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fix these crashes for the love of all that is holy....


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So, I've done about everything listed possible and nothing works. Not only does this game crash and reroll the area I'm at, but I will log off the game like normal and when I log back on to play my entire base has been reverted to its normal state..That is absolutely stupendous. I mean, I get this game has bugs and apparently you guys don't know how to fix it, but how the hell does this game just revert things back to its original state when you're not even logged on...? You guys need to seriously fix this crap because its completely pointless to even play. I mean, who wants to play a game that at any given second the game will decide to erase all of your progress and you lose everything that isn't on you at the time. Some of these items are hard to find and bases take a long time to build up and for what? for it to get taken from you when this game sees fit? That's bogus. This game should not even be allowed on the market with such known bugs. People are not getting a quality product. The product is defective and should be shut down until this bug can be fixed. You cant just tell people, oh hey try and clear your cache....don't put everything all in one area..Thats crap and you know it. I for one will be quitting this game because it has taken way too much away from me and its just pointless. Its a shame because the game can be alot of fun and has alot of potential behind it..its just too bad its developers dont give a crap.

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