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  • 1.0 Null Reference Errors when a specific party member dies.

    • Version: 1.0

    Anyone else having this issue? For some reason when I'm the host of a game and someone dies. Everything on my screen is frozen and my log gets filled with these errors, however everyone else in the server can still play just fine. When I look at them though they are just kind of spazing out frozen in place. When the person who died leaves the game I go back to normal. Then when they come back all the errors come back and they return with no death penalty as if nothing happened and can pick up all their items. 

    I've confirmed this bug is due to permadeath mode for some reason.


    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    at Challenges.ChallengeObjectiveGather.HandleRemoveHooks () [0x0001d] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at Challenges.Challenge.EndChallenge (System.Boolean isCompleted) [0x00010] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at ChallengeJournal.EndChallenges () [0x00010] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at ChallengeJournal.ResetChallenges () [0x0001f] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEvent.SequenceActions.ActionResetPlayerData.OnServerPerform (Entity target) [0x002b9] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEvent.SequenceActions.ActionBaseClientAction.PerformTargetAction (Entity target) [0x00010] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEvent.SequenceActions.ActionBaseTargetAction.OnPerformAction () [0x00112] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEvent.SequenceActions.BaseAction.PerformAction () [0x0005d] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEventActionSequence.Update () [0x00079] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEventManager.HandleActionUpdates () [0x00025] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameEventManager.Update (System.Single deltaTime) [0x0001f] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x000da] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0
    at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0

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    On 6/26/2024 at 8:58 AM, NekoPawtato said:

    Thank you for reporting. Sorry to hear you guys ran into this issue. We're aware of this one related to the permadeath setting and have an internal ticket open for it.

    I've added your report to the ticket


    We have also met this problem. And we will try tomorrow to play without deathpenalty option, as it gets annoying for my friend (host) to see such an issue each time I or his brother dies :D

    For some reason, when players are dying, they lose all their bedrolls. Moreover, they lose their claim blocks (they become inactive) after the death and the next respawn.

    I hope this will be fixed. 

    Unfortunately, we did not save any log files. And my description is the only thing we can add to this matter. 


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