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Rattlesnakes in the desert, not just the sound!


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In the desert biomes if you are paying attention you can hear rattlesnakes sometimes, but obviously there are no rattlesnakes, the sound is just ambiance to make the game more realistic. But there should be actual rattlesnakes in the desert. That would give opportunity to new medicines and new effects. For example, you're wandering in the desert biome and suddenly a rattlesnake that was hiding in a nearby bush bites you. There would only be a 25% chance to be poisoned. But if you are poisoned, the hemotoxins enter your blood stream and begin to effect you. The first thing you have to do is craft a tourniquet using 3 cloth fragments and 2 plant fibers to tighten it. Then you must inject yourself with antivenom. You can either find needles with antivenom in supply crates or craft them yourself. If you do not heal yourself then you'll die within 2 days.
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Agreed - maybe a dead rattlesnake can provide (25% chance) venom that can be turned to anti venom with the beaker (simplified process of course but I'd work with existing game mechanics pretty easily). Make the snakes a bit rare too so that you don't get bitten often...yet its also a little hard to find a snake when you NEED one for the venom sample.
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I like the idea of special mobs like snakes for the desert. In fact I think every biome needs it's special POIs, enemies, environmental effects and loot and therefore it's own advantages and hardships. Different types of (hostile) animals like snakes, bears, wolves (maybe in their lair at day and roaming around at night), spiders, crocodiles, scorpions and even fish would be a great start. Later on a stronger/more aggresive zombie form for every one of them would be great, too. For example while fish normally avoid the player if he makes noise/walks in the water, zombie fish would attack him immediately. And ofc instead of the precious fish meat they'd drop rotten flesh.
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