier = 0.4
    GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
    GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
    GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
    GamePref.OptionsSubtitlesEnabled = False
    GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = False
    GamePref.OptionsUiCompassUseEnglishCardinalDirections = False
    GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 1
    GamePref.OptionsVehicleLookSensitivity = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
    GamePref.OptionsVoiceInputDevice = 
    GamePref.OptionsVoiceOutputDevice = 
    GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 0.75
    GamePref.OptionsWeaponAiming = False
    GamePref.OptionsZoomAccel = 0.5
    GamePref.OptionsZoomSensitivity = 0.3
    GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 100
    GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = False
    GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
    GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 2
    GamePref.PlayerName = NarkoBurger
    GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 7
    GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
    GamePref.PlayerToken = 
    GamePref.PlaytestBiome = 3
    GamePref.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 3
    GamePref.RebuildMap = False
    GamePref.Region = NorthAmericaEast
    GamePref.SaveDataLimit = -1
    GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
    GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
    GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 0
    GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
    GamePref.ServerDescription = 
    GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = 
    GamePref.ServerEnabled = False
    GamePref.ServerIP = 
    GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
    GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText = 
    GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
    GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 8
    GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 512
    GamePref.ServerName = Default Server
    GamePref.ServerPort = 26900
    GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
    GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
    GamePref.ServerVisibility = 2
    GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL = 
    GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
    GamePref.SkipSpawnButton = False
    GamePref.TelnetEnabled = False
    GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
    GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
    GamePref.TelnetPort = 25003
    GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = True
    GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
    GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
    GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelEnabled = False
    GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelPort = 8080
    GamePref.UNUSED_LastLoadedPrefabSize = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_NewGameSetDefaults = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionHeight = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionWidth = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_PlayerId = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_SaveGameFolder = 
    GamePref.UNUSED_UserDataFolder = 
    GamePref.WebDashboardEnabled = False
    GamePref.WebDashboardPort = 8080
    GamePref.WebDashboardUrl = 
    GamePref.WorldGenSeed = 
    GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
    GamePref.XPMultiplier = 100
    GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 4
    GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 4
    GamePref.ZombieFeralSense = 2
    GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
    GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 4
    GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
    GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
    GameStat.AirDropMarker = True
    GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
    GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
    GameStat.AutoParty = False
    GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
    GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
    GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
    GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
    GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
    GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
    GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
    GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
    GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
    GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
    GameStat.DeathPenalty = XPOnly
    GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
    GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
    GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
    GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
    GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
    GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
    GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
    GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
    GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
    GameStat.GameModeId = 0
    GameStat.GameState = 0
    GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow = 
    GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
    GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
    GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
    GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
    GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
    GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
    GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
    GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
    GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
    GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = False
    GameStat.LandClaimCount = 3
    GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
    GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
    GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
    GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
    GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
    GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
    GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
    GameStat.LoadScene = 
    GameStat.LootTimer = 
    GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
    GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
    GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
    GameStat.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 4
    GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
    GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
    GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
    GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
    GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
    GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
    GameStat.ShowWindow = 
    GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
    GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
    GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
    GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
    GameStat.UNUSED_ShowZombieCounter = 
    GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
    GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.695 INF StartAsServer
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.705 INF Setting for 'DropOnDeath' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 3, default = 1
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.705 INF Setting for 'BloodMoonEnemyCount' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 64, default = 8
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.705 INF Setting for 'LootRespawnDays' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = -1, default = 7
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.705 INF Setting for 'AirDropFrequency' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 168, default = 72
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 17.843 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.146 INF Set Microsplat diffuse: MicroSplatConfig_diff_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.147 INF Set Microsplat normals: MicroSplatConfig_normal_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.147 INF Set Microsplat smooth:  MicroSplatConfig_smoothAO_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.176 INF Loaded (local): materials in 0.27
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.276 INF Loaded (local): physicsbodies in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.376 INF Loaded (local): painting in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:29 18.493 INF Loaded (local): shapes in 0.03
    Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14)
    2024-07-25T19:09:38 27.342 INF Block IDs with mapping
    2024-07-25T19:09:38 27.348 INF Block IDs total 23969, terr 29, last 24191
    2024-07-25T19:09:38 27.366 INF Loaded (local): blocks in 8.68
    Unloading 75466 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 147640.
    Total: 165.835700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 8.458400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 6.220200 ms MarkObjects: 136.416500 ms  DeleteObjects: 14.740100 ms)

