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12 hours ago, warmer said:

Without that "feature" the AI becomes incredibly simple and predictable. I love it, it makes things way more dynamic. 


Why do you actually want it off? What does that do for you other than making it much easier?


Mostly because its a cheapshot system for melee. Its bad enough zombies for whatever stupid reason stagger forward instead of backwards like any other game. Also, TFP has not coded the animations properly with proper stalls etc, I don't know how to explain it exactly, but zombies can attack with 0 animation and hit you during other animations, which shouldn't be possible. There are 3 times this usually happens: when they start to rage, when they do the ballarena spin after being hit, and when the stagger foward. If I am using guns I don't really care about the rage system, its only a problem with melee.


You see, zombies back in a16.4 couldn't attack when other animations were playing and they had to be stopped, TFP changed that and allowed them to attack while moving, but they forgot to edit the animations, so the attack cannot play during staggers and such. Which is the reason why you often get hit by a zombie without the zombie doing any attack animation whatsoever, you just take damage. The Rage system makes this issue even worse.


All in all though I just want more customization options, if they have zombie run speed settings and feral sense there is 0 reason why Zombie Rage cannot be on that menu too, Default, could be the difficulty chance, More would maybe double it, less, would reduce it, and then there is Always and Off.


I'd also like zombie digging to be on that menu with 3 settings: Off, Animals Only, All. Default would be All, just like for zombie rage would be default.


Also don't forget these are zombies, they aren't supposed to be smart. Mod I current play alot is called Afterlife, and it changes the Ai, to make it a bit like a16.4, as in, you can't herd the zombies to a kill box like you can in vanilla. Most vanilla bases for blood moons do not work in Afterlife, as its more closer to a16.4 where they will hit the first block they get to, so you have to defend all sides, as there is no real way to force them to follow your path to a kill box. Brought some new challenge to horde nights, especially when some of the new special zombies show up, for example, Spider zombies can climb walls again, and even have a proper climbing animation in this mod. They can also climb over the "lips" people used to use to stop them in a16.4. Afterlifes skill system is 100% learn by doing, with the magazine system thats been edited so stats do not influence what you find, but there IS a research desk so you can scrap magazines/books you do not need and recraft the material into ones you do. Even the stats are learn by doing, as you use say, Axes to log, it'll also up your exp in strgenth and other related stats. Its a long haul slow burn mod, progression is vastly slowed down, and it has multiple new gameplay systems as well.


8 hours ago, warmer said:

I can understand that for a mod, because that is a special use case. In vanilla, I definitely think we need it. I can't stand a lot of zombie games simply because their AI is so dumb and simple. I need to feel some danger or the excitement is just gone for me.


I also don't play vanilla much, vanilla is stale and hasn't gone anywhere but downhill since a16.4, I don't expect it to ever get better as TFP doesn't seem intersted in fixing the games problems. Most overhauls I play have new stuff that adds challenge that vanilla lacks.



12 hours ago, warmer said:

Without that "feature" the AI becomes incredibly simple and predictable. I love it, it makes things way more dynamic. 


Why do you actually want it off? What does that do for you other than making it much easier?


Mostly because its a cheapshot system for melee. Its bad enough zombies for whatever stupid reason stagger forward instead of backwards like any other game. Also, TFP has not coded the animations properly with proper stalls etc, I don't know how to explain it exactly, but zombies can attack with 0 animation and hit you during other animations, which shouldn't be possible. There are 3 times this usually happens: when they start to rage, when they do the ballarena spin after being hit, and when the stagger foward. If I am using guns I don't really care about the rage system, its only a problem with melee.


You see, zombies back in a16.4 couldn't attack when other animations were playing and they had to be stopped, TFP changed that and allowed them to attack while moving, but they forgot to edit the animations, so the attack cannot play during staggers and such. Which is the reason why you often get hit by a zombie without the zombie doing any attack animation whatsoever, you just take damage. The Rage system makes this issue even worse.


All in all though I just want more customization options, if they have zombie run speed settings and feral sense there is 0 reason why Zombie Rage cannot be on that menu too, Default, could be the difficulty chance, More would maybe double it, less, would reduce it, and then there is Always and Off.


I'd also like zombie digging to be on that menu with 3 settings: Off, Animals Only, All. Default would be All, just like for zombie rage would be default.


Also don't forget these are zombies, they aren't supposed to be smart.


8 hours ago, warmer said:

I can understand that for a mod, because that is a special use case. In vanilla, I definitely think we need it. I can't stand a lot of zombie games simply because their AI is so dumb and simple. I need to feel some danger or the excitement is just gone for me.


I also don't play vanilla much, vanilla is stale and hasn't gone anywhere but downhill since a16.4, I don't expect it to ever get better as TFP doesn't seem intersted in fixing the games problems. Most overhauls I play have new stuff that adds challenge that vanilla lacks.



12 hours ago, warmer said:

Without that "feature" the AI becomes incredibly simple and predictable. I love it, it makes things way more dynamic. 


Why do you actually want it off? What does that do for you other than making it much easier?


Mostly because its a cheapshot system for melee. Its bad enough zombies for whatever stupid reason stagger forward instead of backwards like any other game. Also, TFP has not coded the animations properly with proper stalls etc, I don't know how to explain it exactly, but zombies can attack with 0 animation and hit you during other animations, which shouldn't be possible. There are 3 times this usually happens: when they start to rage, when they do the ballarena spin after being hit, and when the stagger foward. If I am using guns I don't really care about the rage system, its only a problem with melee.


You see, zombies back in a16.4 couldn't attack when other animations were playing and they had to be stopped, TFP changed that and allowed them to attack while moving, but they forgot to edit the animations, so the attack cannot play during staggers and such. Which is the reason why you often get hit by a zombie without the zombie doing any attack animation whatsoever, you just take damage. The Rage system makes this issue even worse.


All in all though I just want more customization options, if they have zombie run speed settings and feral sense there is 0 reason why Zombie Rage cannot be on that menu too, Default, could be the difficulty chance, More would maybe double it, less, would reduce it, and then there is Always and Off.


I'd also like zombie digging to be on that menu with 3 settings: Off, Animals Only, All. Default would be All, just like for zombie rage would be default.

8 hours ago, warmer said:

I can understand that for a mod, because that is a special use case. In vanilla, I definitely think we need it. I can't stand a lot of zombie games simply because their AI is so dumb and simple. I need to feel some danger or the excitement is just gone for me.


I also don't play vanilla much, vanilla is stale and hasn't gone anywhere but downhill since a16.4, I don't expect it to ever get better as TFP doesn't seem intersted in fixing the games problems. Most overhauls I play have new stuff that adds challenge that vanilla lacks.

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