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  • Crashed on day 7 and deleted my character and game save

    • Version: V1.0 B336

    Game Version: (V1.0 b336)

    OS/Version: (Windows 10)

    CPU Model: (Intel i7 10700)

    System Memory: (16 GB)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (NVidia GeForce RTX 2060 8GB VRAM)

    Screen Resolution: (1920x1080)

    Video Settings: (Most Options set to Medium)

    Game mode: (Singleplayer)

    Map: (Random World Gen : New Sizafa County)

    Did you wipe old saves? (No)


    Did you start a new game? (Yes)


    Did you validate your files? (No)


    Are you using any mods? (No)
    Did you try to reproduce without mods? (N/A)


    EAC on


    Bug Description:This has happened every time I reach day 7 in past Alpha's and now in 1.0. My game would either crash itself, or my entire PC, and when I come back either my whole save file is gone, or in this specific bug report, My world was intact but my stuff on my character was deleted. This report my character stats were gone, and it crashed my entire PC.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1)Reach day 7, when horde night starts, game or PC will crash

    2)Reach mid-day 7, game will crash midway through the day



    Actual result: (Game Froze and I had to manually shut down my PC, or will crash my PC.)


    Expected result: (Not to crash)





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    Hi, sorry that happened - do you happen to have a log when the game crashed? Best way is to make manual backups.


    I have seen/helped a handful of players that have older GPUs having GPU crashes have success by underclocking (memory and main core clock)/powering their GPUs. With age, sometimes they can't perform like they used to, so reducing its limits can give you more stability and prevent crashes. Not sure if it is or not, a log will tell more.

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