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  • Storage disappeared

    • Version: 1.0

    Game Version: (V1.0 b333)

    OS/Version: Xbox Series X 


    Game mode: SP

    Map: Pregen(04k2)

    Bug Description:

    Everything in 1 of my storage crates disappeared.

    I finished a Tier 1 quest, quit game using pause menu because the UI was getting glitchy (im using M&K and controller has to stay on at the same time), restarted the game, went back to base to store loot and everything in 1 of my 3 storage crates was gone (raw materials).

    I have a small base built next to trader rekt not near a poi.

    I have a bedroll and land claim placed.

    I'm sure I didn't misplace or drop these materials it was almost full and now there is 0 items in the crate.

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    I can confirm this is happening on Xbox series x. 8 crates total and 6 of them emptied out during the change over from day 5 to 6. I also had land claim with bedroll s down.  


    Could this have something to do with chunk reset even though we had the feature disabled? Just odd how it didn't have any problems for multiple days


    On a side note: we need a way to get logs into the console version. Clips are not the answer my friends

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    Guest Box Of Bullets


    I have had the same issue, all my chest I put down deleted all the loot inside, however a chest I was using that was already there still had everything in it. I believe it was a magazine issue. Was all fine and dandy til I went to a supply drop and ate some mags, when I got to base everything was deleted. 

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    Went out to loot the next house over and when I returned to my base all of the storage chests I placed and filled are empty. The crate that was already there was still full. I am playing on Xbox Series X MP Navezgane.

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    Guest SylvaticKarma53


    I had the same issue as well when playing with a group of friends. It hit night on day five and 3 of the 6 storage chests voided everything inside. We tried restarting our games and systems wich did nothing. We had a similar issue on the old "game" on console when the loot respawned it would delete everything that was too close to a structure

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    Yes, my resource box got completely emptied as well, I'm now on day 7 with no resource's to craft anything. Was having fun too. Guess I'll come back to game when its fixed


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    For those who had some crates not empty out, were they unnamed?  If so, try leaving your crates unnamed as a test/workaround for now.


    Our team is working on a repro on this issue.  Thank you guys for your patience.

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    This happened to us too! On day 10 4 of our boxes were emptied. Absolutely gutted 🥲 it took 10 days to get all that loot🥲

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    1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

    For those who had some crates not empty out, were they unnamed?  If so, try leaving your crates unnamed as a test/workaround for now.


    Our team is working on a repro on this issue.  Thank you guys for your patience.

    I had 4 boxes all named, the 2 called "resource"and "gear"got erased, and it then said "(...)" as thier name untill i reset game, the other 2 named, "meds" and "stuff" across the room where untouched with no(...). I was built in a poi with no land claim also if gat helps

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    On 7/26/2024 at 8:47 AM, Chadric said:

    I had 4 boxes all named, the 2 called "resource"and "gear"got erased, and it then said "(...)" as thier name untill i reset game, the other 2 named, "meds" and "stuff" across the room where untouched with no(...). I was built in a poi with no land claim also if gat helps


    Hello Chadric,


    Thank you for additional info!  We have a few theories we are testing right now.  Just a couple more questions.


    1) What language / text are you using on your storage crates?

    2) When you mentioned "reset game," can you elaborate on what you meant by this step by step? (e.g. closed game, reopened, etc.)

    3) For clarity, your "resource" and "gear" storage crates were showing "(...)" when you logged off and when you logged back in, the crates were now empty?  If so, what writing/label were showing on the affected crates afterwards?


    I understand this is not ideal but the following are some possible workarounds that you can try until we resolve the bug.


    1) Leave your crates unnamed for your critical gear.

    2) Use an alternate storage solutions (e.g. wood furniture which requires nails & wood)


    If you can think of any additional information that may help, please let us know.  Thanks again.

    Storage Alternatives.png

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    29 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Hello Chadric,


    Thank you for additional info!  We have a few theories we are testing right now.  Just a couple more questions.


    1) What language / text are you using on your storage crates?

    2) When you mentioned "reset game," can you elaborate on what you meant by this step by step? (e.g. closed game, reopened, etc.)

    3) For clarity, your "resource" and "gear" storage crates were showing "(...)" when you logged off and when you logged back in, the crates were now empty?  If so, what writing/label were showing on the affected crates afterwards?





    1. I'm using English UK on Xbox series S

    2. i exit to game menu and reopened save, not reset whole game

    3. I got back from a loot run to see those 2 boxes saying something like (...) on them. I open them and stuff is gone. That's when I exited to the menu and went back on and they where back to original text "resource"and "gear" with stuff still missing.


    And thank you for the workarounds that's awesome thanks.

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    Guest Maverick McLeod


    I had 4 storage boxes completely disappear on day 3. I was set up in front of a store. I activated a trader mission to find a stash in the same shop. When I got to the store my boxes were gone.

