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~ Wildlife Variety & possibility's ~

Phoenix Fire

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I would love to see a large variety of wildlife added to the game such as wolves, bears, bobcats, venomous snakes, heck even some birds to go with the bird nests that you can find everywhere but never find a single bird. There could even be animal species made for specific biomes. - Snow biomes could have artic wolves and bears that you could harvest for food, animal fat for burning fuel, and even use there pelts for cool armor. - Dessert could have coyotes, rattle snakes, scorpions that could add more challenge not to mention you could harvest the poisons from them to make antidotes or powerful corrosives to attack the zombies with. - Forest biomes could be home to wild horses, chicken, raccoon's, fish, and even cows that you could catch and use for meat, milk and cheese adding more variety to cooking possibility's not to mention it would put an actual use to the barn wood and hay-bails that can already be crafted. These are just my ideas but I would love to see become a reality :)
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[QUOTE=Phoenix Fire;139503] - [B]Dessert[/B] could have coyotes, rattle snakes, scorpions that could add more challenge not to mention you could harvest the poisons from them to make antidotes or powerful corrosives to attack the zombies with. - [/QUOTE] Yes, I would love to eat coyotes, rattle snakes and scorpions for my dessert at the end of my meal. :P
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I definitely support this, particularly predatory or as you said venomous animals that could affect your game play. I'd like to add taming wolf pups or even stray dogs that you can befriend, that can act as an early warning to zombies, can be fashioned with armor and help fight with you, have the same needs.
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[QUOTE=Agarthan;139872]I definitely support this, particularly predatory or as you said venomous animals that could affect your game play. I'd like to add taming wolf pups or even stray dogs that you can befriend, that can act as an early warning to zombies, can be fashioned with armor and help fight with you, have the same needs.[/QUOTE] Glad to see I'm not the only one who'd like to see these ideas implemented into the game, and that would be so awesome! I love the concept of having wolf/dog companions, and the whole armor idea is just the cherry on top :peach: I was hoping they'd apply dog partners but never fathomed the idea of personalizing them with armor plus having a pet wolf seems a lot more badass
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