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On 9/17/2024 at 7:53 AM, SylenThunder said:


Why to people always focus on Alpha 16?  That was probably one of the absolute buggiest versions that existed. Drive down a road and your minibike would teleport into a hill next to you with you on it. Managing servers was almost a complete nightmare unless you used several API mods to counter a number of the games issues in the world.

It was probably the first version that started taking away most of the survival aspects. Oh wait.. THAT"S why you like it so much. Alpha 16 was basically easy mode with no challenge and infinite food and ammo.


Bite your tongue. I still have a soft spot for A16, since that's when I first started playing 7D2D, and first started playing the huge number of mods for it. It's still great in its own way. (And it wasn't nearly as buggy as A15 from what I've been told.)


...Not that I'll ever go back to it now. I tried to do that relatively recently, and it just seems like amateur hour today. Graphics are sub-par, there is a huge lack of features (only one vehicle!), etc.


But there are still a bunch of game mechanics that I am sorry were removed, like weapon parts, or LBD, or planting crops directly into terrain blocks, or possibly "stupid" zombie pathing. Even though 1.0 is a better game overall, I can absolutely understand people who think that A16 was the highlight of the game's mechanics.


EDIT: I should really mention that there are mods out there which will bring back many of these mechanics (to the degree possible). It is to TFP's credit that they made the game easy to mod so that people can do this. For players it is the best of both worlds: you can get the improvements to the game that TFP implemented, but you can also find ways to revert the game mechanics if you want to.



On 9/17/2024 at 7:53 AM, SylenThunder said:


Why to people always focus on Alpha 16?  That was probably one of the absolute buggiest versions that existed. Drive down a road and your minibike would teleport into a hill next to you with you on it. Managing servers was almost a complete nightmare unless you used several API mods to counter a number of the games issues in the world.

It was probably the first version that started taking away most of the survival aspects. Oh wait.. THAT"S why you like it so much. Alpha 16 was basically easy mode with no challenge and infinite food and ammo.


Bite your tongue. I still have a soft spot for A16, since that's when I first started playing 7D2D, and first started playing the huge number of mods for it. It's still great in its own way. (And it wasn't nearly as buggy as A15 from what I've been told.)


...Not that I'll ever go back to it now. I tried to do that relatively recently, and it just seems like amateur hour today. Graphics are sub-par, there is a huge lack of features (only one vehicle!), etc.


But there are still a bunch of game mechanics that I am sorry were removed, like weapon parts, or LBD, or planting crops directly into terrain blocks, or possibly "stupid" zombie pathing. Even though 1.0 is a better game overall, I can absolutely understand people who think that A16 was the highlight of the game's mechanics.

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