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Does console have a toolbelt item drop command like PC?


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On PC, a player can drop items in their toolbelt having that item selected and pressing Q. This makes for easy powerleveling, as they can mass craft tools and weapons, and just press q whenever something crafts.


Does console also have a function like this? I'm assuming not, as I've played around with all the buttons and checked the settings. Figured I could try here and maybe someone knows something I'm just blatantly missing.

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I've noticed some items have the option to drop when you press triangle. It's usually down on the D pad... Not sure if it's there for all items or not though.


Personally I don't drop the items I spam craft. My first objective is finding a gas station stion with a workbench so I can spam craft and upgrade, eventually getting lvl 600 items before my crafting lvl is maxed

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