    2024-07-25T19:09:38 27.627 INF Loaded (local): progression in 0.07
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 27.948 INF Loaded (local): buffs in 0.26
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.026 INF Loaded (local): misc in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.344 INF Loaded (local): items in 0.23
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.460 INF Item IDs with mapping
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.460 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.462 INF ItemClass assignLeftOverItems 66882 of 81920
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.498 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers in 0.09
    2024-07-25T19:09:39 28.609 INF Loaded (local): entityclasses in 0.05
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 28.710 INF Loaded (local): qualityinfo in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 28.827 INF Loaded (local): sounds in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 28.931 INF Loaded (local): recipes in 0.04
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.026 INF Loaded (local): blockplaceholders in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.129 INF Loaded (local): loot in 0.04
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.226 INF Loaded (local): entitygroups in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.326 INF Loaded (local): utilityai in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.426 INF Loaded (local): vehicles in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.526 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:40 29.626 INF Loaded (local): weathersurvival in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 29.726 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 29.826 INF Loaded (local): challenges in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 29.943 INF Loaded (local): quests in 0.05
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.043 INF Loaded (local): traders in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.143 INF Loaded (local): npc in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.243 INF Loaded (local): dialogs in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.343 INF Loaded (local): ui_display in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.443 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:41 30.543 INF Loaded (local): gamestages in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 30.757 INF Loaded (local): gameevents in 0.15
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 30.863 INF Loaded (local): twitch in 0.04
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 30.959 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.063 INF Loaded (local): dmscontent in 0.04
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.159 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/styles in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.260 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/controls in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.360 INF Loaded (local): XUi/styles in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.460 INF Loaded (local): XUi/controls in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:42 31.559 INF Loaded (local): XUi/windows in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 31.660 INF [XUi] Loading XUi asynchronously
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 31.686 INF Loaded (local): XUi/xui in 0.06
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 31.910 INF Loaded (local): biomes in 0.06
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 32.062 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 326 ms total.
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 32.118 INF Loaded (local): worldglobal in 0.07
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 32.383 INF Loaded (local): spawning in 0.09
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 32.583 INF ShapeControllers: 96
    2024-07-25T19:09:43 32.608 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.06
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.778 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 625 ms total.
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.780 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.782 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.01
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.876 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.03
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.927 INF createWorld: Mozufi County, PARTIDA 1, GameModeSurvival
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.929 INF Occlusion: Enabled
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.949 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.949 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.949 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.978 INF World.Load: Mozufi County
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.985 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 14, last day 7, freq 7, range 0
    2024-07-25T19:09:44 32.999 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
    2024-07-25T19:09:47 36.044 INF Started thread GenerateChunks
    2024-07-25T19:09:47 36.443 INF Calculating world hashes took 366 ms (world size 266 MiB)
    2024-07-25T19:09:47 36.445 INF Initial ENABLE_FILE_BACKED_ARRAYS == False
    2024-07-25T19:09:47 36.520 INF Loading dtm raw file took 459ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:47 36.530 INF Biomes image size w= 1024, h = 1024
