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On 9/17/2024 at 4:12 PM, AidenwithAnAxe said:

Honestly tfp should add a feature where you can place pictures. this would be nice for decorative purposes. 


This seems quite viable for solo play as there are lesser technical and no social complications.


For server play you get the added complication of having to upload, store, and distribute the images. Or, you get to upload, store, and distribute URLs of images to be found on web servers. While not a major complication, it does involve work. There might be complications in allowing certain image types. But for server play I suspect one might argue TFP or server operators start to get into social complications and depending on how much risk you assign to potential legalities, you might conclude it isn't worth the risk. While I suspect TFP would have very little chance of legal entanglements, somebody only has to believe they have suffered harm and file suit for TFP to find themselves defending themselves, bearing the costs regardless of victory.


I do like the suggestion. I'd certainly use it.



On 9/17/2024 at 4:12 PM, AidenwithAnAxe said:

Honestly tfp should add a feature where you can place pictures. this would be nice for decorative purposes. 


This seems quite viable for solo play as there are lesser technical and no social complications.


For server play you get the added complication of having to upload, store, and distribute the images. Or, you get to upload, store, and distribute URLs of images to be found on web servers. While not a major complication, it does involve work. There might be complications in allowing certain image types. But for server play I suspect one might argue TFP or server operators start to get into social complications and depending on how much risk you assign to potential legalities, you might conclude it isn't worth the risk. While I suspect TFP would have very little chance of legal entanglements, somebody only has to believe they have suffered harm and file suit for TFP to find themselves defending themselves, bearing the costs regardless of victory.


In the grand scheme of things if I had to guess, I'd think TFP has enough promised features on its plate for now, but I do like the suggestion.

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