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-= The Hated Crew =- | PvE | Ravenhearst 3.x

The Hated Crew

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-= The Hated Crew =-| PvE | Ravenhearst 3.1.5


Our server has been around for over two years and we keep growing and upgrading.


Dedicated Physical Server (Quad Core Xeon CPU, 32GB RAM, SSD)

High Bandwidth / Low Lag (Hosted in a data center in Dallas, TX, USA.)

High Priority (7DTD server runs at higher priority for the best performance.)

Automated server restarts.

Discord Server (With in game chat integration.)

Server Fixes by Alloc.

Server Tools by Obsessive Compulsive & DMustanger.

CSMM by Catalysm.

Ravenhearst 3 21 Day Horde Mod by JaxTeller.

Custom 7D2D Mod Launcher XML (http://www.thehatedcrew.com/thcmodlauncher.xml)

Interactive Server Web Map (http://map.thehatedcrew.com)

Custom chat commands and teleports.

Lobby area with fully equipped workstations and resources.

In game lottery and auction.

In game shop and currency system.

Multiple anti-cheat protections and features.

Gimme command & voting rewards.

Donator rewards (Custom name coloring, additional teleport points.)

A fun and friendly group of regular players.

Active admins online daily.


If you're looking for a fun, relaxed, and respectful group of accomplished 7DTD players then please join us. We're always willing to help out new players and those starting during later game stages. If you have any questions, or need help installing Ravenhearst please join our Discord server. You can always get more information by visiting our website at http://www.thehatedcrew.com.


The Hated Crew:

Server: 7dtd.thehatedcrew.com:26900

Map: http://map.thehatedcrew.com

Discord: http://discord.thehatedcrew.com


The Hated Crew II:

Server: 7dtd.thehatedcrew.com:26910

Map: http://map2.thehatedcrew.com

Discord: http://discord.thehatedcrew.com

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It's been a while since our last update on here, so a long list of new things:


Server Tools 9.7 and all the new features it brings along.

Ravenhearst 3.1.3 with lots of fixes and tweaks.

The latest Alloc's Server Fixes and web map.

Lots of new in game chat commands.

Lots of new items in the /shop command.

Lots of new items added to the /reward command.

New items in the /gimme command.

/friend teleport command to warp to friends.

An in game Lottery.

Improved /lobby area. (Formerly Spawn.)

Reduced cool down timers for donators.

Increased server from 20 to 24 slots to handle heavy user loads.

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We've done the following updates since our last post:


Server Tools 10.1 - New features including an auction, events, and many other things.

CSMM - New CSMM economy and teleport commands.

Ravenhearst 3.1.4 - The most recent version of Ravenhearst, the popular mod by JaxTeller.

Various small updates like new shop, gimme, and reward items.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've upgraded to Server Tools 10.6 and much more. We moved to a new fully dedicated physical machine with a Quad Core Xeon with Hyper Threading, 32GB of RAM, a SSD and 7200RPM SATA HD. We started a new Ravenhearst server on port 26900 called "The Hated Crew". If you still want to play on the old server it's still available as "The Hated Crew II" on port 26910. You can always get the latest on our servers by visiting the website at http://www.thehatedcrew.com


So we have more options, more power, and we are still the top rated Ravenhearst server on http://www.7daystodie-servers.com.

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