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23 hours ago, DonPedro said:

Do dyes serve any purpose anymore??  So used to saving them up, but looks like those days are over?


Mostly just customization.


7 hours ago, Similar said:

Not sure if it's just me, so is anybody else having problems finding green keycards?


I'm on day 28 (120m) or so in B26, level 57, and I have 22 blue keycards, 12 red and I've had 4 green in all (it was about the same ratio in a game in an earlier version).

I've looted 2 x Anna and 2 x military bunker, and got no green cards from any containers in those places, just blue and red. All the green cards have been from zombie drops.

Nearly failed the actual military bunker run because I only had one green card left when I did it (due to being greedy and curious, but still), but a zombie dropped another down there. In B24 (I think), I did fail it because I ran out of cards (I only unlock the two necessary doors down there, of course).

Now it's been ... 12 or so days since I did the bunker and I've had no green cards in that time.


Kind of wondering if the cards are affected by loot stage, so that having maxed Quality Joe and Wasteland Treasures actually makes green cards rarer (i.e. the chance of getting greens would be higher on lower loot stages). I did wait until I had both maxed before I did Anna and the bunker.

I am probably also screwing myself over a bit in this respect by playing with blood moons off, so I get fewer drops, but the ratio of card types does seem to suggest green cards are just very rare.



I did  tweak some loot in one of the later versions and people seem to be doing fine now.


4 hours ago, ZykovEddy said:


I've been playing Darkness Falls a lot lately, and I have three suggestions/criticisms:


1.Doctor Anna's POI is very OP to find early. It almost breaks the game.


Anna's place has futuristic desks that player can search, and they basically contain almost end-game stage loot, even when searching them at level 0. The player is very likely to find laser tool there, which makes a lot of tools early game obsolete. This, in my opinion, is an oversight, and it could easily be fixed by locking Anna's bunker by a door that requires an access card to open. That way at least the player has to work to obtain the card before entering the POI, which ain't easy early game.


2.Vitamins not preventing food poisoning make no sense and is essentialy a beginner's trap.


When starting my second playthrough in DF, I noticed that hunger is a very huge problem. Since the player can easily die of hunger, I decided to go for my classic strategy from vanilla. I took the vitamins, since it said in the description that it prevents 100% diseases, and food poisoning is obviously a disease. It also states that it prevents dysentery - isn't that food poisoning...? Well, anyway, I got food poisoning from basic food items almost right away, and my food bar dropped to zero. I almost died.


I've seen multiple youtubers falling for this trap in the beginning of their playthrough, including GNaS. In my opinion, this is an oversight from the developer and not fault of the beginner players. If a game mechanic requires trial and error for the players to learn how it works, it's a terrible game mechanic.


It can be fixed two ways. Either make vitamins actually prevent food poisoning, like in vanilla, or put a warning for the players that vitamins do not prevent food poisoning. Maybe write that in their description. That way at least the player will know right away.


3.Demo's explosion blast is way OP.


I've noticed that demo's explosion was made much more devastating in this mod compared to vanilla. Fair enough, more challenge is good. Although it was very annoying dying early on from the blast on blood moons, having little time to react, I was hoping that the problem will go away once I get a better set of armor and protect my base with stronger blocks.


I was wrong. It didn't help a bit. Last blood moon I was wearing all steel armor (with a few mods that increase explosion resistance) and was protected with steel blocks on all sides, but it didn't change a thing. A demo was standing near the blocks on the other side and the alarm went off (which in itself was weird, because I didn't shoot the button and there were no turrets or traps to make it go off, wtf?), and I had very little time to react. I ran away, and from the distance of 4-5 blocks, the blast still killed me in one hit. This makes zero sense. I should also mention that I was playing on nomad difficulty.


In my opinion, this makes blood moons a game of chance. Let me tell you, it's very annoying, having lived 30 days and not dying once, and dying to a demo explosion while wearing good armor and being protected by steel blocks from all sides. And also not being the one who set off the damn button. I had tons of fun dealing with blood moon hoardes up to this point. Now I'm not so sure. I hate the game of luck. This is simply cruel, and not challenging at all.


Is there a game file which I can edit to tone down the amount of damage by demo's explosion? I wanna make the game fair at least. Many thanks in advance.

1) Already considering it since the double doors are technically... the BLUE ones... I think.

2) Vitamins don't protect you against food poisoning IRL either. Stop complaining. Cook your food.

3) The demo IS NOT adjusted. At all. What YOU ran into was a Mutated Demo. Maybe don't touch it's nono button? SIde note to this. If you had a junk turret, they DO set off demo's. I can't fix that.



