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NAPVP Server Looking for more players


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Hey guys our server is listed as #1 top pvp server on most valued websites but we want more players we average around 29 - 34 players during peek hours 5-9pm EST we hold weekly events there are no playing admins and our admins work their hardest to make sure the server runs smooth and to keep cheaters out. it is 100% full pvp drop all on death no safe zones Raiding and KOS aloud if this sounds like something you're interested in please come stop by we are in the modded listings as [NAPvP] NORTH AMERICA PvP Direct connection info = port =41031

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Hey guys our server is listed as #1 top pvp server on most valued websites but we want more players we average around 29 - 34 players during peek hours 5-9pm EST we hold weekly events there are no playing admins and our admins work their hardest to make sure the server runs smooth and to keep cheaters out. it is 100% full pvp drop all on death no safe zones Raiding and KOS aloud if this sounds like something you're interested in please come stop by we are in the modded listings as [NAPvP] NORTH AMERICA PvP Direct connection info = port =41031


I can +1 this message having played on this server myself.

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