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All the Worlds a Stage
The ENTIRE game is now gamestaged. Until gamestage 5, you will see slightly weaker versions of zombies in the world, helping to bridge the gap into Ravenhearst. The incredibly talented @Yakov and @Redbeardt  has enabled me the chance to gamestage every aspect of the game. Wilderness Spawns, Wandering Hordes, Biome Spawns, Night Time Spawns ALL of it is now set according to your gamestage. Night Terrors do not spawn pre Gamestage 50. Gamestage tiers are as follows:

GS1 - Normal Zeds
GS100 - Tier 2
GS500 - Tier 3
GS700 - Tier 4
This ensures you do not get overwhelmed and also that the challenge increases as your level increases

The Night Bleeds
The nights in Ravenhearst are full of disgusting creatures and terrifying sounds. Night Walkers are zombies who seek blood and are faster than a normal zombie. But fear not they disappear by morning... until you grow stronger. As your gamestage increases so do the chance that they will remain in the world!

Yakov and Redbeard's Suite of DLL Harmony Tweaks
It goes without saying that Redbeard and Yakov has been a major driving force behind Ravenhearst. They have designed a host of dll tweaks to game mechanics to increase difficulty and functionality. Here is a sampling of what They have done:
Anti Nerd Poling - No longer can you jump and place frames. You have to plan out your builds with ladders and other blocks now. More realistic and challenges people to come up with new ways of overcoming challenges

Recipe Ingredient Limit Removal - Recipes can now have dozens of ingredients so we are no longer restricted to 5. If a recipe has MORE than 5 there will be an arrow below the description you can click. It will scroll through the pages of ingredients.

Blood Moon Vehicle Disabled - Our mod introduces challenges we expect players to face. Vehicles will become disabled on Horde Night. Bicycles will still work. Think of red moon and horde night like an EMP bomb, electricity is whacked during it.

Recipe Count Memory - A configurable option in our menu allows you to remember the last amount of a crafted recipe quantity. So if you made 100 wood, the next time you open it it will read 100. This can be turned off via options..

Skill Points Bonus - You will now gain 2 Skill Points every 10 levels as a boost to your perks. You can use these points just like any other and they are automatically added. So every 10 levels you have something to look forward to!
Gamma Limiter - This may cause some controversy but we have set a limit on Gamma to 75. The reason for this is we have noticed players jacking their gamma up so they can see in house and at night. Some of these pois were designed with shadowy dark corners in mind. A little gamma bump is ok but bumping to 100 defeats the work put in by our POI makers. This is till open to some editing and tuning.

Trader XP Removal - You will no longer level your Player by selling items. This is a gameplay decision made by me. I want actions to count for your level not selling to traders. Other aspects of traders are the same... for now

Shared XP Limiter - When shared party XP first released we all assumed that it would be for questing and groups who work together. Recently it is accounting for people who do not level their weapons or skills but gain levels from party XP. This has led to complaints of tough zombies and unfair gamestages. We have hardcoded the xp sharing to 200M. The reason is gamestage related. Too many undergeared, under powered players who don't go questing with their partners are getting killed by zombies at the gamestage when their skills are not ready.

Modified Descriptions - Now the station something is crafted in and the tool you need are automatically displayed at the end of every description. Descriptions will also display the number of slots an item has.

Airdrop Spawning - Zombies will now spawn dependent on gamestage at airdrops. You will have to fight your way to the airdrop through a horde of undead.
The Final Stand - After you finish your Class and Journal Quests, you will start a long final stand against the Undead. This includes special spawns, Blood Moons and more surprises. Do not start this undergeared!

Quest Crafting Warning - A message will display if you leave a table while crafting an item needed to complete a quest.

Reverse Rotation - QoL addition that allows you to reverse a rotation on blocks placed using LeftShift and LeftMouseClick.

Stash Backpack - The original stash backpack you know and love designed. Click "X" to lock any slot you want in your backpack and move same items to boxes with a simple click. These options save on exit unlike Vanilla.

Vehicle Pickup Disable - Realistic weights on vehicles. You can no longer pick up and store your heavy vehicles. Bicycles can be picked up. Be careful while driving and prepare to dig a vehicle out if it is stuck.

All New Game Options

You can set quest fetches to show indicators on the map, enable headshots only mode, control the size and frequency of wandering hordes, increase range zombies can see you at and enable or disable rage. These settings work on servers as well and a config.yaml file is included in the Mods/0-RHCore Folder.


City Zombie Multiplier - Zombies will now spawn around groups of pois, making cities dangerous. You can control the multiplier in settings
New Video Options - Field of view setting, show crosshairs, change the color of crosshairs or completely disable activation texts for a true clear Hud

Enable/Disable Custom Font - Redbeard has selected a gorgeous font for our mod but we understand some may find it hard to read so you can no enable and disable it in options.

