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  • Animal Tracker Skill Needs to be Triggered not Passive

    • Version: V1.0 b309

    Summary: The Animal Tracker skill (the search for game) happens any time the player character is crouched.  Therefore, it continually spams the search even when it's undesirable, like when stealthing.  The "no tracks found" spam is annoying (and can obscure trash and items on the floor immediately in front of the player) and the search spam is certainly taking up resources that the game could be using for other computations.  It would be better if the skill was triggered by pressing a key while crouched to prevent this.

    Game Version: (V1.0 b309)

    OS/Version: Windows

    CPU Model: Doesn't matter

    System Memory: Doesn't matter

    GPU Model and VRAM: Doesn't matter

    Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080

    Video Settings: Ultra with bloom and motion blur turned off

    Game mode: Doesn't matter


    Did you wipe old saves? (Yes)


    Did you start a new game? (Yes)


    Did you validate your files? (Yes)


    Are you using any mods? (No)


    EAC on or off?  Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:  Animal Tracker skill operates any time the player character is crouched, even when undesirable.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1)  Put at least one point into Animal Tracker skill

    2) Crouch

    3) Observe search skill repeating until the player uncrouches


    Actual result: Animal Tracker skill operates any time the player character is crouched, even when undesirable.


    Expected result: Animal Tracker skill should not be active any time the player crouches but should be triggered by a key press to avoid annoying spam when Animal Tracking is not desired.

    Link to Pastebin Output Log:  N/A, as this is not a bug so much as a needed change in skill behavior.


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    Honest question:  What do you like about this behavior?  Doesn't it get in the way when you're using stealth to clear POIs and such? 


    I'd be fine with it remaining passive if the UI indicators were more subtle and the "no tracks" message stopped showing up but it still seems like a waste of resources to constantly be looking for animals while working through a skyscraper or whatever.

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    3 hours ago, Aerial said:

    Honest question:  What do you like about this behavior?  Doesn't it get in the way when you're using stealth to clear POIs and such? 


    I'd be fine with it remaining passive if the UI indicators were more subtle and the "no tracks" message stopped showing up but it still seems like a waste of resources to constantly be looking for animals while working through a skyscraper or whatever.

    Maybe making it a setting (Passive Animal Tracker On/Off)? Playing on controller I feel that will just be an extra button for me to map (or ANOTHER combination to remember).

    Maybe removing the "No Tracks" message all together? Maybe just make the countdown on the side turn "Red" as it turns "Green" if animals are spotted?


    Keyboard you might be fine, but again I use controller and with console getting released again it needs to make sense for both :).

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