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True Survival Mod News 


I've gotten to the point where I can see what I have left to do and how long it will take. So I have made some decisions. I will not be holding the mod from release until its complete. Instead this is my new plan. Release Road Map for TS A21 True Survival A21 will be released in 3 main parts.

  • 9/1/23- First public test build will be released. It will essentially be the TS A20 mod updated to A21 plus all the new game mechanics and systems that have been added for A21
  • 10/1/23- The first half of the campaign will be added up to and including producing the ZVirus cure.
  • 11/1/23- The complete campaign will be added, adding end game and stopping the cause of the ZVirus.


I believe this release schedule will help me stay focused and also speed up completion with others helping with balancing and bug finding. 

New A21 True Survival Mod Info Here




True Survival Mod News 


I've gotten to the point where I can see what I have left to do and how long it will take. So I have made some decisions. I will not be holding the mod from release until its complete. Instead this is my new plan. Release Road Map for TS A21 True Survival A21 will be released in 3 main parts.

  • 9/1/23- First public test build will be released. It will essentially be the TS A20 mod updated to A21 plus all the new game mechanics and systems that have been added for A21
  • 10/1/23- The first half of the campaign will be added up to and including producing the ZVirus cure.
  • 11/1/23- The complete campaign will be added, adding end game and stopping the cause of the ZVirus.

I believe this release schedule will help me stay focused and also speed up completion with others helping with balancing and bug finding. 

New A21 True Survival Mod Info Here




Treu Survival Mod News 


I've gotten to the point where I can see what I have left to do and how long it will take. So I have made some decisions. I will not be holding the mod from release until its complete. Instead this is my new plan. Release Road Map for TS A21 True Survival A21 will be released in 3 main parts.

  • 9/1/23- First public test build will be released. It will essentially be the TS A20 mod updated to A21 plus all the new game mechanics and systems that have been added for A21
  • 10/1/23- The first half of the campaign will be added up to and including producing the ZVirus cure.
  • 11/1/23- The complete campaign will be added, adding end game and stopping the cause of the ZVirus.

I believe this release schedule will help me stay focused and also speed up completion with others helping with balancing and bug finding. 

New A21 True Survival Mod Info Here


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