PermaDeath Mode - You can now enable and disable a perma death mode from the RH menu. This adds a permanent death using Wellness.





All the Worlds a Stage
The ENTIRE game is now gamestaged. Until gamestage 5, you will see slightly weaker versions of zombies in the world, helping to bridge the gap into Ravenhearst. The incredibly talented @Yakov and @Redbeardt  has enabled me the chance to gamestage every aspect of the game. Wilderness Spawns, Wandering Hordes, Biome Spawns, Night Time Spawns ALL of it is now set according to your gamestage. Night Terrors do not spawn pre Gamestage 50. Gamestage tiers are as follows:

GS1 - Normal Zeds
GS100 - Tier 2
GS500 - Tier 3
GS700 - Tier 4
This ensures you do not get overwhelmed and also that the challenge increases as your level increases

The Night Bleeds
The nights in Ravenhearst are full of disgusting creatures and terrifying sounds. Night Walkers are zombies who seek blood and are faster than a normal zombie. But fear not they disappear by morning... until you grow stronger. As your gamestage increases so do the chance that they will remain in the world!

Yakov and Redbeard's Suite of DLL Harmony Tweaks
It goes without saying that Redbeard and Yakov has been a major driving force behind Ravenhearst. They have designed a host of dll tweaks to game mechanics to increase difficulty and functionality. Here is a sampling of what They have done:
• Anti Nerd Poling - No longer can you jump and place frames. You have to plan out your builds with ladders and other blocks now. More realistic and challenges people to come up with new ways of overcoming challenges

• Recipe Ingredient Limit Removal - Recipes can now have dozens of ingredients so we are no longer restricted to 5. If a recipe has MORE than 5 there will be an arrow below the description you can click. It will scroll through the pages of ingredients.

• Blood Moon Vehicle Disabled - Our mod introduces challenges we expect players to face. Vehicles will become disabled on Horde Night. Bicycles will still work. Think of red moon and horde night like an EMP bomb, electricity is whacked during it.

• Recipe Count Memory - A configurable option in our menu allows you to remember the last amount of a crafted recipe quantity. So if you made 100 wood, the next time you open it it will read 100. This can be turned off via options..

• Skill Points Bonus - You will now gain 2 Skill Points every 10 levels as a boost to your perks. You can use these points just like any other and they are automatically added. So every 10 levels you have something to look forward to!
• Gamma Limiter - This may cause some controversy but we have set a limit on Gamma to 75. The reason for this is we have noticed players jacking their gamma up so they can see in house and at night. Some of these pois were designed with shadowy dark corners in mind. A little gamma bump is ok but bumping to 100 defeats the work put in by our POI makers. This is till open to some editing and tuning.

• Trader XP Removal - You will no longer level your Player by selling items. This is a gameplay decision made by me. I want actions to count for your level not selling to traders. Other aspects of traders are the same... for now

• Shared XP Limiter - When shared party XP first released we all assumed that it would be for questing and groups who work together. Recently it is accounting for people who do not level their weapons or skills but gain levels from party XP. This has led to complaints of tough zombies and unfair gamestages. We have hardcoded the xp sharing to 200M. The reason is gamestage related. Too many undergeared, under powered players who don't go questing with their partners are getting killed by zombies at the gamestage when their skills are not ready.

• Modified Descriptions - Now the station something is crafted in and the tool you need are automatically displayed at the end of every description. Descriptions will also display the number of slots an item has.

• Airdrop Spawning - Zombies will now spawn dependent on gamestage at airdrops. You will have to fight your way to the airdrop through a horde of undead.
• The Final Stand - After you finish your Class and Journal Quests, you will start a long final stand against the Undead. This includes special spawns, Blood Moons and more surprises. Do not start this undergeared!

• Quest Crafting Warning - A message will display if you leave a table while crafting an item needed to complete a quest.

• Reverse Rotation - QoL addition that allows you to reverse a rotation on blocks placed using LeftShift and LeftMouseClick.

• Stash Backpack - The original stash backpack you know and love designed. Click "X" to lock any slot you want in your backpack and move same items to boxes with a simple click. These options save on exit unlike Vanilla.

• Vehicle Pickup Disable - Realistic weights on vehicles. You can no longer pick up and store your heavy vehicles. Bicycles can be picked up. Be careful while driving and prepare to dig a vehicle out if it is stuck.

All New Game Options

You can set quest fetches to show indicators on the map, enable headshots only mode, control the size and frequency of wandering hordes, increase range zombies can see you at and enable or disable rage. These settings work on servers as well and a config.yaml file is included in the Mods/0-RHCore Folder.


