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Better advanced rotation for garage doors


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Low priority wish, but I would love to see advanced rotation for garage doors fixed.  You can do it now, and for the most part it works, but there are certain placements that just don't work, and there is no logical reason for it.  Can placement of garage doors please be made to secure in the same way that other doors and structures do, ie, if there is any kind of structural support on ANY side, it will secure.  2 examples of how it doesn't work, both made with frames totally surrounding desired opening.  If you wanted to make a 3x6 garage door that opens toward external points, placing two 3x3 doors on their sides, they won't place in that configuration.  They can be placed, but only opening toward a central point, not an external one.  Another example, another 3x6 door using three 2x3 doors on their side.  One will place on the end, but even if both sides are secured, the other 2 will not place.  Again, not a huge priority, there are still a number of other issues that clearly need to be worked on, but I would love to see this functionality proper put in the game, as it allows for a number of great design options that are currently impossible.

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