    2024-07-25T19:09:48 37.408 INF Loading and creating biomes took 888ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:49 38.509 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 1100ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:50 38.952 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 442ms
    2024-07-25T19:09:50 38.971 INF Computed 1230 chunk groups containing a total of 30270 chunks. Largest group contains 387 chunks.
    2024-07-25T19:09:50 38.987 INF Started thread SaveChunks C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Mozufi County\PARTIDA 1\Region
    2024-07-25T19:09:51 40.218 INF [DECO] read 163466
    2024-07-25T19:09:51 40.339 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Server
    2024-07-25T19:09:51 40.347 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Client
    2024-07-25T19:09:51 40.564 INF AstarManager Init
    2024-07-25T19:09:52 40.710 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
    2024-07-25T19:09:52 40.877 INF WeatherManager: ApplySavedPackages
    2024-07-25T19:09:52 40.879 INF createWorld() done
    2024-07-25T19:09:52 40.882 INF Loading players.xml
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.657 INF Created player with id=171
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.662 INF [PartyQuests] Player registered: [type=EntityPlayerLocal, name=NarkoBurger, id=171]
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.767 INF Loaded player
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.867 INF 4016 VehicleManager read #0, id 825, vehicleBicycle, (-730.2, 35.1, -1010.0), chunk -46, -64
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.867 INF VehicleManager C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/vehicles.dat, loaded 1
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.868 INF DroneManager C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/drones.dat, loaded 0
    2024-07-25T19:09:54 42.869 INF TurretTracker C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/turrets.dat, loaded 0
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.499 INF OpenSpawnWindow
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.504 INF Loading dymesh settings
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Use Imposter Values: False
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Only Player Areas: True
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Player Area Buffer: 3
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Max View Distance: 1000
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.505 INF Regen all on new world: False
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.507 INF Dymesh: Prepping dynamic mesh. Resend Default: True
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.507 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/DynamicMeshes/
    2024-07-25T19:09:55 44.508 INF StartGame done
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.204 INF Dymesh: Warming dynamic mesh
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.204 INF Dymesh: Creating dynamic mesh manager
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.206 INF Dymesh: Awake
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.206 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/DynamicMeshes/
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.207 INF Dymesh: Loading Items: C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie\Saves/Mozufi County/PARTIDA 1/DynamicMeshes/
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.212 INF Dymesh: Loaded Items: 4
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.212 INF Dymesh: Loading all items took: 0.0059803 seconds.
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.229 INF Meshlist count is now 1
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.229 INF Meshlist count is now 2
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.230 INF Force load took 0 seconds
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.231 INF Clearing queues.
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.231 INF Cleared queues.
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.232 INF Dynamic thread starting
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.233 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.311 INF 4052 Vehicle PostInit [type=EntityBicycle, name=vehicleBicycle, id=825], (-730.17, 35.12, -1010.04) (chunk -46, -64), rbPos (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.313 INF 4052 VehicleManager loaded #0, id 825, [type=EntityBicycle, name=vehicleBicycle, id=825], (-730.2, 35.1, -1010.0), chunk -46, -64 (-46, -64)
    2024-07-25T19:09:56 45.313 INF 4052 VehicleManager Update loaded 1
    2024-07-25T19:09:57 45.666 INF Respawn almost done
    2024-07-25T19:09:57 45.670 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: LoadedGame, position: -709, 35, -1013): localplayer
    2024-07-25T19:09:57 45.709 INF 4070+1 Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (-720.0, 32.0, -1024.0)
    2024-07-25T19:09:57 45.903 INF 38.66101 SleeperVolume -705, 35, -1010: Restoring -698, 35, -1009 (-44, -64) 'zombieMoe', count 0
    2024-07-25T19:09:57 46.060 INF 38.92768 SleeperVolume -705, 35, -1010: Restoring -702, 35, -1006 (-44, -63) 'zombieYo', count 0
    2024-07-25T19:10:02 51.393 INF 44.27768 SleeperVolume -695, 35, -1010: Restoring -688, 35, -1005 (-43, -63) 'zombieBiker', count 2
    2024-07-25T19:10:17 66.293 INF 59.17769 SleeperVolume -705, 35, -1010: Spawning -698, 35, -1009 (-44, -64), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS27', class zombieMoe, count 3
    2024-07-25T19:10:18 67.160 INF [DECO] written 163466, in 16ms
    2024-07-25T19:10:18 67.164 INF [DECO] write thread 3ms
