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Some ideas inspired by TWD


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I was recently watching some The Walking Dead and there were a few interesting things that might fit into this game in my opinion. Zombies only dying by destroying the brain or an infection that turn you into one of them after getting bitten. I think these things would make a really good hardcore mode at least because it would force you to flee or be much more cautious about what you do instead of running with a sledgehammer into a horde mowing them down like nothing. Also becoming a zombie or the need to find a maybe extremely rare cure would add an really interesting touch to the game. Also thing like old tanks, helicopters or just huge car graveyards like seen in the series would make the game look even much more post-apocalyptic as well as maybe more damaged/overgrown buildings and maybe collapsed houses or even skyscraper ruins. In the devblog there was also mentioned something about smell and there is already smell added by flesh in your backpack in the game. What about maybe covering yourself in rotten flesh or twd like in zombie guts to smell like one of them to be able to slowly walk through a horde and hoping for them not to notice you. In my opinion this would make much sense because if you smell like them you should be much harder to detect because they are usually not too smart creatures :) Also running a farm or a camp and having a possibility to find generators and wires or maybe even water pumps and being able to dig a well/water reservoir to store water and pump it through some pipes into your house would be amazing. Over all having some water management instead of filling stacks of glasses with toilet water would add a nice survival touch. Lighting, electric fences and stuff like that would give you more options for safety but would also be problematic because they would constantly drain your fuel. Breeding at least some chickens would be cool too. Additionally heat to keep you warm/dry your clothes up would also add great to a survival feeling if seasons or weather would be added in a way to make you wet/cold and create also a need for fur/warm clothing. Also apart from cars in the future what about maybe riding a horse or even getting a train running to cover some distance into one direction in a short time and finding maybe a major town because tracks should usually lead to bigger cities and not every small village like roads do. Fixing helis or military vehicles would be an idea too but could be really overpowered because if you manage to get the insane amount of fuel a heli or tank consumes you would be close to invulnerable in it and have the ability to gun down a whole village in a few minutes. Over all it's just an collection of ideas mainly inspired by twd. I think some things like electricity might already be mentioned but i wanted to add it nonetheless to this list because it would fit really well in my opinion. It's just my opinion and i really like twd so i would like these elements in a game like this because they would lead to an really interesting gameplay that would be close to the telltale games (at least the fights and the danger by zombies) but in a sandbox like 7dtd you could kind of build your own story/ survival camp with some people. Seeing some of these things as hardcore mode or over all in the game would be really cool or at least maybe an idea to create a mod for people that would like to see things like that in 7dtd. What do you guys think? Would it fit into the game or rather not? At least the fear going out from a horde would be much more massive than it already is like in twd.
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I didn't read your suggestion, because it's just one huge block of uninterrupted text. When writing for physical print, one divides text into paragraphs by starting a new line (Enter key, or Return key) then indenting (Tab/Tabulator key). When writing texts intended to be read on a screen, as I do, one inserts a blank line between paragraphs (hit Enter/Return [I]twice[/I]).
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Many of these ideas are already covered in the kick-starter goals. They are good just be patient their coming plus more. I found the post easy to interpret it just required a 3 minute attention span. Some paragraph action would help sense there are some who would rather make a rude comment then a helpful one, in addition to getting stumped by letters that are put together in sentences. As for post #2, cut this guy some slack. This is his first post and for all we know this could be his first time on a forums. There is no need to post and not contribute just to be a snot.
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You'll be pleased to know many of your ideas are already being worked on, or planned anyway :) I'm not sure about military vehicles, but there are military bases and weapons, so it wouldn't be too far of a stretch. Of course, these vehicles would likely be as rare as the weapons. As for collapsed buildings and skyscrapers, they already exist, partially, you just have to look around in random generation. Full blown skyscrapers were intended to be in the game in A9 for the random gen cities, but due to limitations (not sure if it's the game engine, or how the game handles rendering) they would cause massive lag. But I wouldn't be too disappointed, the apartments in the center city are already quite a bit to loot.
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