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I have an idea that will blow your mind - MP3 players.


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I don't think this would be a bad idea actually, a lot of games have music in some form, even if it's background music, and Fallout 3 has the radio. So why not have music in 7 Days To Die? MP3 players would have a low chance of spawning on a dead survivor; not a small chance, a tiny chance, or a rare chance, but a low chance. And since it would have earbuds on it there would be no way to attract zombies to you. To use it, you would press the left mouse button to turn it on, and the right mouse button to turn it off. But the coolest part is that if you press "E" (the action button) it would bring up the MP3 player menu, which would allow you to actually be able to select a song, put a song on repeat, or put the songs on shuffle. And there should also be 5 playlists: rock, techno, pop punk, country, and jazz. It would be so cool to be walking down a zombie infested street like a boss listening to some Three Days Grace or Fall Out Boy. xD
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