    2024-07-25T19:10:19 68.493 INF 61.37768 SleeperVolume -705, 40, -1011: Spawning -702, 40, -1011 (-44, -64), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS27', class zombieTomClark, count 1
    SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die;D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Plugins\x86_64;D:/STEAM/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Plugins;D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 534, UserName: 'Usuario'
    OS-Version: 10.0.0
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe:7DaysToDie.exe (00007FF7726D0000), size: 688128 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2022.3.29.20748
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll:ntdll.dll (00007FFE2F150000), size: 2191360 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3733
    C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL:KERNEL32.DLL (00007FFE2D340000), size: 802816 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll:KERNELBASE.dll (00007FFE2C9C0000), size: 3854336 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\UnityPlayer.dll:UnityPlayer.dll (00007FFD8E530000), size: 31895552 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2022.3.29.20748
    C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll:USER32.dll (00007FFE2E920000), size: 1761280 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll:win32u.dll (00007FFE2C730000), size: 155648 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll:GDI32.dll (00007FFE2E8F0000), size: 167936 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll:gdi32full.dll (00007FFE2C610000), size: 1150976 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll:msvcp_win.dll (00007FFE2CD70000), size: 630784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3374
    C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll:ucrtbase.dll (00007FFE2C4F0000), size: 1118208 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3593
    C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll:ole32.dll (00007FFE2EF60000), size: 1724416 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll:combase.dll (00007FFE2EB70000), size: 3702784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll:RPCRT4.dll (00007FFE2D220000), size: 1130496 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll:SHLWAPI.dll (00007FFE2EF00000), size: 385024 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll:msvcrt.dll (00007FFE2E5F0000), size: 684032 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 7.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll:SETUPAPI.dll (00007FFE2D410000), size: 4669440 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll:ADVAPI32.dll (00007FFE2E470000), size: 729088 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll:sechost.dll (00007FFE2D170000), size: 692224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll:VERSION.dll (00007FFE24810000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll:bcrypt.dll (00007FFE2C990000), size: 163840 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll:SHELL32.dll (00007FFE2D890000), size: 8777728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.dll (00007FFE2E0F0000), size: 880640 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.dll:IMM32.dll (00007FFE2E6A0000), size: 200704 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3374
    C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll:CRYPT32.dll (00007FFE2C820000), size: 1470464 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll:WS2_32.dll (00007FFE2CF90000), size: 462848 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll:OPENGL32.dll (00007FFDA13C0000), size: 1048576 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll:WINMM.dll (00007FFE20FD0000), size: 212992 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll:WINHTTP.dll (00007FFE25A00000), size: 1269760 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll:dwmapi.dll (00007FFE29400000), size: 176128 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL:HID.DLL (00007FFE2A5F0000), size: 57344 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll:GLU32.dll (00007FFDA1390000), size: 184320 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxcore.dll:dxcore.dll (00007FFE29470000), size: 233472 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll:kernel.appcore.dll (00007FFE2ADA0000), size: 98304 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2715
    C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll:bcryptPrimitives.dll (00007FFE2CE10000), size: 503808 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll:uxtheme.dll (00007FFE29180000), size: 716800 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll:shcore.dll (00007FFE2E7F0000), size: 999424 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\MonoBleedingEdge\EmbedRuntime\mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll:mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll (00007FFD9FF40000), size: 10825728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll:windows.storage.dll (00007FFE29B90000), size: 9420800 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll:wintypes.dll (00007FFE29A50000), size: 1306624 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll:profapi.dll (00007FFE2C3B0000), size: 135168 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3527
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iphlpapi.dll:iphlpapi.dll (00007FFE2A900000), size: 184320 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\NVUnityPlugin.DLL:NVUnityPlugin.DLL (00007FFDDCE20000), size: 1519616 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\BacktraceCrashpadWindows.dll:BacktraceCrashpadWindows.dll (00007FFE167F0000), size: 180224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll:MSVCP140.dll (00007FFE0C110000), size: 577536 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 14.40.33810.0
