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3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Riamus Painkillers ftw, that instant 40 health saved me a lot of times.

Can't say I've ever even used them.  Lol.


But that's not just with this game.  Other than basic healing potions and mana potions for games that have such things, or else similar stuff in games that have other things, I don't use the vast majority of potions or meds.  I probably use more in this game than in others because there are so many different debuffs that all require something different to fix and that don't go away for a long time, but any "extras" I just don't bother with.  I don't use painkillers, almost never touch steroids unless I'm overburdened in the early game before getting a bike and happen to have looted some and think about them, I don't use any candies, etc.


You might think of me as a stereotypical fighter/warrior character... I just go in fighting and don't worry much about anything else.  Lol.  Though I have played many other types of classes in games and enjoy many of them.  But I still mostly just use the minimal selection of potions/drinks/food items, no matter the game.



3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Riamus Painkillers ftw, that instant 40 health saved me a lot of times.

Can't say I've ever even used them.  Lol.

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