23 hours ago, DonPedro said:

Do dyes serve any purpose anymore??  So used to saving them up, but looks like those days are over?


Mostly just customization.


7 hours ago, Similar said:

Not sure if it's just me, so is anybody else having problems finding green keycards?


I'm on day 28 (120m) or so in B26, level 57, and I have 22 blue keycards, 12 red and I've had 4 green in all (it was about the same ratio in a game in an earlier version).

I've looted 2 x Anna and 2 x military bunker, and got no green cards from any containers in those places, just blue and red. All the green cards have been from zombie drops.

Nearly failed the actual military bunker run because I only had one green card left when I did it (due to being greedy and curious, but still), but a zombie dropped another down there. In B24 (I think), I did fail it because I ran out of cards (I only unlock the two necessary doors down there, of course).

Now it's been ... 12 or so days since I did the bunker and I've had no green cards in that time.


Kind of wondering if the cards are affected by loot stage, so that having maxed Quality Joe and Wasteland Treasures actually makes green cards rarer (i.e. the chance of getting greens would be higher on lower loot stages). I did wait until I had both maxed before I did Anna and the bunker.

I am probably also screwing myself over a bit in this respect by playing with blood moons off, so I get fewer drops, but the ratio of card types does seem to suggest green cards are just very rare.



I did  tweak some loot in one of the later versions and people seem to be doing fine now.


4 hours ago, ZykovEddy said:


I've been playing Darkness Falls a lot lately, and I have three suggestions/criticisms:


1.Doctor Anna's POI is very OP to find early. It almost breaks the game.


Anna's place has futuristic desks that player can search, and they basically contain almost end-game stage loot, even when searching them at level 0. The player is very likely to find laser tool there, which makes a lot of tools early game obsolete. This, in my opinion, is an oversight, and it could easily be fixed by locking Anna's bunker by a door that requires an access card to open. That way at least the player has to work to obtain the card before entering the POI, which ain't easy early game.


2.Vitamins not preventing food poisoning make no sense and is essentialy a beginner's trap.


When starting my second playthrough in DF, I noticed that hunger is a very huge problem. Since the player can easily die of hunger, I decided to go for my classic strategy from vanilla. I took the vitamins, since it said in the description that it prevents 100% diseases, and food poisoning is obviously a disease. It also states that it prevents dysentery - isn't that food poisoning...? Well, anyway, I got food poisoning from basic food items almost right away, and my food bar dropped to zero. I almost died.


I've seen multiple youtubers falling for this trap in the beginning of their playthrough, including GNaS. In my opinion, this is an oversight from the developer and not fault of the beginner players. If a game mechanic requires trial and error for the players to learn how it works, it's a terrible game mechanic.


It can be fixed two ways. Either make vitamins actually prevent food poisoning, like in vanilla, or put a warning for the players that vitamins do not prevent food poisoning. Maybe write that in their description. That way at least the player will know right away.


3.Demo's explosion blast is way OP.


I've noticed that demo's explosion was made much more devastating in this mod compared to vanilla. Fair enough, more challenge is good. Although it was very annoying dying early on from the blast on blood moons, having little time to react, I was hoping that the problem will go away once I get a better set of armor and protect my base with stronger blocks.


I was wrong. It didn't help a bit. Last blood moon I was wearing all steel armor (with a few mods that increase explosion resistance) and was protected with steel blocks on all sides, but it didn't change a thing. A demo was standing near the blocks on the other side and the alarm went off (which in itself was weird, because I didn't shoot the button and there were no turrets or traps to make it go off, wtf?), and I had very little time to react. I ran away, and from the distance of 4-5 blocks, the blast still killed me in one hit. This makes zero sense. I should also mention that I was playing on nomad difficulty.


In my opinion, this makes blood moons a game of chance. Let me tell you, it's very annoying, having lived 30 days and not dying once, and dying to a demo explosion while wearing good armor and being protected by steel blocks from all sides. And also not being the one who set off the damn button. I had tons of fun dealing with blood moon hoardes up to this point. Now I'm not so sure. I hate the game of luck. This is simply cruel, and not challenging at all.


Is there a game file which I can edit to tone down the amount of damage by demo's explosion? I wanna make the game fair at least. Many thanks in advance.

1) Already considering it since the double doors are technically... the BLUE ones... I think.

2) Vitamins don't protect you against food poisoning IRL either. Stop complaining. Cook your food.

3) The demo IS NOT adjusted. At all. What YOU ran into was a Mutated Demo. Maybe don't touch it's nono button?

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