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Bladed system. a17


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Just trying to work out if the whole knives bleed skill tree actually works on zombies now.


Doesn't seem to be any visual cue, it didn't used to harm zeds. But I'm a tad confused and saddened if knives main purpose is pvp as they were my go to weapon in 16.4, now it seems like knockdown is king?


Can anyone confirm whether or not it effects them too?

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I actually did some testing on this for blades weapons on a test game with all of the perks and can confirm that zombies do bleed. There is no visual indication only them making noises like they are being hit over and over again by the DoT portion.


Unfortunately the DoT itself does such little damage it would take anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds for a burning zombie to bleed to death. I tried with a biker but got tired of counting and gave up.

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