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New animals


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I know we have pigs, rabbits, OMG HUGE WTF WASP ( what's up with them btw ), and deer. Would it be possible or are there plans in place to have more types of animals in the wilds? Say squirrels, birds of all different types, prairie dogs, coyotes, snakes, fish, lizards, rats ( big one would be rats with all the trash about ), even cockroaches would be interesting. Flies for ambiance around dead animals/zeds/people. Maybe mosquitoes too, that'd be a way to introduce other illness to the game too. So would rats, ie dead bodies, rats, fleas, PLAGUE. o.O A different thread got me thinking about ways to interact with animals and got me to thinking about how hard it would be to bring in different types of animals since the base style code is already in place, just the models would have to be different and a bit of movement would have to be tweaked. In a game made with immersion in it's list of top goals, i'd be up for giving it a go to see if I could come up with anything usable.
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I agree we could/should have more animals, and different kinds. As well as more types of zombies. Back to animals, birds would be a great addition as for feathers. Fish would also be a nice one, we already have fishing weights, could be used with sticks and webs/grass + iron (hook) to be able to fish. As for ground animals, an animal that can fight back (but with greater loot) like a bear/coyote/boar would also be nice. And please don't make a zombie bear, it's enough to have stupidly crazy zombie dogs and the WTF giant wasps (no sense at all). Another smaller animal (besides the rabbit) like a squirrel could also be nice. And what about cows?
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[QUOTE=CapPimpolho;135411]an animal that can fight back (but with greater loot) like a bear/coyote/boar would also be nice. And please don't make a zombie bear, it's enough to have stupidly crazy zombie dogs and the WTF giant wasps (no sense at all). Another smaller animal (besides the rabbit) like a squirrel could also be nice. And what about cows?[/QUOTE] Great idea. cows could even be farmable animals? Capture yourself a chicken for harvestable eggs & feathers :sneakiness:
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I'm going to work on a few things, traps are first since they could just be a standard block with attributes, past that, i think animals may be something i work on later. I like the idea of having cows/chickens/domesticated goats ect ect that dont run from you or are housed in a way that you can easily approach them and "harvest" certain items from them. I may start off with a type of chicken nest where you can either interact with the chicken for meat, or interact with the nest for eggs and have them "grow" as plants do as far as producing eggs on a periodic basis. Then cows producing milk on a regular basis. Maybe a falcon perch where they can go off and hunt. Dropping what they find into a box you can "farm". It'd be a random supply of meat, say from rabbits and what not. on a funny side note, how fun would it be to have a pet ferret that would go fetch items for you periodically. ie check their box, find anything they might grab such items anywhere from tin cans to plants.
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