City Zombie Multiplier - Zombies will now spawn around groups of pois, making cities dangerous. You can control the multiplier in settings
New Video Options - Field of view setting, show crosshairs, change the color of crosshairs or completely disable activation texts for a true clear Hud

Enable/Disable Custom Font - Redbeard has selected a gorgeous font for our mod but we understand some may find it hard to read so you can no enable and disable it in options.

PermaDeath Mode - You can now enable and disable a perma death mode from the RH menu. This adds a permanent death using Wellness.







All the Worlds a Stage

The ENTIRE game is now gamestaged. Until gamestage 5, you will see slightly weaker versions of zombies in the world, helping to bridge the gap into Ravenhearst. The incredibly talented wOOkie nOOkie has enabled me the chance to gamestage every aspect of the game. Wilderness Spawns, Wandering Hordes, Biome Spawns, Night Time Spawns ALL of it is now set according to your gamestage so you wont see ferals or cops on Day 2. Not until you reach over a certain gamestage. Night Terrors do not spawn pre Gamestage 50. Gamestage tiers are as follows:

GS1 - Normal Zeds
GS50 - Tier 2
GS100 - Tier 3
This ensures you do not get overwhelmed and also that the challenge increases as your level increases


The Night Bleeds

The nights in Ravenhearst are full of disgusting creatures and terrifying sounds. Night Walkers are zombies who seek blood and are faster than a normal zombie. But fear not they disappear by morning... until you grow stronger. As your gamestage increases so do the chance that they will remain in the world!



Suite of DLL Harmony Tweaks

It goes without saying that wOOkie nOOkie had been a major driving force behind Ravenhearst. Since leaving the team, our new coders Yakov and Redbeard have converted all of our old code and given it new life. The following make its return to our mod thanks to them:
• Anti Nerd Poling - No longer can you jump and place frames. You have to plan out your builds with ladders and other blocks now. More realistic and challenges people to come up with new ways of overcoming challenges

• Recipe Ingredient Limit Removal - Recipes can now have dozens of ingredients so we are no longer restricted to 5. If a recipe has MORE than 5 there will be an arrow below the description you can click. It will scroll through the pages of ingredients.

• Blood Moon Vehicle Disabled - Our mod introduces challenges we expect players to face. Vehicles will become disabled on Horde Night. Bicycles will still work. Think of red moon and horde night like an EMP bomb, electricity is whacked during it.

• Skill Points Bonus - You will now gain 2 Skill Points every 10 levels as a boost to your perks. You can use these points just like any other and they are automatically added. So every 10 levels you have something to look forward to!

• Gamma Limiter - This may cause some controversy but we have set a limit on Gamma to 75. The reason for this is we have noticed players jacking their gamma up so they can see in house and at night. Some of these pois were designed with shadowy dark corners in mind. A little gamma bump is ok but bumping to 100 defeats the work put in by our POI makers. This is till open to some editing and tuning.

• Trader XP Removal - You will no longer level your Player by selling items. This is a gameplay decision made by me. I want actions to count for your level not selling to traders. Other aspects of traders are the same... for now

• Shared XP Limiter - When shared party XP first released we all assumed that it would be for questing and groups who work together. Recently it is accounting for people who do not level their weapons or skills but gain levels from party XP. This has led to complaints of tough zombies and unfair gamestages. We have hardcoded the xp sharing to 200M. The reason is gamestage related. Too many undergeared, under powered players who dont go questing with their partners are getting killed by zombies at the gamestage when their skills are not ready.

• Modified Descriptions - Now the station something is crafted in and the tool you need are automatically displayed at the end of every description. Descriptions will also display the number of slots an item has.

• Airdrop Spawning - Zombies will now spawn dependent on gamestage at airdrops. You will have to fight your way to the airdrop.

• Quest Increases - You can now see more quests in the trader window and he will offer quests below the tier you are on as well.

• Quest Crafting Warning - A message will display if you leave a table while crafting an item needed to complete a quest.

• Reverse Rotation - QoL addition that allows you to reverse a rotation on blocks placed using LeftShift and LeftMouseClick.

• Stash Backpack - The original stash backpack you know and love designed by wookie

• Vehicle Pickup Disable - Realistic weights on vehicles. You can no longer pick up and store your heavy vehicles. Bicycles can be picked up. Be careful while driving and prepare to dig a vehicle out if it is stuck.


All New Game Options

You can set quest fetches to show indicators on the map, enable headshots only mode, control the size and frequency of wandering hordes, increase range zombies can see you at and enable or disable rage. These settings work on servers as well and a rh_gameoptions file is included in the Extra Files folder.

• POI Zombie Multiplier - zombies will now spawn around groups of pois, making cities dangerous. You can control the multiplier in settings
• New Video Options - Field of view setting, show crosshairs, change the color of crosshairs or completely disable activation texts for a true clear hud

• PermaDeath Mode - You can now enable and disable a perma death mode from the RH menu. This adds a permanent death using Wellness.


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