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll:VCRUNTIME140_1.dll (00007FFE0B980000), size: 49152 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 14.40.33810.0
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll:VCRUNTIME140.dll (00007FFE0C0F0000), size: 122880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 14.40.33810.0
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL:CRYPTBASE.DLL (00007FFE2B4D0000), size: 49152 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll:MSCTF.dll (00007FFE2D010000), size: 1388544 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll:d3d11.dll (00007FFE269F0000), size: 2453504 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll:dxgi.dll (00007FFE292F0000), size: 1011712 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\directxdatabasehelper.dll:directxdatabasehelper.dll (00007FFE24C40000), size: 299008 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\nvldumdx.dll:nvldumdx.dll (00007FFE21B60000), size: 790528 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
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    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll:cryptnet.dll (00007FFE244F0000), size: 204800 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wldp.dll:wldp.dll (00007FFE2B5A0000), size: 299008 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\drvstore.dll:drvstore.dll (00007FFE2A490000), size: 1409024 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\devobj.dll:devobj.dll (00007FFE2C180000), size: 180224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll:cfgmgr32.dll (00007FFE2C130000), size: 319488 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\System32\wintrust.dll:wintrust.dll (00007FFE2C480000), size: 438272 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
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    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll:CRYPTSP.dll (00007FFE2C110000), size: 110592 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll:rsaenh.dll (00007FFE2ADC0000), size: 217088 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\nvgpucomp64.dll:nvgpucomp64.dll (00007FFE1EFE0000), size: 33480704 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
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    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll:NvCamera64.dll (00007FFD9F6D0000), size: 8847360 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll:WindowsCodecs.dll (00007FFE28F80000), size: 1773568 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3880
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll:DINPUT8.dll (00007FFE152B0000), size: 286720 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\XINPUT9_1_0.dll:XINPUT9_1_0.dll (00007FFE28EB0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\inputhost.dll:inputhost.dll (00007FFE18790000), size: 2154496 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll:CoreMessaging.dll (00007FFE27520000), size: 1257472 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\nvwgf2umx.dll:nvwgf2umx.dll (00007FFE19E00000), size: 68272128 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll:powrprof.dll (00007FFE2BD80000), size: 315392 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3374
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll:UMPDC.dll (00007FFE2B960000), size: 77824 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap64.dll:nvspcap64.dll (00007FFDB95C0000), size: 2949120 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll:ntmarta.dll (00007FFE2BD20000), size: 212992 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\nvppex.dll:nvppex.dll (00007FFDCB850000), size: 1396736 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll:gpapi.dll (00007FFE2B300000), size: 155648 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll:d3dcompiler_47_64.dll (00007FFD9F2C0000), size: 4210688 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.3.9600.16384
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvapi64.dll:nvapi64.dll (00007FFE1E060000), size: 7286784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll:clbcatq.dll (00007FFE2E540000), size: 720896 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2001.12.10941.16384
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll:wbemprox.dll (00007FFE234A0000), size: 65536 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll:wbemcomn.dll (00007FFE22FC0000), size: 524288 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll:wbemsvc.dll (00007FFE18C50000), size: 81920 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll:fastprox.dll (00007FFE189A0000), size: 1015808 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\amsi.dll:amsi.dll (00007FFE17A70000), size: 118784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3527
    C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll:MMDevApi.dll (00007FFE22F10000), size: 643072 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL:AUDIOSES.DLL (00007FFE0F910000), size: 2015232 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll:resourcepolicyclient.dll (00007FFE29620000), size: 86016 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3527
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\lib_burst_generated.dll:lib_burst_generated.dll (00007FFE15250000), size: 372736 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\xinput1_3.dll:xinput1_3.dll (0000000000400000), size: 122880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 9.18.944.0
