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Yet another new zombie idea: Radioactive Zombie


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In my opinion, my best enemy idea yet. The Radioactive Zombies would spawn only in the Nuclear Fallout Zone biomes, but would walk towards you when they see you. Now I gotta say one thing, these zombies would be a huge pain in the butt to encounter, but very challenging. And that is what makes the game fun. And this is why they would be challenging to fight: When a Radioactive Zombie gets close to you, say, 5 feet, you would lose a lot of health just like if you were standing in the Nuclear Fallout Zone. But if you were to get attacked by one and manage to run away, you would get infected immediately (meaning a 100% chance of infection). So shooting these things with any ranged weapon is a MUST if you want to survive. Also, another very annoying thing is that if one of them were to walk around in your garden it would turn your fertile dirt into irradiated dirt and all your crops would die. But when you kill one of them make sure not to get close to their corpse as it would still be radioactive and drain your health even though it's dead.
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IDK if spreading radiation is the best idea. The fallout zone is only on Navezgane and is the world border, it kills you in 2 hits and there is no rad pills, an idea I'm not opposed to, if actual radiated biomes are added. We've been kicking around a similar idea, but, since there has already been L4D inspiration in the game, make a 'mutant' zombie, like the tank, does more block damage, may be can charge right through some types of blocks, and shows up with the hordes past day 21 or something, but spawns in the hub cities.
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