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2 hours ago, Hated said:

Prefab Editor "Rnd decorate Sel." also sets random rotations


This was neat to play with. Some feedback:

  • Depending on the block chosen to place, 10% can be heavy. The ability to set the percentage would be nice.
    • For instance, placing deco trash ... okay, 10% maybe.
    • Placing sleepers ... too high.
    • Placing landmines ... too high, too low ... you make the call! LOL
  • It would be nice if it did not replace a block to place the selected block. That is, it should only replace air.
    • This way if you make a selection of all the terrain all the way around a POI, it doesn't replace parts of the floor in the POI.
  • It would be nice if it only placed blocks upon other blocks, rather than floating in the air.
    • Admittedly, you probably didn't envision somebody trying it with a 3D selection.
    • PS, all the floating trash looked surreal. A "trash cloud."
  • If you keep clicking the button, it removes blocks other than what you'll randomly filling with but it doesn't replace any of the blocks you are filling with so you slowly approach 100% rather than just getting a new random pattern.
  • I cannot fill with the deco cloth block, then fill with the deco plastic cup block, and then fill with the deco paper block block as it will wipe out other deco. Is it clear what I mean? There's like 10 deco trash blocks now.


1 hour ago, Hated said:

Prefab Editor "Rnd decorate Sel." also sets random rotations


This was neat to play with. Some feedback:

  • Depending on the block chosen to place, 10% can be heavy. The ability to set the percentage would be nice.
    • For instance, placing deco trash ... okay, 10% maybe.
    • Placing sleepers ... too high.
    • Placing landmines ... too high, too low ... you make the call! LOL
  • It would be nice if it did not replace a block to place the selected block. That is, it should only replace air.
    • This way if you make a selection of all the terrain all the way around a POI, it doesn't replace parts of the floor in the POI.
  • It would be nice if it only placed blocks upon other blocks, rather than floating in the air.
    • Admittedly, you probably didn't envision somebody trying it with a 3D selection.
    • PS, all the floating trash looked surreal. A "trash cloud."
  • If you keep clicking the button, it removes blocks other than what you'll randomly filling with but it doesn't replace any of the blocks you are filling with so you slowly approach 100% rather than just getting a new random pattern.
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