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3 hours ago, theFlu said:

Sure, but they also want the game to be easily moddable - why would that default be holy? Being hard-coded, it's difficult to mod, so


sounds a little ... obnoxious.

It's not hard coded, there is already a mod for this.


Nexus mod search "No Zombie Rage" problem solved and you didn't need to waste the devs time for something a small % are asking for.


TFP are making the game they want first. Why did they add in rage mode? Because the combat was too easy and predictable. They literally stated this as their reasoning when it was added to the game. A ton of people complain the game is already too easy on max difficulty. I don't see any reason for them to remove something they added to solve a problem they perceived, especially when there is a mod for it. Adding a button next to feral sense is NOT as simple as you think it is. That is why when a mod exists to solve a problem, there isn't a lot of motivation on their part to fix something they don't perceive to be an issue (ya know because a solution exists)



3 hours ago, theFlu said:

Sure, but they also want the game to be easily moddable - why would that default be holy? Being hard-coded, it's difficult to mod, so


sounds a little ... obnoxious.

It's not hard coded, there is already a mod for this.


Nexus mod search "No Zombie Rage" problem solved and you didn't need to waste the devs time for something a small % are asking for.


TFP are making the game they want first. Why did they add in rage mode? Because the combat was too easy and predictable. They literally stayed this as their reasoning when it was added to the game. A ton of people complain the game is already too easy on max difficulty. I don't see any reason for them to remove something they added to solve a problem they perceived, especially when there is a mod for it. Adding a button next to feral sense is NOT as simple as you think it is. That is why when a mod exists to solve a problem, there isn't a lot of motivation on their part to fix something they don't perceive to be an issue (ya know because a solution exists)



3 hours ago, theFlu said:

Sure, but they also want the game to be easily moddable - why would that default be holy? Being hard-coded, it's difficult to mod, so


sounds a little ... obnoxious.

It's not hard coded, there is already a mod for this.


Nexus mod search "No Zombie Rage" problem solved and you didn't need to waste the devs time for something a small % are asking for.



3 hours ago, theFlu said:

Sure, but they also want the game to be easily moddable - why would that default be holy? Being hard-coded, it's difficult to mod, so


sounds a little ... obnoxious.

It's not hard coded, there is already a mod for this.

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