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Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not. Namely the biome groups.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->

Oh, FF! So I had forgotten the close comment (-->) at the end of the spider line (I moved it to last so it didn't prevent the rest of the script working) so it was erroring and not applying at all, I just missed it somehow. Fixing that, I am back to it is removing everything, which of course throws errors from spawning.xml because of the empty groups (which I don't want those groups emptied).


Well @%$# me! It was the *. Originally I was trying to do it with a setxpath and a wildcard for the groupname and I forgot to remove it with the contains.

Now the next issue is it is touching every stinking group and leaving a comment, even though it is benign it irks me. I need to make a tighter filter.

    <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider'))and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider' )]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>

<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider'))and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider' )]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>

And now it does exactly what I want. So it looks for all groups that have zombieSpiders of any subtype or quantity as long as the groupname doesn't include zombieSpider. This is important, otherwise we have to edit the spawning.xml to remove the mob entirely, which if that is your intent is fine, but I wanted to keep the base entity and the POI groups intact (I like the POIs enough that I want to experience them as intended, but an excess of certain mobs annoy me and spiders really annoy me) I will leave all this in case it helps someone else. If I was feeling brave I could remove the zombieSpider from the horde entry and this should take care of it as well.





Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not. Namely the biome groups.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->

Oh, FF! So I had forgotten the close comment (-->) at the end of the spider line (I moved it to last so it didn't prevent the rest of the script working) so it was erroring and not applying at all, I just missed it somehow. Fixing that, I am back to it is removing everything, which of course throws errors from spawning.xml because of the empty groups (which I don't want those groups emptied).


Well @%$# me! It was the *. Originally I was trying to do it with a setxpath and a wildcard for the groupname and I forgot to remove it with the contains.

Now the next issue is it is touching every stinking group and leaving a comment, even though it is benign it irks me. I need to make a tighter filter.



Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not. Namely the biome groups.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->

Oh, FF! So I had forgotten the close comment (-->) at the end of the spider line (I moved it to last so it didn't prevent the rest of the script working) so it was erroring and not applying at all, I just missed it somehow. Fixing that, I am back to it is removing everything, which of course throws errors from spawning.xml because of the empty groups (which I don't want those groups emptied).




Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not. Namely the biome groups.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->




Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not. Namely the biome groups. It also looks like it removed their single line entry that should have been excluded.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->




Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out. More or less, there are a couple groups that still have zombieSpider that should not.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->




Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.


Ok, it looks like I figured it out.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->




Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.



Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >none*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >none*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


Results are still very inconsistent. It also logs the modified tag repeatedly on the same line. I'm thinking I need to delete the configsdump between runs? I do fully shutdown and restart the game between edits. Very frustrating.



Thanks so much Sphereii and everyone else. Thanks BFT2020 for pointing me over here. I was able to get my vultures mod to work again. I played it safe by doing a remove/add but wondering if it can be simplified.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >none*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsDesert']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 40</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >none*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EnemyAnimalsWasteland']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >none, 60</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNightNoBears']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight2']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>


My real problem is conditionals. Getting the usual unhelpful invalid token.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSpider*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieDog*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'zombieSteveCrawler*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSteveCrawler*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')and contains(text(), 'animalZombieVulture*'))]" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalZombieVulture*</csv>

I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing. the goal here is to remove the selected zeds from any horde and in addition I want to remove spiders from everything except their base entry and POI groups.


I changed it to this (among many other failed attempts)

<!--	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv> -->
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>

and the error log gives me

2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.314 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.315 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.316 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2023-08-05T10:20:38 35.317 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "Krougal_HordeNoDogNoSpider" did not apply: <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove"  (line 6 at pos 3)

as opposed to the commented out line, which gave me invalid token.


OH FFS! So it is Horde not horde! I had a few other little issues, and I had a couple other tiny errors. Working code  in a minute when I fix 1 issue on the

spider line.


	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[not(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieDog*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Horde')]/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">animalZombieVulture*</csv>


FFS(again) always check your output, because even though it stopped erroring (mostly) the group name filter is not working on any of them. 

I am really at a loss.


So mostly got it. The secret sauce seems to be you still need "@name="

I am still trying to get the "not" to work though. Also condensed the 4 Horde entries into 1.

	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=not'(contains(@name, 'zombieSpider*'))']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >zombieSpider*</csv>
	<csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='contains(@name, 'Horde')']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove">


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