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Hello. Is the tutorial here still valid for 1.0? Latest Unity version is "2022.3.40f1". Tried to open project from github, but:


"To open your project, install Editor version 2021.3.19f1 or select a different version below. Please note: using a different Editor version than the one your project was created with may introduce risks."


So, we still need to downgrade to 2021.3, even for game version 1.0?


All i need is about Textures. To export textures>edit the ones i need>import back as mod>use in-game. Everywhere i look, tutorials are super outdated, from years ago. I'm using https://github.com/zhangjiequan/AssetStudio , an/or UABE, but again nowhere a single guide about extracting/importing/creating even a simple texture mod, plus UABE always throw errors. AssetRipper also same. So, anyone can provide please a fully updated tutorial (with tools we need, etc ) for game version 1.0? Thanks in advance.



Hello. Is the tutorial here still valid for 1.0? Latest Unity version is "2022.3.40f1". Tried to open project from github, but:


"To open your project, install Editor version 2021.3.19f1 or select a different version below. Please note: using a different Editor version than the one your project was created with may introduce risks."


So, we still need to downgrade to 2021.3, even for game version 1.0?


All i need is about Textures. To export textures>edit the ones i need>import back as mod>use in-game. Everywhere i look, tutorials are super outdated, from years ago. I'm using https://github.com/zhangjiequan/AssetStudio , but again nowhere a single guide about extracting/importing/creating even a simple texture mod. Anyone can provide please a fully updated tutorial (with tools we need, etc ) for game version 1.0? Thanks in advance.



Hello. Is the tutorial here still valid for 1.0? Latest Unity version is "2022.3.40f1". Tried to open project from github, but:


"To open your project, install Editor version 2021.3.19f1 or select a different version below. Please note: using a different Editor version than the one your project was created with may introduce risks."


So, we still need to downgrade to 2021.3, even for game version 1.0?

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