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dcomp.dll:dcomp.dll (00007FFE26CF0000), size: 2437120 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll:textinputframework.dll (00007FFE16430000), size: 1368064 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\MessageBus.dll:MessageBus.dll (00007FFE033E0000), size: 7565312 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 1.22.2758.1620
    C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll:NSI.dll (00007FFE2E530000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL:dhcpcsvc.DLL (00007FFE25630000), size: 126976 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\InControlNative.dll:InControlNative.dll (00007FFE15210000), size: 237568 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\XInput1_4.dll:XInput1_4.dll (00007FFDD22E0000), size: 69632 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_api64.dll:steam_api64.dll (00007FFDF9BD0000), size: 315392 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    D:\STEAM\steamclient64.dll:steamclient64.dll (00007FFD88DE0000), size: 24170496 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL:PSAPI.DLL (00007FFE2EB40000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll:Secur32.dll (00007FFE2AC20000), size: 49152 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    D:\STEAM\vstdlib_s64.dll:vstdlib_s64.dll (00007FFDE0EE0000), size: 733184 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    D:\STEAM\tier0_s64.dll:tier0_s64.dll (00007FFDC2930000), size: 1658880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.dll:MSWSOCK.dll (00007FFE2B270000), size: 430080 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL:SSPICLI.DLL (00007FFE2B060000), size: 274432 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3810
    D:\STEAM\gameoverlayrenderer64.dll:gameoverlayrenderer64.dll (00007FFDC2790000), size: 1646592 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll:EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll (00007FFD8D330000), size: 18841600 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL:dhcpcsvc6.DLL (00007FFE270C0000), size: 102400 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll:napinsp.dll (00007FFDDDEC0000), size: 94208 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll:pnrpnsp.dll (00007FFDDDEA0000), size: 110592 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll:DNSAPI.dll (00007FFE2A930000), size: 1015808 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3733
    C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll:winrnr.dll (00007FFDDDE80000), size: 69632 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll:wshbth.dll (00007FFE24D00000), size: 86016 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3374
    C:\Windows\system32\nlansp_c.dll:nlansp_c.dll (00007FFDDDE50000), size: 159744 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3672
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\xaudio2_9redist.dll:xaudio2_9redist.dll (00007FFDC2D30000), size: 864256 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll:AVRT.dll (00007FFE24B60000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3374
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\xaudio2_9.dll:xaudio2_9.dll (00007FFDD9290000), size: 602112 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DSOUND.dll:DSOUND.dll (00007FFDA3B20000), size: 663552 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3527
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ResampleDmo.DLL:ResampleDmo.DLL (00007FFD9E850000), size: 724992 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll:winmmbase.dll (00007FFE0B690000), size: 167936 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msdmo.dll:msdmo.dll (00007FFDEE1B0000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv:wdmaud.drv (00007FFDE47F0000), size: 286720 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3527
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ksuser.dll:ksuser.dll (00007FFE04920000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv:msacm32.drv (00007FFDFF740000), size: 57344 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll:MSACM32.dll (00007FFE165E0000), size: 122880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll:midimap.dll (00007FFE23330000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Plugins\x86_64\ControllerExt.dll:ControllerExt.dll (00007FFDC2560000), size: 544768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.22621.3672_none_2713b9d173822955\comctl32.dll:comctl32.dll (00007FFE2B650000), size: 2699264 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.10.22621.3672
    C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll:rasadhlp.dll (00007FFE234B0000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.1
    C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll:fwpuclnt.dll (00007FFE24D40000), size: 536576 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3235
    C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9155\modules\discord_hook-1\discord_hook\8f805d805aa3bb\DiscordHook64.dll:DiscordHook64.dll (00007FFD9EF30000), size: 3735552 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DCompiler_47.dll:D3DCompiler_47.dll (00007FFE25C90000), size: 4087808 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.2506
    D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\MonoBleedingEdge\EmbedRuntime\MonoPosixHelper.dll:MonoPosixHelper.dll (00007FFDC24C0000), size: 626688 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: ''
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll:dbghelp.dll (00007FFE2BDD0000), size: 2301952 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.22621.3593

