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A17 Questing - Worth it?


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Quests in Alpha 17 is something I was curious about. Venturing through these, i had 3 questions in mind.


1. Are these quests infinitely repeatable, will I be able to earn my way up to Tier 6 and repeatedly do them for rewards?

2. While rising in tier, will I be able to eventually make my way to POI's that are gigantic and huge?

3. Are these quests worth it all the way until level 300?


I've come across these facts so far.


1. Playing with a friend may bug out your quest, be in a party and share the quest.

2. Poi's scale exponentially with your gamestage, a tier 4 PoI clear quest may have 30-40 radiated zombies if you're at gamestage 150 (Around level 100).

3. PoI's definitely grow in size, if you're hoping to be sent to the hospital in Diersville, you just might.

4. Initially, PoI's I was sent to were small homes barely 10x10 in size. Tier 4 quests are gigantic chuches, large shamway stores, military bases.

5. The rewards do not scale exponentially.

6. I am unsure if quests restock every time the trader restocks (It's looking to be that way).

7. Daring Adventurer perk helps gain many more useful rewards.


I think that the questing system needs a bit of work, particularly because


1. Tier 3+ quests take a large chunk of time and investment with minimal gain. Much of the reward is gained through the questing process itself which is slightly reliant on RNG due to zombie drops. You're looking to gain 4000-8000 dukes equivalent for investing a quarter to half of a day for the mid tier quests and an entire day for the higher tier ones.


2. Sometimes, the investment you put in does not outweight the reward, when it is worth it it's not that much. Clearing a church out filled with feral radiated zombies earned me 9000 dukes, it wasn't an awful deal this time around and I'm lucky with the rewards I was able to choose. Sometimes, I'm not so lucky and I end up with 15 molotovs and a quality 3 pistol as my best rewards.


3. PoI's tiers should be the gamestage tie, not your player level. If I'm doing Tier I quests, I shouldn't have to expect feral radiated zombies. Likewise, doing tier 6 quests should face you with many dangers with incredible potential rewards.


Here's some potential changes I propose to increase the effectiveness and sensibility of questing:


1. Clear quests should display how many zombies are left to kill and clearly pinpoint where they are. Currently for larger PoI's they lead you around with an exclamation point that sometimes leads you nowhere.


2. If PoI difficulty scales with player gamestage, the rewards should too. I just cleared 40-50 feral/radiated and 20-30 regular zombies. Don't try to give me a knife for compensation.


3. PoI's should scale with difficulty when partying, currently the difficulty drops if two players are partied together and one of the players are a lower level.

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