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Z.M.D's!!! Zombies of Mass Destruction!


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I'd love to see a system where a horde could be used as a weapon against other players. I read somewhere on here (maybe it was a dream) that a hunting mechanic was being added where a bloody animal carcass would left after skinning. that carcass would then spawn and attract hordes. That carcass should be pickupable (new word?), and placeable wherever you may want a horde to spawn. Say at the base next door. Or maybe the ability to collect animal blood or parts that can be painted or placed on a structure that you want attacked. I bring this up not because I'm a huge pvp nut (I'm not) but because these ideas have been used in other zombie fiction. Rick used Z.M.D's against Negan in TWD comics recently. I also think it would be cool if the zoms would react to the local voice chat that is already in game. Imagine being able to attract zom attention by ACTUALLY TALKING TO THEM. This way zoms would actually hear and react to a conversation you may be having over local. What do you guys think?
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[QUOTE=Scornstar;145149]Interesting. I would not be against this. However many use Teamspeak to chat and would be able to do this to purposely or inadvertently to avoid attracting zombies by voice chat.[/QUOTE] I use raidcall to voice chat, but there is an in game option to local chat that we can all use that's built into the game. so, if your in a multiplayer game and not all players are on your teamspeak...you can still communicate with local chat with anyone in range. If any zoms are in range...they should hear you and respond accordingly. There is a game called manhunt that had an option like this. Basically you hid in shadows and waited for a prime opportunity to attack you enemies in that game. You could use a headset while playing and if you wanted to misdirect the enemy you could bang on a wall or throw an item....or simply talk. "Hey, over here". This function scared the hell out of me once. I was in a shadow when a bad guy rounded a corner and was unexpectedly very close by. I involuntarily took a sharp breath that was audible and the npc video game character heard me! "Someone there?" The npc ventured into the pitch black shadows in which I was hiding, a corner actually, and ended up face to face with me. I had to literally hold my breath until he decided that this shadow was empty. One of the scariest moments I've ever had in a videogame. It would be cool if the same mechanic were in place I 7d2d when local chat was used. [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3xY8-7i_-w"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3xY8-7i_-w[/URL]
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