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[TUTORIAL] Larger Fuel Tanks on Auger/Chainsaw/Generator/Minibike


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This tutorial I go over how to change the size of the fuel tanks on the minibike, auger, chainsaw, and the generator. Only two files will need to be modified, the blocks.xml and the items.xml.


Recently, digging some tunnels, I got annoyed how often I had to fill the fuel tank for the auger and wanted to see if I could make the fuel tanks larger. After some digging, I was able to figure out how to do it to the auger and the chainsaw. Then a friend of mine that has own server came on my TS3 and asked me how I did it on my server, so I told him. After some talking, I was sure I could do it to the minibike and the generator, so after a few min digging around, I found where to adjust the fuel tank size for the generators and the minibikes. After telling my friend the edits I did, he told me to post it over here. I searched as he did as well and we both couldn't find anything on this site about it, so I decided I would post.


If this post is a dupe of someone else's, feel free to delete it, but using the search here turned up no results on this and that is why I am posting.


I am assuming that you have some sort of editor with some sort of syntax highlighting like Notepad++, SublimeText, or Dreamweaver to name a few. I highly recommend you NOT using notepad or wordpad.


The Changes


[table=width: 650, class: grid]


[td]Open: blocks.xml --- Generator



<block id="2001" name="generatorbank">


In that <block>, about 9 lines below, look for:

<property name="MaxFuel" value="1000"/>


Replace with:

<property name="MaxFuel" value="2000"/>


Note: The value as you can see has changed. You can change this to fit your needs as you see fit, but I figure 2000 would be a good fuel size to start out on, so that gives us twice the amount of time between refueling. You can change this to whatever you want. We are still playing around with it to find a happy level. I believe currently, we are testing 2500.












[td]Open: items.xml --- Auger/Chainsaw/Minibike



<item id="1431" name="smallEngine">


In that <item>, about 22 lines below, look for:

<property name="VehicleTankSize" value="1000, 2000"/>


Replace with:

<property name="VehicleTankSize" value="2000, 3000"/>


Note: The value as you can see has changed. Pending on the level of your engine on your bike, your fuel tank will be larger or smaller. Just say your engine is at the level of 555, and using the default values, then your fuel tank would be about 1925 for a full tank, and if it was level 600, it would be 2000. So the first number is the start value for the worst engine you can have, and the second value is the end value for the best engine you can have. Essentially, my changes allow you to add 1000 more fuel to your minibike.






<item id="130" name="chainsaw">


In that <item>, about 19 lines below, look for:

<property name="Magazine_size" value="200"/>


Replace with:

<property name="Magazine_size" value="500"/>


Note: Just like before, this is up to you on what you want the value at. Since I find that there is walking time usually between trees, just bumping it a little was enough.






<item id="131" name="auger">


In that <item>, about 20 lines below, look for:

<property name="Magazine_size" value="200"/>


Replace with:

<property name="Magazine_size" value="1000"/>


Note: This one here I bumped the fuel tank up 5x because i was annoyed that I had to refuel every 1m 18s (give or take), and it was slowing things down for me trying to dig out a new tunnel system. Again, you can set this value to whatever you want.





The reason I posted this as a tutorial instead of posting as a mod is because I am just showing you where to look, you can change the value to whatever you want. I personally don't see this as a mod because nothing is being created, this is just a simple value change and that's it.


Well, I hope this helps others that were wondering how to increase the size of their fuel tanks.

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