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(New to Modding) A few questions about particles and weapon effects...


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Hello everyone! I just recently bought 7DTD on PC and found out about mods. First off, I've never coded or modded before in my life. But after seeing how much of the xml code is common sense and easy to understand (for the most part) I want to get into it. I have a basic grasp on coding and I've played around with a few basic value changes and watched some videos to get an idea of what can be done.


Now on to my questions. The first thing I wanted to do to cut my teeth so to speak was to make a quick mod for my game to add Weapon Modifications from games like Dead Island. I know how to add recipes, and kinda how to add new items. I know I can copy an existing club or knife and add new attributes and give it a different name and link it to a new recipe. The thing I want to know about is in two parts.


First, particle effects. I want to make a few recipes that combine weapons with other ingredients to make flaming versions with a chance to set enemies on fire. Like a mix between a barbed club and a torch. But I was wondering how would I make the club actually look like its on fire and give off particles and even light? Do I just copy the Torch info and replace the model with the barbed club and then change only the damage and durability values to match a club? How do I apply similar particle effects from a torch onto different weapons like a hunting knife or machete?


Secondly, I want to take the effect caused by electrical fencing, the shocking and slowing effect, and apply that to weapons as well. That way on hit they have a chance to hurt and slow down zombies with a cool little shock effect. How would I apply that affect from the fence to a weapon and make it on hit? And is it possible to make my own particle effect or make sparks that come off the weapon itself to show its electrical? I want to do a few effects like this, maybe one that causes the zombie to be stunned and make puking sounds like Dead Island. And I really want to make legendary weapons with crazy effects, like the Home Run baseball bat, it has a chance to just send the zombie flying. How would I accomplish something like that?


Any help would be great, and I know this is asking a lot but remember I'm new to codeing in general and you might have to post code and explain how and why it works in basic terms. Im still learning and Ill do my best to understand, but I might have more questions after you answer.



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First, particle effects. I want to make a few recipes that combine weapons with other ingredients to make flaming versions with a chance to set enemies on fire. Like a mix between a barbed club and a torch. But I was wondering how would I make the club actually look like its on fire and give off particles and even light? Do I just copy the Torch info and replace the model with the barbed club and then change only the damage and durability values to match a club? How do I apply similar particle effects from a torch onto different weapons like a hunting knife or machete?


As far as I understand it the particle effects like the fire on the torch is a part of that item prefab (inaccessible element of the item) i.e the way to get a flaming barbed club would require SDX and Unity. (I MAY BE WRONG) but thats what I understand.


However you could look at the torch item code for referance as it has a chance to set zombies on fire when struck, so look there and copy the code to the new fireclub item your trying to make and you will have a club that sets them alight when struck. It may be possible to load in 2 prefabs for use in a single item but again I believe the later overrides the former.


Secondly, I want to take the effect caused by electrical fencing, the shocking and slowing effect, and apply that to weapons as well. That way on hit they have a chance to hurt and slow down zombies with a cool little shock effect. How would I apply that affect from the fence to a weapon and make it on hit? And is it possible to make my own particle effect or make sparks that come off the weapon itself to show its electrical? I want to do a few effects like this, maybe one that causes the zombie to be stunned and make puking sounds like Dead Island. And I really want to make legendary weapons with crazy effects, like the Home Run baseball bat, it has a chance to just send the zombie flying. How would I accomplish something like that?


Same as the torch except its a differant buff, you can find the buff names in the buff.xml. I haven't tried adding particle effects to items (not that I can remember) so try it out and see what happens! might be cool if it works out. There is a particle_to_mesh that some of the rad zombies use, again you'll want to experiment! Sorry I have no clue how you would launch a zombie through the air with a bat - nice idea tho, hope someone else can help you there =)

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