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    Same keeps happening to me. I have had all my storage crates emptied everytime I log back in. It shows some error writing on the storage and is completely empty. Keep losing tons of loot.

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    18 hours ago, Guest Maverick McLeod said:

    I had 4 storage boxes completely disappear on day 3. I was set up in front of a store. I activated a trader mission to find a stash in the same shop. When I got to the store my boxes were gone.


    Hello Maverick, that sounds like a different issue.  When doing a quest at a POI, when clicking the yellow bouncing exclamation mark to start, it first will reset the entire thing to its original state.  To ensure this is not done by accident, I believe placing down a bedroll and/or a land claim block will prevent you from doing a quest at your home.

    17 hours ago, Guest Jbshow said:

    Same keeps happening to me. I have had all my storage crates emptied everytime I log back in. It shows some error writing on the storage and is completely empty. Keep losing tons of loot.


    Hello Jbshow,


    We are working on it.  If you haven't seen the listed workarounds yet, please check them out to see if they help you out until we are able to fix the issue.  Thank you for your patience.


    Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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    Experiencing the same issue. Day 19, just got back to our base from an adventure. 2 players both series S, we've named all of our chests and all but like 2 or 3 are empty. Restarted game and the names came back, bit still empty. Can't seem to pit anything into the craft able cupboard, "wood furniture" however seems to work.

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    Guest Same on Xbox S /X


    Two players playing Xbox S and X. 4 out of 7 storage chest empty. Been playing all day. Got to day 12, just finished a tier 1 fetch mission. All chest labeled.

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    This happened to me earlier today. We got back from a fetch quest. (1st quest we did) day 8 I believe and my personal named chest was empty. No other named chests affected. Had a ton of mods for weapons and armor in it as well parts for weapons and armor.


    This is really a bummer.. 


    Me and my buddies have literally been playing the console version for years and finally had to stop last year due to a similar issue with chunk reseting.  Any other issues are manageable. This is not in the slightest. 

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    same thing happened to me.

    was playing solo, doing a tier 4 poi and died multiple times at the end. went home after i finised and 2 of my crates were empty, both were named. my base is in the basement of a tier 2 house poi.

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    Guest Darkerparker


    We had the same occur, 11 wooden storage boxes all named, built inside a player built structure, not in a poi, with a claim block,  4 of the 11 were emptied out we have done none of the trader quests. Location is pine forest. xbox series x 3 players connected.


    We took the names off everything but can't make nails yet and the one we had were gone with the storage wipe.


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    Same happened to us except everything is gone is their any way to get it back or are we subject to starting over because all the stuff that we looted is still looted can't just go back and get it again 

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    I had 10 chests, all stacked side-by-side in stacks of 2, yet only the food chest got emptied out. It was the bottom-left chest, and also the chest I used the most. I expect that one of those things is significant. It's either location-based, or usage-based.


    Also, when I left the area and came back, due to the direction I came back from, this particular chest would've been the first chest to load in.

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    This is happening to me on an in game daily basis, box's full of components gone, also the name of the box gets changed to {...} 

    Seems to me it's some kind of problem with using a p.o.i as a base (using a tier 1  p.o.i myself) Can anyone confirm if this has happened to them with a "from scratch" base?

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    46 minutes ago, Guest Gord said:

    This is happening to me on an in game daily basis, box's full of components gone, also the name of the box gets changed to {...} 

    Seems to me it's some kind of problem with using a p.o.i as a base (using a tier 1  p.o.i myself) Can anyone confirm if this has happened to them with a "from scratch" base?

    It happened to me in my "from scratch" base that wasn't even close to any POIs. Also the names of my boxes didn't get changed.

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    Used a poi base had legendary parts in a chest named weapons. Came home after looking for corn led than 500m away came back box renamed ...  and empty. This is really not cool in a limited resource survival game. 

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    53 minutes ago, Guest Charity said:

    It happened to me in my "from scratch" base that wasn't even close to any POIs. Also the names of my boxes didn't get changed.


    So it's happening with both p.o.i bases & "from scratch" bases which now makes me think it's the storage itself that's broken (upgradable wooden storage is the one I've been using) possibly a conflict with labeling said storage? Are any alternatives considered to be safe to use? Gun safe etc?

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    2 hours ago, Guest Gord said:


    So it's happening with both p.o.i bases & "from scratch" bases which now makes me think it's the storage itself that's broken (upgradable wooden storage is the one I've been using) possibly a conflict with labeling said storage? Are any alternatives considered to be safe to use? Gun safe etc?


    Right now, it appears the issue is isolated to the storage crates that you can put labels on.  Not ideal but these are a couple of workarounds you can try so you don't have to worry about your items disappearing.


    1) Leave your crates unnamed / blank.

    2) Use an alternate storage solutions (e.g. wood furniture which requires nails & wood)

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