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Generating new interest in the game


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[FONT=Verdana]I love the new random worlds and the biome masks. I even kinda like the feral hordes. The only thing added lately that I'm not keen on is the time it takes to grow a garden but I will adjust. I enjoyed working my garden every game day. What would make the game more interesting for me would be more textures for building (that are not weak) and more props. Seeing the same thing repeated gets boring. I know that's probably not on the top of the list of things to do but honestly I haven't bothered to build a base since random worlds came out. I've just fortified poi's instead. There's no reason to other than building a different shape. I know more animals are planned or husbandry (not sure) but I don't recall seeing anything about more food plants or recipes. I want something to do when I'm not exploring and killing zombies. I also think it would give me more reason to kill a zombie if they had a chance to drop rare loot like sniper, smg parts, etc. Right now the only enemy in the game that I look forward to killing are hornets for the honey. A new recipe that requires honey would be even better :) Yes, I want to play house while I survive :p What would be interesting for you?[/FONT]
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Hi Lady, You are somewhat on the right track with new building blocks and decorations. The same old stuff does get boring. However, building a base, is always a new adventure. I always build something new and incorporate the old things i have learned along the way. To me, building is the only thing driving me still. Check out my pictures of previous builds. Not all are in the profile but some are there. It might give you some ideas at the very least. [url]http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039577691/screenshots/[/url] Now however i think i may turn into a nomad and just go as far away from the 0,0 as i can. I travelled for maybe 4 hours yesterday and had a blast doing it. I got some great screen shots of untouched lands and was able to feed myself with hunting and get drinks by picking yellow flowers along the way and saving my empty jars for refilling. Carry a stack of coffee seeds for making it as well as golden teas. I also carry a stack of rebar frames to make a base on the lake surface at night for cooking while i wait for morning to travel more. It was very very fun. I even commandeered a house next to a barn in the plains and fortified it for a night. Had the most fun in a long while. The only thing i did not like about travelling was the constant zombies. At home you clear them out then can exhale for a few days while they are gone. On the road, you have no downtime.
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Then build yourself a small community. Right now i have huge base on the lake, with a guest lake house. I built a huge towering fountain in the middle of the road outside. I am currently working on a nice lakeside house with car garage and all and i blew up the street and am remapping the road to come to my base lol. Just me and 1 other guy working on it and its just for fun obviously but we are building our own little community to help noobs get a good start. Perhaps when they introduce a skill system or make things harder to obtain to keep that "wanting" going. Cars would be a good start i think, i would drive around for weeks just touring the countryside :D
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There are plans for NPC's and a quest system, right? That seems to work quite well in terms of maintaining interest in things like mmorpgs... and if you go down that route, how about making more of a deal out of the player level? at the moment it does nothing as far as i can tell, why not have this become useful in some way, and then players would strive to improve their levels
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