    ========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

    0x00007FFD8EC307A1 (UnityPlayer) GpuProgramParameters::PrepareValues
    0x00007FFD8EF0B31A (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceClient::SetShadersMainThread
    0x00007FFD8EB930E6 (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab::ShaderState::ApplyShaderState
    0x00007FFD8EB8912E (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab::Pass::ApplyPass
    0x00007FFD8EB37839 (UnityPlayer) ApplyMaterialPass
    0x00007FFD8E9523BE (UnityPlayer) BatchRenderer::ApplyShaderPass
    0x00007FFD8E8BC39C (UnityPlayer) RenderCasters
    0x00007FFD8E8BC971 (UnityPlayer) ShadowMapJob
    0x00007FFD8EF1F146 (UnityPlayer) ExecuteAsyncSetup
    0x00007FFD8EAA5BC4 (UnityPlayer) ujob_execute_job
    0x00007FFD8EAA6071 (UnityPlayer) lane_guts
    0x00007FFD8EAA60F4 (UnityPlayer) worker_thread_routine
    0x00007FFD8EBE4661 (UnityPlayer) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
    0x00007FFE2D35257D (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
    0x00007FFE2F1AAF28 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

    ========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

    A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in:
     * C:/Users/Usuario/AppData/Local/Temp/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die/Crashes

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    According to the crash, this has something to do with your GPU and/or shaders.
    I'll need to ask the team about this particular issue as I've not personally seen this stack trace before.

    In the meantime, could you try this:

    In your Steam Library, right click on 7 Days to Die and choose properties
    In the General section, make sure "Show game launcher" is selected in the dropdown for Launch Options
    Close the properties window and press Play
    On the 7 Days to Die game launcher, uncheck Enable Graphic Jobs
    Click on Run (you may click on Run & Save as Default later if this option works for you)

    Let us know if this helps.
    I'll ask about the stack trace once the rest of the team comes online today.

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    I have never had the "Enable graphic jobs" option checked. Unchecking it doesn't work to solve my problem with the game. 


    I have tried to solve it by reducing the graphics quality from "ultra" to "high" but it didn't work either.


    I am currently using a graphics card GeForce RTX 4060 Ti.


    Thank you for your help and attention.


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    This MIGHT be a symptom of the Intel 13th/14th Gen CPU issues currently being observed.

    Please check with your motherboard manufacturer to see if there are any BIOS updates related to the Intel microcode issue. Follow all instructions and/or recommendations of the motherboard manufacturer.

    The Fun Pimps cannot help you with any issues related to this potential hardware issue. Update at your own risk.

    Please let us know if any updates resolve the crashing issues.

    Best of luck!

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    Guest Ferran

    Posted (edited)

    Tengo el mismo problema, desinstalé y desinstalé Steam y 7 días y actualicé todo lo que puedo. Por favor ayuda.

    Please use Google Translate, even if it gets a few things wrong sometimes:

    I have the same problem, I uninstalled and uninstalled Steam and 7 days and updated everything I can. Please help.

    Edited by schwanz9000 (see edit history)
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    Guest anonymous survivor


    I'm also having the same problem.
    Even if you update the BIOS to one that supports 
    the INTEL microcode issue, the same symptoms will occur.


    Please help me.
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    Guest Guest anonymous survivor


    Just started having this issue today after many hours of using EXP and V1 stable. Not sure what has changed, but something is broke.



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    If you have similar crashing issues, please post your output log in a separate bug report with all other requested information. We can't help you without it.

    Here are some links with information from Intel about the situation:

    Intel forum post about July 2024 Update on Instability Reports on Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen Desktop Processors

    Intel forum post about Additional Warranty Updates on Intel Core 13th/14th Gen Desktop Processors

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    Guest anonymous survivor


    I'm anonymous survivor posted aug.3.

    The problem was solved.
    I updated the BIOS to the latest version
    and changed the CPU settings to the INTEL default settings.

    cpu:core i9-14900
    m/b:ASUS B760M-AYW WIFI D4


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