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easier ways to add a server to favorits?


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I find it kinda hard to add a server to favorits. cuz when im ingame and im in the middle of the action, i dont really wanna go out of the game, add the server to favorits, and so go in again. And usually when im done playing on the server( many hours probly) and i go out of the game, i usually forget to favorit it :/ and then i cant find back to it, wich is pretty anoying. just saying, this is my opinion and this is a problem that has bothered me for a while, would be nice with a button under "quit" that says like.. "server settings" and in there theres a button that says "add server to favorits" really hope u guys add this option! and hope im not the only one that find this kinda anoying! ( btw, im not from a english talking country, so sorry if my english is in any way hard to understand) Love, sander ^_^
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